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Pivot Table or Cross Tab in PHP using MYSQL for attendance


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I want to create attendance sheet on which date are printed as column and name of student/staff as column
database is as shown
  `date` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,
  `time` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
  `staffname` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
  `id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `role` varchar(1000) NOT NULL,
  `status` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL
but when I querying the table repeating the names of student and staff which not gives me report as expected here I attaching code also
 <table align="letf"  style="margin-left: 0px; border: 1px solid black; border-spacing: 0px;"  width="8"> 
        <th style="border: 1px solid black; text-align: center;">Date</th>
         $sql133="select distinct date from attendance";
       while($sql_res133=mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_row133))       {
       <th style="border: 1px solid black; text-align: center;">
       <?php echo $date;  ?>
  SELECT   atten.date,atten.time,atten.staffname,atten.id, atten.status, supst.id, supst.staffname
     (examcenter.attendance atten INNER JOIN examcenter.supportstaff supst ON
         atten.id = supst.id) where atten.date='$a'    group by supst.staffname,supst.id ORDER BY
    atten.id ASC    ";
             while($sql_res13=mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_row13))      {
           <td><?php echo $staffname; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $status; ?></td>
please guide what do to create a report as expected


13-11-2013 16-11-2013 Student name1 P             A A Staffname 1 P P A
awaiting valuable reply


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Here's my method for reports like that

$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT date 
        FROM attendance
        ORDER BY DATE";
$res = $db->query($sql);   // mysqli query
while ($row = $res->fetch_row()) {
    $dates[] = $row[0];
* Table headings                   *
$emptyRow = array_fill_keys($dates,'');
// format dates
foreach ($dates as $k=>$v) {
    $dates[$k] = date('d-M', strtotime($v));
$heads = "<table border='1'>\n";
$heads .= "<tr><th>Name</th><th>" . join('</th><th>', $dates) . "</th></tr>\n";

* Main data                        *
$sql = "SELECT date, staffname, status
        FROM attendance
        ORDER BY staffname";
$res = $db->query($sql);
$tdata = '';
while (list($d, $sn, $s) = $res->fetch_row()) {
    if ($curname != $sn) {
        if ($curname) {
            $tdata .= "<tr><td>$curname</td><td>" . join('</td><td>', $rowdata). "</td></tr>\n";
        $rowdata = $emptyRow;
        $curname = $sn;
    $rowdata[$d] = $s;
$tdata .= "<tr><td>$curname</td><td>" . join('</td><td>', $rowdata). "</td></tr>\n";
$tdata .= "</table\n";
<style type="text/css">
td {
    text-align: center;
table {
        echo $heads;
        echo $tdata;

Your dates (dd-mm-yyyy) are unusable in a database. Store as type DATE format YYYY-MM-DD so they can be correctly sorted or compared.

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Added a few lines


$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT date 
        FROM attendance
        ORDER BY DATE";
$res = $db->query($sql);   // mysqli query
while ($row = $res->fetch_row()) {
    $dates[] = $row[0];
* Table headings                   *
$emptyRow = array_fill_keys($dates,'');

// create arrays for "absent" and "present"
$present = $absent = array_fill_keys($dates, 0);           // ADD LINE

// format dates
foreach ($dates as $k=>$v) {
    $dates[$k] = date('d-M', strtotime($v));
$heads = "<table border='1'>\n";
$heads .= "<tr><th>Name</th><th>" . join('</th><th>', $dates) . "</th></tr>\n";

* Main data                        *
$sql = "SELECT date, staffname, status
        FROM attendance
        ORDER BY staffname";
$res = $db->query($sql);
$tdata = '';
while (list($d, $sn, $s) = $res->fetch_row()) {
    if ($curname != $sn) {
        if ($curname) {
            $tdata .= "<tr><td>$curname</td><td>" . join('</td><td>', $rowdata). "</td></tr>\n";
        $rowdata = $emptyRow;
        $curname = $sn;
    $rowdata[$d] = $s;
    switch ($s) {                       // ADD THIS SWITCH STATEMENT
        case 'P' :
$tdata .= "<tr><td>$curname</td><td>" . join('</td><td>', $rowdata). "</td></tr>\n";

