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  1. Sorry Sir I forgot to do that.... Up for this I really need to fix my registry..I need it badly.Hope any one can help me...Regards
  2. Hello Everyone Im just new to PHP Script I encounter problem when I run my xampp here is the error message Fatal error: Cannot redeclare Connect() (previously declared in C:\xampp\htdocs\includes\registro\conec.php:4) in C:\xampp\htdocs\includes\registro\conec.php on line 14 here is the conec.php <?phpfunction Connect() { global $link; if (!($link=mssql_pconnect("T-REX\SQLEXPRESS","sa","123456"))) { exit(); } if (!mssql_select_db("UserLogin",$link)) { exit(); } return $link; } Connect(); ?> here is my register.php <?php error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); include('conec.php'); #include('auth.php'); $title = 'REGISTER'; if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'submitted') { $accdir="C:\\Server\\DBSRV\\account"; $initial="etc"; $Email = $_POST['txtEmail']; $UserID = $_POST['txtUser']; $Password = $_POST['txtPass']; $CPassword = $_POST['txtPass2']; $UserKey = $_POST['txtKey']; $SecretQuestion = $_POST['txtQuest']; $Answer = $_POST['txtAnswer']; $FirstName = $_POST['txtName']; $MI = substr($UserID,0,1); $LastName = $_POST['txtLastName']; $Month = $_POST['txtMonth']; $Day = $_POST['txtDay']; $Year = $_POST['txtYear']; $Sex = $_POST['txtSex']; $Country = $_POST['txtCountry']; function is_email($email) { $x = '\d\w!\#\$%&\'*+\-/=?\^_`{|}~'; //just for clarity return count($email = explode('@', $email, 3)) == 2 && strlen($email[0]) < 65 && strlen($email[1]) < 256 && preg_match("#^[$x]+(\.?([$x]+\.)*[$x]+)?$#", $email[0]) && preg_match('#^(([a-z0-9]+-*)?[a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}.?$#', $email[1]); } $error = ""; function AllOK() { global $error,$Email,$UserID,$Password,$CPassword,$UserKey,$SecretQuestion,$Answer,$FirstName,$MI,$LastName,$Month,$Day,$Year,$Sex,$Country; if (strlen($UserID) < 6 || strlen($UserID) > 50 || !preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/", $UserID)) { $error .= "<DIV ALIGN='CENTER'><br/><img src='imagenes/error_icon.jpg'> <br><br><FONT FACE='arial' SIZE=3 COLOR=red><b><i>'$UserID', Nombre de usuario no válido. Solo letras, se permiten números en este campo. (longitud 6 ~ 50).</i></b></FONT><br/><br/><br/><br/><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'> <img src='imagenes/atras.jpg' border='0'/></a></DIV><br/>"; return false; } if (strlen($Password) < 6 || strlen($Password) > 30 || !preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/", $Password)) { $error .= "<DIV ALIGN='CENTER'><br/><img src='imagenes/error_icon.jpg'> <br><br><FONT FACE='arial' SIZE=3 COLOR=red><b><i>Contraseña no válida. Solo letras, se permiten números en este campo (longitud 6 ~ 30).</i></b></FONT><br/><br/><br/><br/><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'> <img src='imagenes/atras.jpg' border='0'/></a></DIV><br/>"; return false; } if (strlen($UserKey) != 7 || !preg_match("/^[0-9]/", $UserKey)) { $error .= "<DIV ALIGN='CENTER'><br/><img src='imagenes/error_icon.jpg'> <br><br><FONT FACE='arial' SIZE=3 COLOR=red><b><i>Llave secreta no válida. Debe ser un número de 7 dìgitos.</i></b></FONT><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'> <img src='imagenes/atras.jpg' border='0'/></a></DIV><br/>"; return false; } if ($Password != $CPassword) { $error .= "<DIV ALIGN='CENTER'><br/><img src='imagenes/error_icon.jpg'> <br><br><FONT FACE='arial' SIZE=3 COLOR=red><b><i>Las contraseñas no coinciden...</i></b></FONT><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'> <img src='imagenes/atras.jpg' border='0'/></a></DIV><br/>"; return false; } $SecretQuestion = str_replace("'", "''", $SecretQuestion); if (!is_email($Email)) { $error .= "<DIV ALIGN='CENTER'><br/><img src='imagenes/error_icon.jpg'> <br><br><FONT FACE='arial' SIZE=3 COLOR=red><b><i>Correo electrónico no válido.</i></b></FONT><br/><FONT FACE='arial' SIZE=1 COLOR=gray>Un Email debe ser del tipo: minombre@midominio.com </FONT><br/><br/><br/><br/><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'> <img src='imagenes/atras.jpg' border='0'/></a></DIV><br/><br/>"; return false; } if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z 0-9_-]+$/", $Answer) || strlen($Answer) == "0") { $error .= "<DIV ALIGN='CENTER'><br/><img src='imagenes/error_icon.jpg'> <br><br><FONT FACE='arial' SIZE=3 COLOR=red><b><i>Respuesta no válida.. Solo letras y números estan permitidos. </i></b></FONT><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'> <img src='imagenes/atras.jpg' border='0'/></a></DIV><br/>"; return false; } /* if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z_-]+$/", $FirstName) || strlen($FirstName) == "0") { //deshabilitado por ser mas amable con el usuario $error .= "Nombre no valido. Solo letras estan permitidas.