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  1. kicken, your answer led me to php.ini but the value was set high there. Though I changed it to a higher value it didn't work. But what worked for me was setting these values in .htaccess. Thank you for helping me. php_value upload_max_filesize 10M php_value post_max_size 10M
  2. Hi Everyone, this is a very old code. I know I have to change the 'addslashes' method in this code. I also just changed the code using 'mysqli'. There are two files to upload the images to a gallery, preexport.php and export.php. The upload works up to five images. if I choose 6 or more and press add images, the browser refreshes itself and the upload won't happen. All the fields on the form clears itself and no errors shows up...can you please take a look and help me correct this problem? Here are the two files... export.php <?php include("config.inc.php"); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { include("config.inc.php"); if(!$_POST) { header("Location: preexport.php"); exit(); } // initialization $result_final = ""; $counter = 0; // List of our known photo types $known_photo_types = array( 'image/pjpeg' => 'jpg', 'image/jpeg' => 'jpg', 'image/gif' => 'gif', 'image/bmp' => 'bmp', 'image/x-png' => 'png' ); // GD Function List $gd_function_suffix = array( 'image/pjpeg' => 'JPEG', 'image/jpeg' => 'JPEG', 'image/gif' => 'GIF', 'image/bmp' => 'WBMP', 'image/x-png' => 'PNG' ); // Fetch the photo array sent by preexport.php $photos_uploaded = $_FILES['photo_filename']; $filename[]= $photos_uploaded['name'][$counter]; //print_r($photos_uploaded); $photo_caption = $_POST['photo_caption']; // Fetch the photo caption array $photo_description = $_POST['photo_description']; // Fetch the photo caption array $photo_keyword = $_POST['photo_keyword']; while( $counter <count($_FILES['photo_filename']['tmp_name']) ) { if($photos_uploaded['size'][$counter] > 0) { if(!array_key_exists($photos_uploaded['type'][$counter], $known_photo_types)) { $result_final .= "File ".($counter+1)." is not a photo<br />"; } else { /*print "HHHHHH\n"; print "Counter is $counter : "; print $photos_uploaded['name'][0]; print $photos_uploaded['name'][1]; print "Photo caption is $photo_caption[$counter]"; */ mysqli_query( $mysqli,"INSERT INTO gallery_photos ( `photo_filename`, `photo_caption`, `photo_description`, `photo_keywords`, `category_name` ) VALUES( '".addslashes($photos_uploaded['name'][$counter])."', '".addslashes($photo_caption[$counter])."', '".addslashes($photo_description[$counter])."', '".addslashes($photo_keyword[$counter])."', '".addslashes($_POST['category'])."')" ) or die(mysqli_error() . 'Photo not uploaded'); // $new_id = mysqli_insert_id(); $filetype = $photos_uploaded['type'][$counter]; $extention = $known_photo_types[$filetype]; //$filename = $photo_filename[$counter].".".$extention; //$filename = $new_id.".".$extention; // mysqli_query( "UPDATE gallery_photos SET photo_filename='".addslashes($filename)."' WHERE photo_id='".addslashes($new_id)."'" ); // Store the orignal file copy($photos_uploaded['tmp_name'][$counter], $images_dir."/".$photos_uploaded['name'][$counter]); // Let's get the Thumbnail size $size = GetImageSize( $images_dir."/".$photos_uploaded['name'][$counter] ); if($size[0] > $size[1]) { $thumbnail_width = 200; $thumbnail_height = (int)(200 * $size[1] / $size[0]); } else { $thumbnail_width = (int)(200 * $size[0] / $size[1]); $thumbnail_height = 200; } // Build Thumbnail with GD 1.x.x, you can use the other described methods too $function_suffix = $gd_function_suffix[$filetype]; $function_to_read = "ImageCreateFrom".$function_suffix; $function_to_write = "Image".$function_suffix; // Read the source file $source_handle = $function_to_read ( $images_dir."/".