// present and absent totals                // ADD THESE LINES
$tdata .= "<tr><td>PRESENT</td><td>" . join('</td><td>', $present). "</td></tr>\n";
$tdata .= "<tr><td>ABSENT</td><td>" . join('</td><td>', $absent). "</td></tr>\n";

$tdata .= "</table\n";
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it should now look something like this

$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT date 
        FROM attendance
        ORDER BY DATE";
$res = $db->query($sql);   // mysqli query
while ($row = $res->fetch_row()) {
    $dates[] = $row[0];
* Table headings                   *
$emptyRow = array_fill_keys($dates,'');
$emptyRow['P'] = 0;
$emptyRow['A'] = 0;

// format dates
foreach ($dates as $k=>$v) {
    $dates[$k] = date('d-M', strtotime($v));
$heads = "<table border='1'>\n";
$heads .= "<tr><th>Name</th><th>" 
            . join('</th><th>', $dates) 
            . "</th><th>Present</th><th>Absent</th></tr>\n";

* Main data                        *
$sql = "SELECT date, staffname, status
        FROM attendance
        ORDER BY staffname";
$res = $db->query($sql);
$tdata = '';
while (list($d, $sn, $s) = $res->fetch_row()) {
    if ($curname != $sn) {
        if ($curname) {
            $tdata .= "<tr><td>$curname</td><td>" . join('</td><td>', $rowdata). "</td></tr>\n";
        $rowdata = $emptyRow;
        $curname = $sn;
    $rowdata[$d] = $s;
$tdata .= "<tr><td>$curname</td><td>" . join('</td><td>', $rowdata). "</td></tr>\n";

$tdata .= "</table\n";
<style type="text/css">
td,th {
    text-align: center;
    padding: 5px;

table {
        echo $heads;
        echo $tdata;
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  • 1 year later...
  • 9 months later...
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>Q2220229 - Pivot table</title>
      td {
        border-bottom: 1px solid grey;
        width: 10em;


  // I am getting output like 

 * Date     |NAME      | Roll_no  |  ATTEND
   01/02/14 |Musician  |   1     |    1
   01/02/14 |Leader    |   2     |    1
   01/02/14 |Singer    |   3     |    0
   08/02/14 |Musician  |   4     |    0
   08/02/14 |Leader    |   5     |    1
   08/02/14 |Singer    |   6     |    1

 /* NEEDED sample output:
  * Roll_no |   NAME     |01/02/14  |08/02/14
       1    |Musician    |   0      |  1
       2    |Leader      |   1      |  1
       3    | Singer     |   1      |  0

$db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'test', 'test', 'testmysql');

// 1) Must return three columns only.
// 2) Can return any number of 'roles' - one per row
// 3) Any date range but beware you may need a wide page!
// 4) Must sort by date!  
$query = mysql_query( "SELECT date, attend, name FROM atten ORDER BY date ASC, name ASC");

// i prefer to used named subscripts to make the code easier to read.
// These MUST match up with column alias from the above query!
define('THE_DATE', 'date'); // !important
define('name',     'name');         // !imortant
define('attend',   'attend');       // !important

 * Now, we need a complete array of Roles in the order that they are to be displayed.
 * These names must match with the names of the roles in the input data.
 * They will be printed out in the order that they appear in the array.
 * These are the only roles that will appear in the $outputDates array.
 * Add more and in any order to control which 'roles' are shown.  
$allRoles = array('student1', 'student5', 'student6', 'student2' ); // !important

 * At some point we will need an output array that we can easily traverse and
 * print out as a row of dates. i.e. a 'page' of data.
 * We will build it up as we go along...
$outputDates = array(); // !important -- this is the 'pivoted' output array

 * Start to process the input data.
 * To make my life easier, i will use the 'read ahead' technique to simplify the code.

