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  1. Thanks a lot. but i am thinking why does it returns 12am - 1am when i input 10am - 11pm. Actually it should be 12 pm not 12 am Appreciate your help
  2. Found this answer... <?php function is_am_pm($str){ if(strpos($str, "am") !== false || strpos($str, "AM") !== false) return "am"; if(strpos($str, "pm") !== false || strpos($str, "PM") !== false) return "pm"; } function get_only_int($str){ return (int) preg_replace('/\D/', '', $str); } function gmt_to_gmt($str,$from_gmt,$to_gmt = "GMT +10"){ if(!is_numeric($from_gmt)) $from_gmt = get_only_int($from_gmt); if(!is_numeric($to_gmt)) $to_gmt = get_only_int($to_gmt); $temp_time = explode("-",$str); $begin_time_s = is_am_pm($temp_time[0]); $begin_time = get_only_int(trim($temp_time[0])); $end_time_s = is_am_pm($temp_time[1]); $end_time = get_only_int(trim($temp_time[1])); $time_diff = $to_gmt - $from_gmt; $begin_time = $begin_time + $time_diff; $end_time = $end_time + $time_diff; if($begin_time > 13){ if($begin_time_s == "am"){ $begin_time -= 12; $begin_time .= "pm"; }else{ $begin_time -= 12; $begin_time .= "am"; } }else{ $begin_time .= $begin_time_s; } if($end_time > 13){ if($end_time_s == "am"){ $end_time -= 12; $end_time .= "pm"; }else{ $end_time -= 12; $end_time .= "am"; } }else{ $end_time .= $end_time_s; } return $begin_time . " - " . $end_time; } echo gmt_to_gmt("7am - 11pm", "GMT +0" , "GMT +2"); ?> but its not displaying some parts correctly. when 7am - 11pm is given it should return 9am - 1pm but here its outputting 9am - 13pm
  3. i have the below given time interval options in a dropdown (those are strings) <select name="CSSAtapsClient[client_time_window][0]" id="client_time_window_0"> <option value="5702">7am - 10am</option> <option value="5703">10am - 1pm</option> <option value="5704">12pm - 3pm</option> <option value="5705">3pm - 6pm</option> <option value="5706">6pm - 9pm</option> <option value="5707">7pm - 10pm</option> <option value="5708">9pm - 12am</option> <option value="5709">12am - 7am</option> </select> I need to convert these intervals for a specific GMT time zone. for example lets say its in GMT +8 and i need to convert it to GMT +10 and it can be done by adding 2 hours. so if the given time interval is, 7am - 10am (GMT + it should come as 9am - 12pm (GMT +10) What is the best way to convert this kind of a time interval ? The issue i am seeing here is its a string (time interval). Appreciate an early reply. EDIT 1 I am converting to only Australian states so there is no chance of getting a day as difference when converting. pls check this link http://www.timebie.com/tz/australiatimezone.php
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