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Sphinx Search Issues with Cakephp


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Need some help to get Sphinx Search working - framework being used is CakePHP.

Here's the error when clicking the search form on page (I'll post the class code following the error info debugged from CakePHP


Notice (: Undefined index: Job [APP/Controller/JobsController.php, line 79]
Code Context

$search = object(SphinxClient) {
	_host => 'localhost'
	_port => (int) 9312
	_offset => (int) 0
	_limit => (int) 20
	_mode => (int) 6
	_weights => array()
	_sort => (int) 0
	_sortby => ''
	_min_id => (int) 0
	_max_id => (int) 0
	_filters => array()
	_groupby => ''
	_groupfunc => (int) 0
	_groupsort => '@group desc'
	_groupdistinct => ''
	_maxmatches => (int) 1000
	_cutoff => (int) 0
	_retrycount => (int) 0
	_retrydelay => (int) 0
	_anchor => array()
	_indexweights => array()
	_ranker => (int) 0
	_rankexpr => ''
	_maxquerytime => (int) 0
	_fieldweights => array()
	_overrides => array()
	_select => '*'
	_error => ''
	_warning => ''
	_connerror => false
	_reqs => array()
	_mbenc => ''
	_arrayresult => false
	_timeout => (int) 0
	_path => false
	_socket => false

JobsController::search() - APP/Controller/JobsController.php, line 79
ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??
Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 486
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 187
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 162
[main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 109

And here's the snippet of code from 'JobsController.php

Q: I see the error stating, 'ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??' but need some guidance on how to isolate the fault and resolve.

To add, I have found some syntax issues as well - I'm fixing those but need some guidance on getting Sphinx query up and running based on stated criteria.


FYI: (Line 79 starts w/this line of code: $results = $search->query($this->request->data['Job']['keywords'], 'src2');


App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');

 * Jobs Controller
 * @property Job $Job
class JobsController extends AppController {

 * Uses
 * @var array
	// JobTypeType is *not* a typo below
	public $uses = array('User', 'Resume', 'JobType', 'FieldType', 'Job', 'JobTypeType', 'JobFieldType', 'UserField', 'UserFieldType', 'EducationLevel', 'CandidateView', 'EmployerProfile');
 * Helpers
 * @var array
	public $helpers = array('Text', 'Js', 'Time', 'Number', 'Func');

 * Components
 * @var array
	public $components = array('Email');

 * beforeFilter callback
 * @return void
	public function beforeFilter() {
		//echo $this->request->here;
		$this->Auth->allow('recent', 'daily', 'industries', 'search', 'limited', 'view');

 * isAuthorized callback
 * @return void
	public function isAuthorized($user) {
		if ($user['Role']['role_name'] == 'Employer') {
			return true;
		} else {
			if ($user['Role']['role_name'] == 'Candidate') {
				if (in_array($this->action, array('search','togglefavorite'))) {
					return true;
			if (in_array($this->action, array('view'))) {
				return true;
		return true;

 * search method
 * Takes full-text Sphinx search results and then filters & paginates
 * @return void
	public function search() {
		if ($this->request->is('post')) {
			$search = new SphinxClient();
			$results = $search->query($this->request->data['Job']['keywords'], 'src2');
			if (isset($results['matches'])) {
				$conditions['Job.id'] = array_keys($results['matches']);
			if (isset($this->request->data['Job']['field_types_id'])) {
				foreach ($this->request->data['Job']['field_types_id'] as $field_type_id) {
// 					$conditions[]['Job.job_field_types LIKE'] = '|%' . $field_type_id . '%|';
					$field_type_conditions[]['Job.job_field_types LIKE'] = '%|' . $field_type_id . '|%';
			if (isset($this->request->data['Job']['job_types_id'])) {
				foreach ($this->request->data['Job']['job_types_id'] as $job_type_id) {
// 					$conditions[]['Job.job_type_types LIKE'] = '|%' . $job_type_id . '%|';
					$job_type_conditions[]['Job.job_type_types LIKE'] = '%|' . $job_type_id . '|%';
			if (is_numeric($this->request->data['Job']['job_salary_type']) 
				$conditions['Job.job_salary_type'] = $this->request->data['Job']['job_salary_type'];
				$conditions['Job.job_salary BETWEEN ? AND ?'] = array(
			if (is_numeric($this->request->data['Job']['minimum_experience'])) {
				$conditions['Job.minimum_experience >='] = $this->request->data['Job']['minimum_experience']; 
			if (isset($this->request->data['Job']['education_levels_id'])) {	
				foreach ($this->request->data['Job']['education_levels_id'] as $education_levels_id) {
					$conditions['OR'][]['Job.education_levels_id'] = $education_levels_id;
			if (isset($this->request->data['Job']['date_posted'])) {
				switch ($this->request->data['Job']['date_posted']) {
					// Posted Today
					case 'today':
						$conditions['Job.modified BETWEEN ? AND ?'] = array(
							date('Y-m-d').' 00:00:00',
							date('Y-m-d').' 23:59:59',
					// Posted This Week
					case 'week':
						$monday = intval(date('d')) - intval(date('N')) + 1;
						$conditions['Job.modified BETWEEN ? AND ?'] = array(
							date('Y-m-').$monday.' 00:00:00',
							date('Y-m-d H:i:s')							
					// Posted This Month 
					case 'month':
						$conditions['Job.modified BETWEEN ? AND ?'] = array(
							date('Y-m-1').' 00:00:00',
							date('Y-m-d H:i:s')							
					// Posted Any
					case '':
						$conditions['Job.modified NOT'] = null;
			$conditions[]['Job.deleted'] = null;
		} else {
			$conditions[]['Job.deleted'] = null;
		if (isset($field_type_conditions)) {
			if (isset($job_type_conditions)) {
				$final_conditions = array(
						'AND' => array(
								array('OR' => $field_type_conditions),
								array('OR' => $job_type_conditions),
			} else {
				$final_conditions = array(
						'AND' => array(
								array('OR' => $field_type_conditions),
		} else {
			if (isset($job_type_conditions)) {
				$final_conditions = array(
						'AND' => array(
								array('OR' => $job_type_conditions),
			} else {
				$final_conditions = array(
						'AND' => array(
		$this->Job->recursive = 0;
		$this->paginate = array(
			'conditions' => $final_conditions,
			'order' => array('Job.modified DESC')
		$jobs = $this->paginate('Job');
		$fieldTypes = $this->FieldType->find('list');
		$jobTypes = $this->JobType->find('list');
		$empRaw = $this->EmployerProfile->find('all', ['fields'=>['users_id','company_name']]);
		foreach ($empRaw as $emp) {
			$empList[$emp['EmployerProfile']['users_id']] = $emp['EmployerProfile']['company_name']; 
		$educationLevels = $this->EducationLevel->find('list');
		foreach ($jobs as &$job) {
		$this->set('jobs', $jobs);
		$this->set(compact('fieldTypes', 'jobTypes', 'educationLevels', 'empList', 'final_conditions'));

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