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  1. This was absolutely worthless and completely off topic to what I asked, If one more person comments about sql injection and to quit using MySQL I'm going to scream, MySQL isn't going anywhere for a long time, too many instances of it in use with too many people that don't know what to do with making the switch. Secondly, I wasn't asking for someone to criticize my work, I'm not a professional coder, I'm a business owner trying something out on my own before I waste the time of my guy's that do code with something that could be accomplished some other way. I don't understand why everybody I've asked this question to just can't stay on topic and answer the question at hand without telling me what I need to do with everything else besides what my issues is. None of the things you said have anything to do with my problem which is fine now as I've figured out what the issue was on my own!
  2. I have a 3 part form, the first part is filled out and submitted to MySQL by the dispatcher, the tech then clicks on the update record by id link in the search results form and is taken to the form to update the record. The tech fills out what they need in the form and submit it to update the record by unless they fill out ALL of the form fields they record wont update in MySQL, a syntax error will display. If they fill out ALL of the fields the form will submit and update the record fine, problem is they don't always have to fill out all of the fields on the ticket. So here is my code : <?php // database connection // include 'db_connect.php'; //This gets all the other information from the form // start of form inputs // include 'data/var/variables.php'; //Writes the information to the database mysql_query("UPDATE `tickets` SET `work_performed` = '$work_performed', `item_qty1` = '$item_qty1', `item_qty2` = '$item_qty2', `item_qty3` = '$item_qty3', `item_qty4` = '$item_qty4', `item_qty5` = '$item_qty5', `manuf_1` = '$manuf_1', `manuf_2` = '$manuf_2', `manuf_3` = '$manuf_3', `manuf_4` = '$manuf_4', `manuf_5` = '$manuf_5', `part_number1` = '$part_number1', `part_number2` = '$part_number2', `part_number3` = '$part_number3', `part_number4` = '$part_number4', `part_number5` = '$part_number5', `part_description1` = '$part_description1', `part_description2` = '$part_description2', `part_description3` = '$part_description3', `part_description4` = '$part_description4', `part_description5` = '$part_description5', `part_price1` = '$part_price1', `part_price2` = '$part_price2', `part_price3` = '$part_price3', `part_price4` = '$part_price4', `part_price5` = '$part_price5', `price_extension1` = '$price_extension1', `price_extension2` = '$price_extension2', `price_extension3` = '$price_extension3', `price_extension4` = '$price_extension4', `price_extension5` = '$price_extension5', `material_total` = '$material_total', `sales_tax` = '$sales_tax', `shipping_cost` = '$shipping_cost', `work_date1` = '$work_date1', `work_date2` = '$work_date2', `work_date3` = '$work_date3', `work_date4` = '$work_date4', `work_date5` = '$work_date5', `tech_name1` = '$tech_name1', `tech_name2` = '$tech_name2', `tech_name3` = '$tech_name3', `tech_name4` = '$tech_name4', `tech_name5` = '$tech_name5', `cost_code1` = '$cost_code1', `cost_code2` = '$cost_code2', `cost_code3` = '$cost_code3', `cost_code4` = '$cost_code4', `cost_code5` = '$cost_code5', `pay_rate1` = '$pay_rate1', `pay_rate2` = '$pay_rate2', `pay_rate3` = '$pay_rate3', `pay_rate4` = '$pay_rate4', `pay_rate5` = '$pay_rate5', `total_hours1` = '$total_hours1', `total_hours2` = '$total_hours2', `total_hours3` = '$total_hours3', `total_hours4` = '$total_hours4', `total_hours5` = '$total_hours5', `hours_subtotal1` = '$hours_subtotal1', `hours_subtotal2` = '$hours_subtotal2', `hours_subtotal3` = '$hours_subtotal3', `hours_subtotal4` = '$hours_subtotal4', `hours_subtotal5` = '$hours_subtotal5', `total_hours` = '$total_hours', `material_total` = '$material_total', `labor_cost` = '$labor_cost', `grand_total` = '$grand_total' WHERE `id` = '$id'"); mysql_affected_rows(); echo mysql_error(); ?> <html> <body> <center> <br><br><br> <form name="results" method="post" action="ticket_results.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="ticketresult"> <input type="submit" class="submit" id="ticketresult" style="width: 165px" value="Do Something"> </form> </center> </body> </html> Now I've been told previously to do the following, change my variables to this: or this, and neither suggestion works. How can I change my code so the form can be submitted without all the fields being filled out?
  3. I've tried that and it locks up the browser. Any 2nd reference to the materialtotal field immediately locks up the browser when the script loads, it's almost as if it's stuck in an indefinite loop and causes the browser to stick at that point. If I remove the 2nd reference to materialtotal of the 2nd function the browser doesn't lock up but then I don't get the desired result!
  4. Ok so I've watch a ton of tutorials, read a few books asked a whole bunch of questions and still can't find a solution. Here is my problem, I have this form here : http://jemtechnv.com/beta/finish_ticket.php if you play with the form you will see that entering input in the Qty, and Price boxes will populate the Ext box along with sales tax and material cost and Material boxes, and input in the rate and hours box will populate the subtotal and labor boxes now here is my problem. I need to auto populate the total hours box by from the sum of the hours column and I also need to sum up the material and labor boxes and populate that total in the grand total box, sounds easy huh? you would think but here is my code that I use to calculate my sales tax : function tax(){ var materialcost = document.getElementById( 'materialcost' ).value; var shipping = document.getElementById( 'shipping' ).value; var salestax = Math.round(((materialcost / 100) * 8.1)*100)/100; var materialtotal = (materialcost * 1) + (salestax * 1) + (shipping * 1); document.getElementById( 'materialcost' ).value = materialcost; document.getElementById( 'salestax' ).value = salestax; document.getElementById( 'shipping' ).value = shipping; document.getElementById( 'materialtotal' ).value = materialtotal; } this works fine but when I try to use the materialtotal in another function to total up the materialtotal and labortotals for the grand total it causes the browser to lock up. Can someone tell me how I can get my grand total without making the script too complicated? Thanks!
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