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  1. Yeah sorry about not being clear on the post. I think this part of the code is not working when I try to call it on my profile.php page. function getOnlineStatus() { switch($this->user['onlineoffline']) { case '0': default: $state = 'Offline'; break; case '1': $state = 'Online'; break; case '2': $state = 'Busy'; break; case '3': $state = 'Away'; break; case '4': $state = 'Snooze'; break; case '5': $state = 'Looking to trade'; break; case '6': $state = 'Looking to play'; break; } return $state; } The online part works but when I switch my status to away in the software it does not show up on my website as away stills says online. This is the code I am using to call the above code. echo "<br /><strong>Online:</strong> " . $steam->user['onlineoffline'] . " "; These are the values I am using in my array system.... // Set the database values $values = array( 'steamid' => $content['response']['players'][0]['steamid'], 'communityvisibilitystate' => $content['response']['players'][0]['communityvisibilitystate'], 'profilestate' => $content['response']['players'][0]['profilestate'], 'personaname' => $content['response']['players'][0]['personaname'], 'lastlogoff' => isset($content['response']['players'][0]['lastlogoff']) ? $content['response']['players'][0]['lastlogoff'] : '', 'profileurl' => $content['response']['players'][0]['profileurl'], 'avatar' => $content['response']['players'][0]['avatar'], 'avatarmedium' => $content['response']['players'][0]['avatarmedium'], 'avatarfull' => $content['response']['players'][0]['avatarfull'], 'personastate' => $content['response']['players'][0]['personastate'], 'timecreated' => $content['response']['players'][0]['timecreated'], 'onlineoffline' => $content['response']['players'][0]['personastate'] == 1 ? 'Online' : 'Offline', 'status' => $this->getOnlineStatus() ); Thanks
  2. But I need help in an issue I have been having for awhile now. Some reason when I try to call for online status it does not work sometimes i can get it to show the default code 1 which means online. But I am trying to get it to say Online and Offline and so on. I do not get what I am doing wrong my website using mysql so not sure if its having trouble reading the database or what. here is the code... <?php class steam { public $api = STEAM_API; public $returnUrl = URL; public $user = array(); function __construct() { $this->setUserInfo(); } function isLoggedin() { if(isset($_SESSION['steam'])) { return true; } return false; } function showLogoutButton() { echo "<br /><a href=\"logout.php\">Logout</a>"; //logout button } function steamlogin() { require_once(INCLUDES.'/openid.php'); try { // Change 'localhost' to your domain name. $openid = new LightOpenID($this->returnUrl); //dump($openid); if(!$openid->mode) { if(isset($_GET['login'])) { $openid->identity = 'http://steamcommunity.com/openid'; header('Location: ' . $openid->authUrl()); } echo "<a href=\"?login\"><img src=\"http://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/public/images/signinthroughsteam/sits_small.png\"></a>"; } elseif($openid->mode == 'cancel') { echo 'User has canceled authentication!'; } else { if($openid->validate()) { $id = $openid->identity; $ptn = "/^http:\/\/steamcommunity\.com\/openid\/id\/(7[0-9]{15,25}+)$/"; preg_match($ptn, $id, $matches); $_SESSION['loginid'] = $matches[1]; //die('Here'); header('Location: index.php'); exit; } else { echo "User is not logged in.\n"; } //die('here we are'); } } catch(ErrorException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } function doLogout() { if(isset($_POST['steamid'])) { unset($_POST['steamid']); } header('Location: index.php'); exit; } function setUserInfo() { global $DB; if($this->isLoggedin()) { // Grab the info from the session $userData = $DB->getUserById($_SESSION['steam']); if(isset($userData['steamid'])) { $this->user = $userData; } else { unset($_SESSION['steam']); die('Could not get user'); } } elseif(isset($_SESSION['loginid'])) { $url = 'http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v0002/?key='.$this->api.'&steamids='.$_SESSION['loginid']; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $content = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $content = json_decode($content, true); $_SESSION['steam'] = $_SESSION['loginid']; // Set the database values $values = array( 'steamid' => $content['response']['players'][0]['steamid'], 'communityvisibilitystate' => $content['response']['players'][0]['communityvisibilitystate'], 'profilestate' => $content['response']['players'][0]['profilestate'], 'personaname' => $content['response']['players'][0]['personaname'], 'lastlogoff' => isset($content['response']['players'][0]['lastlogoff']) ? $content['response']['players'][0]['lastlogoff'] : '', 'profileurl' => $content['response']['players'][0]['profileurl'], 'avatar' => $content['response']['players'][0]['avatar'], 'avatarmedium' => $content['response']['players'][0]['avatarmedium'], 'avatarfull' => $content['response']['players'][0]['avatarfull'], 'personastate' => $content['response']['players'][0]['personastate'], 'timecreated' => $content['response']['players'][0]['timecreated'], 'onlineoffline' => $this->user['personastate'] == 1 ? 'Online' : 'Offline', 'status' => $this->getOnlineStatus() ); if($values['lastlogoff'] == '') { $values['lastlogoff'] = 'NA'; } else { $values['lastlogoff'] = date("m/d/Y", $values['lastlogoff']); } // Are updating the user info or adding them? $userExists = $DB->getUserById($_SESSION['steam']); if(isset($userExists['steamid'])) { // We have this user, lets update their info $DB->update('users', $values, array('steamid' => $_SESSION['steam'])); } else { // New user, lets insert them $id = $DB->insert('users', $values); } unset($_SESSION['loginid']); $this->setUserInfo(); } } function getOnlineStatus($values) { switch($this->user['onlineoffline']) { case '0': default: $state = 'Offline'; break; case '1': $state = 'Online'; break; case '2': $state = 'Busy'; break; case '3': $state = 'Away'; break; case '4': $state = 'Snooze'; break; case '5': $state = 'Looking to trade'; break; case '6': $state = 'Looking to play'; break; } return $state; } ?> This is basically my entire code that calls the steam api. Here is the echo function I use to try and call it on a profile.php page... echo "<br /><strong>Online:</strong> " . $steam->user['onlineoffline'] . " "; So I would really appreciate it if someone can help me. I been trying to figure out this for the past week and its starting to drive me nuts and loose motivation on my project. Everything else works great minus this one issue. I have pretty much asked everywhere I can think of and no help. I use a function to call my database hint the global $DB; in my functions just to give you anymore information I can. $steam variable I believe is coming from my class at the very top of my code that is were $steam comes from. Thanks
  3. soslidesigns


    Hey guys I am new to PHP Freaks. I always have been into website designing just recently started to code in php from scratch and startng to like it. But I came here for maybe help and suggestions for future projects.
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