<br/>"; // return false; } if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z_-]+$/", $LastName) || strlen($LastName) == "0") { $error .= "Apellido no valido. Solo letras estan permitidas.<br/>"; return false; } */ if (strlen($MI) != 1 || !preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z_-]+$/", $MI)) { $error .= "<DIV ALIGN='CENTER'><br/><img src='imagenes/error_icon.jpg'> <br><br><FONT FACE='arial' SIZE=3 COLOR=red><b><i>No se permiten usuarios que comiencen con números....</i></b></FONT><br/><FONT FACE='arial' SIZE=1 COLOR=gray>Pueden ser como el siguiente ejemplo: miusuario123, miusuario </FONT> <br/><br/><br/><br/><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'> <img src='imagenes/atras.jpg' border='0'/></a></DIV><br/><br/>"; return false; } if ($Month > 12 || $Month < 1 || !preg_match("/^[0-9]/", $Month) || strlen($Month) == "0") { $error .= "Mes de fecha de nacimiento no valido.<br/>"; return false; } if ($Day > 31 || $Day < 1 || !preg_match("/^[0-9]/", $Day) || strlen($Day) == "0") { $error .= "Dia de fecha de nacimiento no valido.<br/>"; return false; } if ($Year > 2007 || $Year < 1950 || !preg_match("/^[0-9]/", $Year) || strlen($Year) == "0") { $error .= "Año de fecha de nacimiento no valido.<br/>"; return false; } if ($Sex != 1 && $Sex != 2) { $error .= "Genero no valido.<br/>"; return false; } if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z 0-9_-]+$/", $Country)) { $error .= " <DIV ALIGN='CENTER'><br/><img src='imagenes/error_icon.jpg'> <br><br><FONT FACE='arial' SIZE=3 COLOR=red><b><i>Paìs no válido.</i></b></FONT><br/><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'> <img src='imagenes/atras.jpg' border='0'/></a></DIV>"; return false; } $wea = mssql_query("SELECT UserID FROM Account where UserID='$UserID'"); $row = mssql_fetch_row($wea); if ($row[0] != "") { $error .= "<DIV ALIGN='CENTER'><br/><img src='imagenes/error_icon.jpg'> <br><br><FONT FACE='arial' SIZE=3 COLOR=red><b><i>Nombre de usuario en uso, Porfavor elije otro. </i></b></FONT><br/><br/><br/><br/><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'> <img src='imagenes/atras.jpg' border='0'/></a></DIV>"; return false; } $wea2 = mssql_query("SELECT Email FROM Account where Email='$Email'"); $row2 = mssql_fetch_row($wea2); if ($row2[0] != "") { $error .= " <DIV ALIGN='CENTER'><br/><img src='imagenes/error_icon.jpg'> <br><br><FONT FACE='arial' SIZE=3 COLOR=red><b><i> Email en uso, Porfavor ingresa otro.</i></b></FONT><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'> <img src='imagenes/atras.jpg' border='0'/></a></DIV><br/>"; return false; } return true; } if (!AllOK()) { echo $error; } else { $password2=strtoupper(md5(trim($Password))); $initial=substr($UserID,0,1); $userlenght=strlen(trim($UserID)); $result = "Cuenta registrada con exito!"; $f=fopen("./inc/sample.tad", "r"); $acc = fread($f,7124); $demoid=substr($acc,0,$userlenght); $demopass=substr($acc,52,32); $acc = str_replace($demoid,$UserID,$acc); $acc = str_replace($demopass,$password2,$acc); // echo $accdir."\\".$initial."\\".$UserID; $f2=fopen($accdir."\\".$initial."\\".$UserID.".tad", "a"); fwrite($f2,$acc); fclose($f); echo "<div align='center'><img src='imagenes/tantralogo.png' border='0'/></div><br> <FONT FACE='tahoma' align='center' SIZE=2 COLOR=white>Cuenta registrada con exito!.</FONT>"; mssql_query("INSERT INTO Account VALUES ('$Email', '$UserID', '$Password' , '$UserKey', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '$SecretQuestion', '$Answer', '$FirstName', '$MI', '$LastName', '$Month/$Day/$Year 00:00:00', '$Sex', 'NULL', NULL, NULL, '$Country', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]', newid(), GETDATE(), 1, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 1, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0)"); mssql_query("DECLARE @return_value int, @NCashResult int, @NCashMsg nvarchar(100) EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[AccountInsertUserInBilling] @Email = N'".$Email."', @NCashResult = @NCashResult OUTPUT, @NCashMsg = @NCashMsg OUTPUT"); } # include('template/registrocompleto.php'); } else { include('registro.php'); } ?> Whenever also I run my register page I encounter this error Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: message: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition. (severity 16) in C:\xampp\htdocs\includes\registro\registro.php on line 161 Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: Query failed in C:\xampp\htdocs\includes\registro\registro.php on line 161 Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: message: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'userId', table 'billcrux_phil.dbo.tblUser'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. (severity 16) in C:\xampp\htdocs\includes\registro\registro.php on line 169 I hope you can help me with my problem.. Regards..
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