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  1. I have no control over the other site unfortunately. I wish they would create an API for us, but that is a shot in the dark . The closest I can get is to use cURL; therefore I have no control over the speed of the requests. The speed of the requests vary dramatically as well. It may take 2 seconds to pull a single order and then you click the same order and it takes 1 minute to pull; I take it this is completely out of my control; right? It isn't so much the visual content I am collecting, it is the data. Actually the data is just displayed in table with bunch of links. Since it is different for each customer account, caching wouldn't help me here; but that is a great suggestion for other implementations of cURL. Thank you for explaining the background process. I am sure I can set up a cronjob in CPanel and use your technique with the database to process the large requests. When a user clicks the button to request the work it will simply add the "job" to the database where a script will be running every 30 seconds in search for new requests. Will this be able to handle multiple requests? Lets say 4 different managers were pulling their work in the morning and all 4 requests are in the data table. Thank you for your help!
  2. Try the following: $conn = mysql_connect("localhost","root","Password"); $err_db = mysql_select_db('bd_amics',$conn); //You want your select_db statement to contain the connection $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$_SESSION["use"][0]." (ID,Amic) VALUES ('".$_SESSION['person'][0]."', '1')"; mysql_query($sql); You do not necessarily need to close the database connection, it will automatically close at the end of the script. If your script was massive and required various functions, procedures, etc, then closing a connection may be necessary. Also I am not sure why you were doing: mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8"); Is your server default not set to utf8? Lastly, in you mysql_query() statement you do not necessarily need to provide the connection information since you are only working with a single connection. If you were using mysqli it would be a different story. Since it is clear you are just starting out with PHP, please get yourself set up with mysqli instead of mysql. I would hate for you to do what I did and program 6 months worth the PHP to realize mysql has been deprecated and will not receive anymore updates or new features. It is pretty hefty task to go back and modify all your mysql statements to mysqli. Hope that works for you! Josh
  3. Im marking this as solved since requinix did answer the main question. For those who may be wondering what my take away is from this, I will sum it up: I cannot necessarily avoid these cURL requests from occurring, nor do I have the ability to speed them up, so my only option at this point was to ensure the max_connections for Apache was increased on the server (I had my host provider handle this); I also had them switch the PHP handler from SuPHP to DSO per their suggestion. I am not sure what the benefit in my situation would be. The key takeaway from requinix is that Apache does not care which file on the server has the connections, just that the max_connections is not reached. Thanks for your help requinix! Josh
  4. Try dumping the $output_mtgox variable after it is decoded to view the array. When looking at blockchain the data is in a json encoded array but there are multiple countries, something mtgox may not have had. I bet you the array will look something like: array(21){ usd(5){ "15m"=>527, etc... }, etc.... } So basically you will need to modify your echo statements to be something like: <?php echo $mtgox_array['usd']['last']; ?> Haven't tested it, but at least that should get you in the right direction. If you use blockchain you could technically go a step further than the example site you gave and provide the results in the various currencies by using a jQuery slideshow or something of the sort. p.s. make sure you change the curl_init statement to the blockchain url . Good Luck! Josh
  5. Is this a hosted website? If so, I would suggest to reach out to the provider to ensure MySQL was configured correctly. Do you use PHPMyAdmin to access to your data tables? Do you use C-Panel to manage your site? Were you able to create any databases? Have you modified your mysql_connect statement (if using mysql) to log into the correct database with the correct login information? We need some more information. Hopefully some of those questions can at least get you looking in the right direction. Good Luck! Josh
  6. function checkSku($check_for){ $query=$cc_db->query("SELECT `sku` FROM `product` WHERE `sku`='".$check_for."'"); //NEED SOME ERROR HANDLING ON YOUR QUERY HERE $fetch=$cc_db->fetch_object($query); $checking=$cc_db->num_rows($query); if ($checking < 1){ return true; }else{ return false; } } if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $product = $_POST['product']; $brand = $_POST['brand']; $description = $_POST['description']; $contruct=strtoupper($product."-".$brand."-".$description); $number = 0; $isNewSku = false; while($isNewSku == false){ $number=$number+1; $number=sprintf("%03s",$number); $check_for=$contruct."-".$number; $isNewSku = checkSku($check_for); } //DO WHAT YOU WANT WITH YOUR $check_for variable WHICH WILL CONTAIN YOUR NEW SKU HERE echo $check_for. 'is a new sku'; } Haven't tested it but Im pretty sure it should work for what you need. Good Luck! Josh
  7. give the following a try: while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ DO WHAT YOU NEED WITH EACH ROW OF THE DATA HERE } By using mysql_fetch_assoc you can use the name of the column (eg. $row['account_num']) instead of referencing the key in the array. You could even build your html and set it to a variable like this: <?php $business_name = $_GET['business_name']; $this_query = "Select business_name, account_num, main_contact, business_phone, business_email, business_suite, business_address, business_city, business_region, business_province, business_postal FROM orders WHERE sale_datetime in (Select Max(sale_datetime) from orders Group by business_name) and business_name = '$business_name' ORDER BY business_name ASC "; $mytablehtml = ''; $result = mysql_query($this_query) or die(mysql_error()); if (!$result) { echo "Query did not run - ".MySQL_error(); //This will spit out any errors with the sql statement exit(); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $mytablehtml .= '<tr><td>'.$row['business_name'].'</td><td>'.$row['account_num'].'</td></tr>'; } ?> <html> <head></head> <body> <table> <thead><tr><th>Business Name</th><th>Account Number</th></tr></thead> <tbody><?php echo $mytablehtml;?></tbody> </table> </body> </html> Keep in mind, when using the if (!result) function it will output the error with the sql statement on the page and that is it. This is a great way to debug your sql statements as it will pinpoint what the problem is. Personally I like to remove the mysql_error() part of echo statement in real applications and just echo a text stating what the problem might be as the mysql_error() statement contains information regarding file paths and server info. Hope that helps!