$photos_uploaded['name'][$counter] ); $sharpenMatrix = array ( array(-1.2, -1, -1.2), array(-1, 8, -1), array(-1.2, -1, -1.2) ); // calculate the sharpen divisor $divisor = array_sum(array_map('array_sum', $sharpenMatrix)); $offset = 0; if($source_handle) { // Let's create an blank image for the thumbnail $destination_handle = ImageCreateTrueColor ( $thumbnail_width, $thumbnail_height ); // Now we resize it ImageCopyResized( $destination_handle, $source_handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumbnail_width, $thumbnail_height, $size[0], $size[1] ); } // Let's save the thumbnail $function_to_write( $destination_handle, $images_dir."/tb_".$photos_uploaded['name'][$counter], 100 ); ImageDestroy($destination_handle ); // $result_final .= "<img src='".$images_dir. "/tb_".$photos_uploaded['name'][$counter]."' /> File ".($counter+1)." Added<br />"; } } $counter++; } // Print Result echo <<<__HTML_END <html> <head> <title>Photos uploaded</title> </head> <body> $result_final </body> </html> __HTML_END; } ?> preexport.php <?php include 'config.inc.php'; $photo_category_list = ''; $photo_upload_fields = ''; $counter = 1; // If we want more fields, then use, preexport.php?number_of_fields=9 $number_of_fields = (isset($_GET['number_of_fields'])) ? (int)($_GET['number_of_fields']) : 9; // Firstly Lets build the Category List $result = mysqli_query($mysqli,'SELECT category_name FROM gallery_category'); /*if($result === FALSE) { die(mysqli_error()); // TODO: better error handling }*/ while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $photo_category_list .= <<<__HTML_END <option value="$row[0]">$row[0]</option>\n __HTML_END; } mysqli_free_result( $result ); // Lets build the Image Uploading fields while($counter <= $number_of_fields) { $photo_upload_fields .= <<<__HTML_END <tr><td> Photo {$counter}: <input name="photo_filename[]" type="file" /> </td></tr> <tr><td> Caption: <textarea name="photo_caption[]" cols="50" rows="1"></textarea> </td></tr> <tr><td> Description: <textarea name="photo_description[]" cols="50" rows="4"></textarea> </td></tr> <tr><td> Keyword: <textarea name="photo_keyword[]" cols="50" rows="4"></textarea> </td></tr> __HTML_END; $counter++; } // Final Output echo <<<__HTML_END <html> <head> <title> Rajeev lets upload photos!! </title> </head> <body> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="export.php" method="post" name="export_form"> <table width="90%" border="0" align="center" style="width: 90%;"> <tr><td> Select Category <select name="category"> $photo_category_list </select> </td></tr> <!—Insert the image fields here --> $photo_upload_fields <tr><td> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add Photos" /> </td></tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> __HTML_END; ?>
  3. Thank you everyone for helping me with this issue. All of you taught me about something. After my basics of PHP it sounds like I need to learn prepared statements...
  4. requinix, unfortunately copy and pasting did not work for me. Inee to try again. I am a total newbie. Jaques..you are so right about the code being from early 2000 It is.. it was from an old tutorial. I now know that I have to learn prepared statements. Thank you for your detailed explanations. Thank you for writing the code.Learning a lot from this single post. Thank you KevinM1..I will , thank you for the link. Fastsol...thank you. Your code worked. I need to to see a working example to learn from it. I am not just copying an pasting I promise. Thank you all for answering, you guys know so much. Glad I posted the question here.
  5. Hi Everyone, Sorry I am a complete newbie and am trying to secure my code using MySQLi but I am stuck at mysql_result since there is no equivalent in mysqli. Can someone help me with my code please ? $total_results = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gallery_photos WHERE category_name='" . addslashes($category_name) . "'"); if (!$total_results) { die('Could not query:' . mysqli_error()); } $total_results = mysql_result($total_results, 0); When I use this I am getting an error As a solution I was told to use $row = $mysqli_result->fetch_row(); $the_count = $row[0]; But I do not know how to add this to my code to make it work. I am sorry if this is too elementary ...
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