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  1. var latestMDPver = $.ui.multiDatesPicker.version; var lastMDPupdate = '2012-03-28'; $(function() { // Version // //$('title').append(' v' + latestMDPver); $('.mdp-version').text('v' + latestMDPver); $('#mdp-title').attr('title', 'last update: ' + lastMDPupdate); // Documentation // $('i:contains(type)').attr('title', '[Optional] accepted values are: "allowed" [default]; "disabled".'); $('i:contains(format)').attr('title', '[Optional] accepted values are: "string" [default]; "object".'); $('#how-to h4').each(function () { var a = $(this).closest('li').attr('id'); $(this).wrap('<'+'a href="#'+a+'"></'+'a>'); }); $('#demos .demo').each(function () { var id = $(this).find('.box').attr('id') + '-demo'; $(this).attr('id', id) .find('h3').wrapInner('<'+'a href="#'+id+'"></'+'a>'); }); // Run Demos $('.demo .code').each(function() { eval($(this).attr('title','NEW: edit this code and test it!').text()); this.contentEditable = true; }).focus(function() { if(!$(this).next().hasClass('test')) $(this) .after('<button class="test">test</button>') .next('.test').click(function() { $(this).closest('.demo').find('.box').removeClass('hasDatepicker').empty(); eval($(this).prev().text()); $(this).remove(); }); JS FIDDLE LINK: http://jsfiddle.net/bJ7zj/#update When i go to the month of april and select dates, the date picker resets to march month.
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