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  1. I modified the id on the PHP to this... for($x = 1; $x <= $pages; $x++) : print "<td id='page_$x' class='page_button' align='center' >Page $x -"; for($i = 1; $i <= $size; $i++) : print "<input type='checkbox' class='ebutton' id='etype_[$x]' name='checks[]' value='0$i' /> 0$i"; endfor; print "</td>"; print '</tr>'; endfor; and the Java to: $(document).ready(function() { $(".ebutton").click(function() { var idp = $(this).attr("id").split("_"); var page_num = idp[1]; alert(page_num); var editions=''; document.getElementById("editions").style.visibility="visible"; var elements = document.getElementById("myform").elements; for(var i=0; i< elements.length;i++){ if(elements[i].type == 'checkbox' && elements[i].checked) editions = elements[i].value ; } var hidden_id = "#etype_page_" + page_num; page_num = page_num.replace(/[\[\]']+/g,''); //remove brackets if($(hidden_id).length < 1) { $("#base").append('<input type="hidden" id="etype_page_'+ page_num +'" name="'+ page_num +'" value="'+ editions +'" class="hidden_edtype" custom="' + editions +'">'); }else{ $(hidden_id).val($(this).val()); } update_eShow(); }); }); function update_eShow() { $("#eShow").html(''); $(".hidden_edtype").each(function() { var page = $(this).attr("name"); var value = $(this).attr("custom"); $("#eShow").append('page:' + page + ' value:' + value +'<br>'); }); } My results are now: page:1 value:01 page:1 value:02 page:2 value:01 page:2 value:02 How can I combine the like pages and values to read page:1 value:01,02 page:2 value:01,02
  2. I have created a Fiddle page that has the problem in it if anyone can assist. Its an HTML table with 2 rows of checkboxes. I need to get the checked data per row, and all I can figure out is how to get all checked values... Here is the link if someone can assist: http://jsfiddle.net/RevPhil/yqh3x/
  3. If it was only one group of check boxes then I can get it to work like in the example you have, but I have multiple groups.
  4. I am having an issue getting the values checked in the check-box. I have tried to clean up the code. I can get the all the selected check-boxes selected (but not per row) or i can get the check-box id per row but not the selected value. I am pretty sure I can transfer the values to the another page but do not know how to get them. Any assistance here would greatly be appreciated! //php variables used $pages = 2 $size = 4 < form id="form" name="cb"> < div style=" width:800px; height:500px; overflow:auto"> < h2>Select Editions</h2> < table id='table' name='table' border=1 cellpadding=7 width=50% height=50% align='center'>\n for($x = 1; $x <= $pages; $x++) : print "<td id='page_$x' class='page_button' align='center' custom='0' >Page $x - "; for($i = 1; $i <= $size; $i++) : print "<input type='checkbox' class='ebutton' id='etype_$x' name='checks[]' value='$i' /> $i"; endfor; </td> </tr> endfor; with this as the Javascript $(document).ready(function() { $(".ebutton").change(function() { var idp = $(this).attr("id").split("_"); var page_num = idp[1]; // I need to find out how to get the checkboxes that are checked per row. Ex: 01,02 //var editions = ?; //alert(editions); var hidden_id = "#etype_page_" + page_num; if($(hidden_id).length < 1) { $("#base").append('<input type="hidden" id="etype_page_'+ page_num +'" name="'+ page_num +'" value="'+ editions +'" class="hidden_edtype" custom="' + editions +'">'); } else { $(hidden_id).val($(this).val()); } update_eShow(); }); }); function update_eShow() { $("#eShow").html(''); $(".hidden_edtype").each(function() { var page = $(this).attr("name"); var value = $(this).attr("custom"); $("#eShow").append('page:' + page + ' values:' + value +'<br>'); }); } page looks like this: | Page 1 - []1 []2 []3 []4 | | Page 2 - []1 []2 []3 []4 | Here is what I have been able to get, but its not right: I select both 01 and 02 for page 1 and only 01 for page 2. My results are: Page:1 Values: 01 Page:2 Values: 01,02,01
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