  8. You can handle something like this using PHP and cURL. Here is a cURL process which will take an array of urls and process them: function requestData($urls){ // Create get requests for each URL $mh = curl_multi_init(); foreach($urls as $i => $url) { $ch[$i] = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch[$i], CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $ch[$i]); } // Start performing the request do { $execReturnValue = curl_multi_exec($mh, $runningHandles); } while ($execReturnValue == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM); // Loop and continue processing the request while ($runningHandles && $execReturnValue == CURLM_OK) { // Wait forever for network $numberReady = curl_multi_select($mh); if ($numberReady != -1) { // Pull in any new data, or at least handle timeouts do { $execReturnValue = curl_multi_exec($mh, $runningHandles); } while ($execReturnValue == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM); } } // Check for any errors if ($execReturnValue != CURLM_OK) { trigger_error("Curl multi read error $execReturnValue\n", E_USER_WARNING); } // Extract the content foreach($urls as $i => $url) { // Check for errors $curlError = curl_error($ch[$i]); if($curlError == "") { $res[$i] = curl_multi_getcontent($ch[$i]); } else { $res[$i] = ''; } // Remove and close the handle curl_multi_remove_handle($mh, $ch[$i]); curl_close($ch[$i]); } // Clean up the curl_multi handle curl_multi_close($mh); // Print the response data return $res; } Hope that gets you in the right direction. Good Luck! Josh
  9. Unfortunately there isn't much I can do to avoid the scraping as the information I am requesting from the other site is also dynamic. Its a little difficult to explain, but what the scraping actually does is it allows me to serve the html from the other site but handle all of the functions on my site. For instance, a user opens their route on my site and clicks the link to refresh their route. What it actually does is processes a cURL request to the site which actually gives us the work and returns the html. I parse the html and swap out any hrefs with my own javascript:function and then serve the page to the user. So now the user will see the content of the other site, but my site can "listen" in to what they are actually doing as they navigate. The user thinks the links are normal links, but what actually happens is a function is called which sends a cURL request for the html. Although that sounds like some fishy business , it actually isn't and the users of my site are well aware of what is happening. It basically enables them to have access to not only my system, but it integrates the other system so our data can match perfectly. Yes, there are cURL requests which can take up to 5 minutes, but those are the requests which are handled when the admin users pull all of their work (generally in the morning). While the employees are working throughout the day the cURL requests are generally anywhere from 5-10 seconds, but I could imagine there may be hundreds of cURL requests happening simultaneously, all processed through the functions.php file. You mentioned creating a background process on the server to handle the long requests, can you elaborate on that a little more. I thought about this in the past and didn't really have any idea where to start. Can a background process be started on user interaction? Is there a way I can advise the user the process is complete? Is there a better method that you can think of to accomplish what I am trying to do here? It is working perfectly, but as the number of users increases, so will the number of calls to the functions.php file. Basically, as the users navigate the other site I am serving through my own, each link they click results in a cURL request. I really appreciate your help!