$currentInputRow = mysql_fetch_array($query);

while (isset($currentInputRow[THE_DATE])) { // process all the input array...

  // must be a new day...
  $currentDay = $currentInputRow[THE_DATE];

  // create an array to hold ALL the possible roles for this day...
  $theDayRoles = array();

  // initialise the array with default values for all the requested roles.
  foreach ($allRoles as $name) {
    $theDayRoles[$name] = '--';

  // now we need to fill theDayRoles with what we actually have for the current day...
  while ($currentInputRow[THE_DATE] == $currentDay) { // loop around all records for the current day

    // set the appropiate DayRole to the current ATTEND
    $theDayRoles[$currentInputRow[name]] = $currentInputRow[attend];

    // read the next input row - may be current day, new day or no more
    $currentInputRow = mysql_fetch_array($query);
  // end of day on the input for whatever reason...

  /* we now have:
   *   1) Current Date
   *   2) an array of members for ALL the roles on that day.
   *   We need to output it to another array ($outputDates) where we can print it out
   *   by scanning the array line by line later.
   *   I will 'pivot' the array and produce an output array we can scan sequentially later.

   // to ensure that we are updating the correct $outputDates row i will use a subscript
   $currentOutputRowIdx = 0;

   // first add the current date to the output...
   $outputDates[$currentOutputRowIdx][] = $currentDay;
   $currentOutputRowIdx++; // next output row

   // we need to drive off the '$allRoles' array to add the name data in the correct order
   foreach ($allRoles as $outRole) {
     $outputDates[$currentOutputRowIdx][] = $theDayRoles[$outRole];
     $currentOutputRowIdx++; // next output row

} // end of all the input data

 * Now we just need to print the outputDates array one row at a time...

// need the roles as the first column...
// so we need an index for which one we are currently printing

$currentRoleIdx = -1; // increment each time but allow for the first row being the title 'Roles'

echo '<table>';
foreach ($outputDates as $oneOutputRow) {

  echo '<tr>';

  // this is the first column...
  if ($currentRoleIdx < 0) {
    echo '<td>'. 'NAME' .'</td>';
  else {
    echo '<td>'. $allRoles[$currentRoleIdx] .'</td>';

  // now output the day info
  foreach($oneOutputRow as $column) {
    echo '<td>'. $column .'</td>';
  echo '</tr>';
  $currentRoleIdx++; // next output name to show...

echo '</table>';


Thanks Barand sir for quick reply.. Sir here is my code for same problem but i have a issue please guide me little in line no: 66 how can i take dynamic array.. Thank you in advance please help me out 

Edited by Ritika
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  • 5 months later...

Hi Sen,


the code is really fine, but there is something that I can't understand very well. Exactly the variable $curname.  How it works? Can you explain me please?



$curname=' '; 
$tdata = ' ';
while (list($d, $sn, $s) = $res->fetch_row()) {

    if ($curname != $sn) {
        if ($curname) {
            $tdata .= "<tr><td>$curname</td><td>" . join('</td><td>', $rowdata). "</td></tr>\n";
        $rowdata = $emptyRow;
        $curname = $sn;




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Hi Newbie,


You are also incapable of working out that my name in my posts is in exactly the same place as your name is in your posts. (Strange, but true.)


$curname stores the current name. I then test the value of the new name against to see if it has changed, and then store the new value in $curname.

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Hi Newbie,


You are also incapable of working out that my name in my posts is in exactly the same place as your name is in your posts. (Strange, but true.)


$curname stores the current name. I then test the value of the new name against to see if it has changed, and then store the new value in $curname.


;D  sorry, Barand, Mistakes are always behind the corner


anyway, thank you for your quick answer.

I have to say I m not a very expert with php,

the code starts with the variable empty.  I don't understand when this variable stores the value $sn.


I tried with an echo after the while() loop and the variable has already  the value of $sn.  How does it happen,  and when?


while (list($d, $sn, $s) = $res->fetch_row())


echo $curname;  //output of all the names!!!  " how???"


  if ($curname != $sn) {



thank you  ::) 

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