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  1. Hi - I'm trying to setup a redirect based on query string eg ?id=1 or ?id=2. I can't get the wp_redirect( $iosurl[$_GET['id']], 302 ); exit; to print the array value. Any ideas? Thanks <?php global $iosurl; $iosurl = array( '1' => 'http://domain1.uk/', '2' => 'http://domain2.uk/' ); if(array_key_exists($_GET['id'], $iosurl)) { ?> <?php wp_redirect( $iosurl[$_GET['id']], 302 ); exit; ?> <?php } ?>
  2. Hi Adam Thanks fo ryour reply. How would I display a different link on different pages with your method as per my example? Thanks
  3. Hi - I'm using the following code to print different the correct app link based on which device the user is viewing the page (using Wurfl). <a href="<?php echo $appLink ?>">Download the App link</a> if ($os == 'Android') { $appName = 'Android app'; $appLink = 'http://androidlink.com/1'; } else if ($os == 'iOS') { $appName = 'iPhone app'; $appLink = 'http://iphonelink.com/1'; } However, now I want display different links on different Wordpress pages using the same idea. if ($os == 'Android') { if (is_page( 1 )) { $appLink = 'http://androidlink.com/1'; } if (is_page( 2 )) { $appLink = 'http://androidlink.com/2'; } } Is there a neat way of doing this? Thanks!
  4. Hi I'm running a form built in Kohana with a 3rd party Quick Address Search script installed. I need to update the address lookup script and need to know what web service it's running. How do I find that? Thanks
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