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  1. Now, here's what I'm trying to do: First, I have a file filled with data like such: title tag 1 2 Title Description Etc Next, I upload that file to my site which then proceeds to make an array with said data and then inserts it into my database. But this is not the intended behavior. Right now, if I upload the same file again, it will re-insert everything and duplicate all entries. What I want to do is check if the data in the file has already been added, do nothing. If it's been modified, I want to update the database where changes have been made and not duplicate anything. Currently, my code does all that except one thing whre I'm really stuck: it won't update the changes from the file to the database. I've tried echoing everything and it's to be working except for the query so I take it the error is in there but I can't find it... I'm still learning PHP and MySQL so I thought maybe somebody could help indicate where or what I'm doing wrong in the query. Thanks in advance ! Here's my attempt at doing so: $register_ep_data = array( 'show' => $name, 'season' => $srNum, 'ep' => $epNum, 'app_name' => $epName, 'tag' => $tag, 'app_about' => $desc, 'app_website' => $imdb, 'app_release' => $release, 'type' => $type, 'app_code' => $Frame ); array_walk($register_ep_data, 'array_fu'); $fields = '`' . implode('`, `', array_keys($register_ep_data)) . '`'; $data = '\'' . implode('\', \'', $register_ep_data) . '\''; $epFound = false; $id = 0; while ($ep_list_data = mysql_fetch_array($turtle)) { $id = $ep_list_data['app_id']; $currentNAME = $ep_list_data['app_name']; $SERIES = $ep_list_data['show']; if ($SERIES == $name) { if ($currentNAME == $epName) { $epFound = true; break; } } } if ($epFound) { mysql_query("UPDATE `games` SET ($fields) VALUES ($data) WHERE `app_id` = '$id'"); } else { mysql_query("INSERT INTO `games` ($fields) VALUES ($data)"); } A few explanations: $fields would equal to something like: `show`, `season`, `ep`, etc... and $data to 'example', '1', '2', 'etc'
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