  10. You can accomplish this by using a .htaccess file in the root directory and let apache handle it rather than php. I am not completely versed in .htaccess, but I have used it in the past to develop a redirect site similar to bit.ly. A Google search on .htaccess should get you in the right direction. I apologize I cannot give you concrete examples, but .htaccess came to mind when I read this post. You can have the .htaccess file put the referrer information into url variables so they can be used in a $_GET method in your php function when the .htaccess file redirects. Hope I can at least get you in the right direction. Good Luck! Josh
  11. Over the past few days I have been running into some issues with my server crashing due to apache max connections issues. I am running my site off of a hosted Cloud VPS with 200GB of storage, 8192MB Memory, 8TB of transfer, Apache, MySQL, PHP5, and CentOS. I am afraid the issue doesn't necessarily lay in the configuration of Apache, but the way I have scripted the php on my site, the reason I am reaching out here. My site isn't your average website, it is more of a web-based customer management program. There are currently only 2 pages you can actually access via the url bar (signin.php and index.php). All other content is loaded via AJAX and JQuery processes (.load and $.getScript). All AJAX requests are pointed toward a single file called functions.php where a _POST parameter contains the function name and any additional _POST data required by the function. FOR EXAMPLE: AJAX Call: $.post('functions/functions.php',{func:'myFunctionName',ops:'whatever',a:'whatever',b:'whatever'},function(data){ DO WHATEVER I WANT WITH THE RETURN DATA HERE },"json"); PHP (functions.php) require 'dbcon.php'; include 'main_class.php'; include 'f_customerdetail.php'; include 'f_listoptions.php'; include 'f_route.php'; include 'f_useractions.php'; if (isset($_POST['func'])){ $userfunc = $_POST['func']; $funcops = $_POST['ops']; if ($funcops != ''){ $userfunc($funcops); }else{ $userfunc(); } } The functions.php file includes all of my other php files containing all of the functions. Each of the other files (f_customerdata.php, f_route.php, f_payroll.php, etc.) contains a number of functions which handle that specific genre of the site; this was more of an organization method I used to keep track of things. Now that you have a little background, I want to know if that is a toxic way to do things? If I currently have 100 people using the site and anytime they navigate it requests data from the functions.php file then that means there are going to be a ton of requests pointing to that single file, thus causing apache to crash; correct? There are multiple functions which use cURL to scrape data from another website as well. Therefore, a connection to the functions.php file may last in upwards of 5 minutes depending upon the function. A large issue as that all of the content on the site is completely dynamic; it is completely driven by getting data from the database and displaying it. Am I going about this correctly by having a single file handling all of the functions? Or, do I need to re-approach it by pointing the AJAX requests directly to the file containing the functions for that particular situation? I know this is a large question. I am completely self-taught, 4 years experience, and have developed a massive project over the last 6 months. I just want to be sure I am going about this the correct way. Thank you for your input, Josh
  12. Verify the path to the php file containing your mysql_connect statement. Also I noticed a "p" at the end of mysql_connect. That may be the issue.
  13. I finally got it to work, but it was one of those "I have no clue what I did to make it work" type things. I modified a few sql statements in the processSubItem function which may have been hanging up the script. I also added "return true" at the end of the processSubItem function which I did not think was necessary at all. Can someone advise if it is necessary to return something if you do not intend to receive any info from a function? In this case the rolling_curl function calls processSubItem each time a cURL request completes. Is it necessary for the processSubItem function to return a value? Also, can someone advise what would constitute a "large" cURL request? Thousands of urls seems large to me, but what should a cURL multi request be able to process? and generally how fast? I know it depends on the server I am requesting information from, but I look at it this way, if I navigate to a page on that server it displays almost instantly, should the cURL request occur in the same amount of time for that same url? This is bothering me because another site has somewhat already accomplished what I am trying to do. But, of course, I cannot view their PHP script and there is no way they would be willing to share it with me =0). Both of the cURL scripts work perfectly by the way; I do not believe that was the issue. So for those who are reading up on cURL multi-requests, the two provided above will more than likely suffice for your needs (again, I am able to pull 300 urls within a matter of 1.6 minutes max). I appreciate the help!!
  14. Your query: $display_brands_query = "select manufacturers_id,manufacturers_name,manufacturers_image from manufacturers where manufacturers_image != '' ORDER BY RAND() Limit 18;"; Change To: $display_brands_query = "select manufacturers_id,manufacturers_name,manufacturers_image from manufacturers where manufacturers_image IS NOT NULL ORDER BY RAND() Limit 18;"; Just noticed your select statement was correct....could potentially be the smiley face in your script?????....lol. Can you edit your post and ensure your script is placed between the script tag in the forum?? It would help us help you... Thank you! =0) Cheers!
  15. Use the following: mysql_real_escape_string($yourvariablehere). You have to tell apache to ignore any characters and simply accept the variable as a string. Also ensure the fields in your database are set up correctly. A field containing large amounts of text should be set to TEXT or BLOB. Fields with a smaller number of characters can be set to VARCHAR and specify the number of characters allowed...generally 255 max if you aren't 100% sure the length of the values going to be inserted. 255 will at least accommodate urls if you are inserting them to a table. You may also want to specify which fields you are inserting into. See below: <?php if(isset($_POST['Guardar'])){ $semana= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['semana']); $video= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['video']); $archivo= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['archivo']); $nombre= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['nombre']); $leccion= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['leccion']); //verificar si la semana ya existe $sql = "SELECT * FROM clases WHERE semana='".$semana."'"; $result = mysql_query($sql) $existe = mysql_num_rows($result); if($existe==0){ $sql = "INSERT INTO clases (semana, nombre, archivo, leccion, video) VALUES ('".$semana."','".$nombre."','".$archivo."','".$leccion."','".$video."')"; mysql_query($sql); } else{ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $sql = "UPDATE clases SET nombre="'.$nombre."',archivo='".$archivo."',nombre_leccion='".$leccion."',video='".$video."' WHERE id=".$row['id'] //You should always have a field, in this case named id, which acts as a primary key and auto-number for records. mysql_query($sql); } header("Location: clases.php"); } ?> You will notice I use $row['id'] in the Update script. You should always have a column which is an auto-number primary key for your tables. It makes updating data much more efficient. In the event you had the same value in semana on multiple rows in your table, it would update them all. If this was your intent then you can remove my script. I take it your database only contains unique values in the semana column. Cheers!
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