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link that will display all items


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I'm trying to create a page where the menu shows all the job titles and then if you click on a title it displays all the information that has that job title.
For Example: In the menu I have puppies and I have kittens. If I click on puppies it has to give me all the information that I have in the database that has the job title "puppies" and if I click on kittens then it gives me all the information for the job title "kittens".
Here is my code
function putFilterResults(){
			if(stristr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?')){
				$explodeJob = explode('?',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
				if(trim($explodeJob[1]) != ''){
					$explodeJob[1] = str_replace("-", " ", $explodeJob[1]);
		$query = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT `job` FROM $_PRODUCTS_TABLE WHERE `active`='1' ORDER BY `job` ASC");
		while($result = mysql_fetch_object($query)){
			$langClass = '';
			$langVar = '';
			if(strtolower($result->{'job'.languageText()}) == $jobSearch){
				$colour = ' style="color:#2BA8C4"';	
				$str.='<a href="#"><li'.$colour.' id="'.$i.'">'.$result->{'job'.languageText()}.'</li></a>';
		return $str;

	function putImage(){
		$explode_img = explode(",", $this->image);
		$newImgArr = array();
		$newClientArr = array();
		$str ='';
		$str.='		<div class="ws_images">';
							if(stristr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?')){
								$explodeJob = explode('?',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
								if(trim($explodeJob[1]) != ''){
									$explodeJob[1] = str_replace("-", " ", $explodeJob[1]);
									$jobSearch=' AND LOWER(job) = "'.strtolower($explodeJob[1]).'"';
						$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $_PRODUCTS_TABLE WHERE `active`='1' AND `image` LIKE '%.%'".$jobSearch." ORDER BY `client` ASC");
						if(mysql_num_rows($query) < 1){
							$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $_PRODUCTS_TABLE WHERE `active`='1' AND `image` LIKE '%.%' ORDER BY `client` ASC");	

						while($result = mysql_fetch_object($query)){
								$explode = explode(",", $result->image);
								foreach($explode as $singleImg){
									if($singleImg != ''){
										array_push($newImgArr, $singleImg."!!!".$result->id."!!!".$result->client."!!!".$result->job."!!!".$result->description."!!!".$result->overview);
								array_push($newImgArr, $result->image."!!!".$result->id."!!!".$result->client."!!!".$result->job."!!!".$result->description."!!!".$result->overview);
						foreach($newImgArr as $newImages){
							if($ff < 100){
								$styleLeft= "style='left:-750px'";
								$activeImg = '';
								$explode2 = explode("!!!",$newImages);
								$pathToFile = 'products_images/'.$explode2[0].'';

									if($ff == 0){
										$styleLeft= "style='left:0px'";
										$activeImg = ' activeImg';
									$str.= '<div class="ws_div_wrapper'.$activeImg.'" id="ws_div_wrapper_'.$wowCount.'" '.$styleLeft.'>';
										$str.= '<div class="ws_div_wrapper_relative" id="ws_div_wrapper_relative">';
											$str.= '<p name="wowspanName" id="wowspan'.$wowCount.'" style="display:none;">'.$explode2[1].'</p>';
											$str.= '<a style="cursor:pointer;"><img src="'.$_PRODUCTS_IMAGES_DIR.''.$explode2[0].'" id="wows'.$wowCount.'"/></a>';
												$proinfo.= '<div class="myWrapper" id="myWrapper">';
													$proinfo.= "<div class='productbox'>";
													if( $explode2[2] != "" ) 
														$proinfo.= "<div class='topborder'>
																<span class='right'><b>".$explode2[2]."</b></span>
													if( $explode2[3] != "" ) 
														$proinfo.= "<div class='topborder1'>
																<span class='right'>".$explode2[3]."</span>
													if( $explode2[4] != "" ) 
														$proinfo.= "<div class='topborder1'>
																<span class='right'>".$explode2[4]."</span>
													if( $explode2[5] != "" ) 
														$proinfo.= "<div class='topborder1'>
																<span class='right'>".$explode2[5]."</span>
													$proinfo.= "</div>";
												$proinfo.= "</div>";
										$str.= "</div>";
									$str.= "</div>";	

		$str.='			<input type="hidden" name="pVal" id="pVal" value="0">';
		$str.='				<div class="clearboth"></div>';
		$str.='				<p class="next_prev">';
		$str.='				<a class="ws_next"></a>';
		$str.='				<a class="ws_prev"></a>';
		$str.='				</p>';
		$str.='			</div>';

		return $str;

If there is anything you don't understand please let me know.


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Not sure what you're asking but there are some issues I'd like highlight in your code


Stop right there. Do not use globals. Any function that requires a variable in order to function should be passed as an argument


This code even necessary?

			if(stristr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?')){
				$explodeJob = explode('?',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
				if(trim($explodeJob[1]) != ''){
					$explodeJob[1] = str_replace("-", " ", $explodeJob[1]);

Why not get the query string parameter you're after from the $_GET superglobal? There is no need to parse the url yourself. 



Next issue

$query = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT `job` FROM $_PRODUCTS_TABLE WHERE `active`='1' ORDER BY `job` ASC");
		while($result = mysql_fetch_object($query)){
			$langClass = '';
			$langVar = '';
			if(strtolower($result->{'job'.languageText()}) == $jobSearch){
				$colour = ' style="color:#2BA8C4"';	
				$str.='<a href="#"><li'.$colour.' id="'.$i.'">'.$result->{'job'.languageText()}.'</li></a>';
		return $str;

Why you not use MySQL to filter the results based on $jobSearch, eg

$jobSearch = mysql_real_escape_string($jobSearch);
$query = mysql_query("SELECT `job` FROM $_PRODUCTS_TABLE WHERE `active`='1' AND `job` LIKE '%$jobsearch%' ORDER BY `job` ASC");

There is no need to filter the results using PHP. it is more efficient for MySQL to do this than PHP.



This make no sense to be at all.

array_push($newImgArr, $singleImg."!!!".$result->id."!!!".$result->client."!!!".$result->job."!!!".$result->description."!!!".$result->overview);


array_push($newImgArr, $result->image."!!!".$result->id."!!!".$result->client."!!!".$result->job."!!!".$result->description."!!!".$result->overview);

You could just push the $result object to the array? 

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