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  1. Sorry that wasn't an example but a formatting and structure example. A real example of the rules in the code. (Will remove that from my post as It is confusing.)
  2. That would be the easiest but during our research we found that the local takeaways for example don't do it based on distance but postcode! Also those distances would be as the crow flies meaning places that are considered close by that method are longer to get to/ further to drive to than somewhere that's further. Sadly the easy way out isn't right annoyingly.
  3. Hi All, Long long long time lurker here! A little background to understand how this fits in So I am building a local directory for my local area as part of a community project. Part of this there is the ability for local stores to sell online locally for people to have delivered or collect. So in the UK we have postcodes in the formats: AB12 3CD, A1 2BC A12 3CD, A1B 2CD Most delivery pricing solutions only care about the full postcode as they are all about national delivery or at best only care about the first half. Due to the local nature we need more granularity to it so we have some rules: Delivery Available EH => Price EH3 => Price EH3 1 => Price EH3 1-4 => Price Exceptions - No Delivery allowed EH => null EH3 => null EH3 1 => null EH3 1-4 => null Can mix and match for example: EH3 = £2.00 EH3 2 => £2.25 EH3 5 => null This means that ALL EH3 address the delivery cost is £2 BUT If they are in EH3 2 then its £2.25 or if the are in EH3 5 then no delivery is possible. I have came up with this monstrosity of code that for the most part works but also can throw the wrong delivery prices out due to bugs and issues that I can't seem to work out! Main Function: function isDeliverable($postcode, $rules){ $canDeliver = false; $deliveryValue = 0.00; $found = false; list($outward, $inward) = explode(' ', $postcode); $area = substr($outward, 0, 2); $district = substr($outward, 2); $sector = substr($inward, 0, 1); $unit = substr($inward, 1,1); $rulez = json_decode($rules, true); //RULE START - EH10 9RJ $pcFound = inRule($rulez, $postcode); if($pcFound){ return ['canDeliver' => $pcFound['deliverable'], 'deliveryValue' => $pcFound['price']]; } //RULE END - EH10 9RJ //RULE START - EH10 9R $pcFound = inRule($rulez, $area.$district.' '.$sector.$unit); if($pcFound && !strpos($pcFound['postcode'], "-")){ return ['canDeliver' => $pcFound['deliverable'], 'deliveryValue' => $pcFound['price']]; } //RULE END - EH10 9R //RULE START - EH10 9A-F $pcFound = inRule($rulez, $area.$district.' '.$sector.$unit, 1); if($pcFound){ $postArray = postcodeExploder($pcFound, 1); $pcFound = inRule($postArray, $area.$district.' '.$sector.$unit); if($pcFound){ return ['canDeliver' => $pcFound['deliverable'], 'deliveryValue' => $pcFound['price']]; } } //RULE END - EH10 9A-F //RULE START - EH10 9 $pcFound = inRule($rulez, $area.$district.' '.$sector); if($pcFound && !strpos($pcFound['postcode'], "-")){ return ['canDeliver' => $pcFound['deliverable'], 'deliveryValue' => $pcFound['price']]; } //RULE END - EH10 9 //RULE START - EH10 1-4 $pcFound = inRule($rulez, $area.$district.' '.$sector, 2); if($pcFound){ $postArray = postcodeExploder($pcFound, 2); $pcFound = inRule($postArray, $area.$district.' '.$sector); if($pcFound){ return ['canDeliver' => $pcFound['deliverable'], 'deliveryValue' => $pcFound['price']]; } } //RULE END - EH10 1-4 //RULE START - EH10 $pcFound = inRule($rulez, $area.$district); if($pcFound && !strpos($pcFound['postcode'], "-")){ return ['canDeliver' => $pcFound['deliverable'], 'deliveryValue' => $pcFound['price']]; } //RULE END - EH20 //RULE START - EH1-20 $pcFound = inRule($rulez, $area.$district, 3); if($pcFound){ $postArray = postcodeExploder($pcFound, 3); $pcFound = inRule($postArray, $area.$district); if($pcFound){ return ['canDeliver' => $pcFound['deliverable'], 'deliveryValue' => $pcFound['price']]; } } //RULE END - EH1-20 //RULE START - EH $pcFound = inRule($rulez, $area); if($pcFound && !strpos($pcFound['postcode'], "-")){ return ['canDeliver' => $pcFound['deliverable'], 'deliveryValue' => $pcFound['price']]; } //RULE END - EH return ['canDeliver' => $canDeliver, 'deliveryValue' => $deliveryValue]; } Helper Functions: function inRule($rules, $postcode, $type = null){ foreach($rules as $key => $rule){ if(substr_count($rule['postcode'], '-') !== 0 && strlen($postcode) > 2){ $pEX = postcodeExploder($rule, $type); foreach($pEX as $r){ if($r['postcode'] == $postcode){ return $rules[$key]; } //$rule['postcode'] = trim(substr($rule['postcode'], 0, strpos($rule['postcode'], "-")-1)); } } if ( $rule['postcode'] == $postcode ) return $rules[$key]; } return false; } function postcodeExploder($rule, $type){ $out = []; $r = explode(' ', $rule['postcode']); $count = count($r); //It must be in the form AB1 1C //$first = AB1 //$last = 1C-G if($count == 2){ list($first, $last) = $r; } else { $last = $r[0]; } list($left, $right) = explode('-', $last); $sec = $left[0]; $leftInward = substr($last, strpos($last, '-')-1,1); $rightInward = substr($last, strpos($last, '-')+1,1); $range = range($leftInward, $rightInward); foreach($range as $key => $ra){ if($type == 1){ $out['a'.$key] = [ 'postcode' => $first.' '.$sec.$ra, 'deliverable' => $rule['deliverable'], 'price' => $rule['price'] ]; } else if($type == 2){ $out['a'.$key] = [ 'postcode' => $first.' '.$ra, 'deliverable' => $rule['deliverable'], 'price' => $rule['price'] ]; } else { $out['a'.$key] = [ 'postcode' => preg_replace('/\PL/u', '', $left).$ra, 'deliverable' => $rule['deliverable'], 'price' => $rule['price'] ]; } } return $out; } Stores Rules: $rules = '{"a1":{"postcode":"EH9","deliverable":true,"price":"1.50"},"a2":{"postcode":"EH9 7","deliverable":true,"price":"1.60"},"a3":{"postcode":"EH9 7A","deliverable":true,"price":"1.70"},"a4":{"postcode":"EH9 7AY","deliverable":true,"price":"1.80"},"a5":{"postcode":"EH1-2","deliverable":true,"price":"1.90"},"a6":{"postcode":"EH1 2-3","deliverable":true,"price":"2.00"},"a7":{"postcode":"EH4 5A-N","deliverable":true,"price":"2.10"},"a8":{"postcode":"EH","deliverable":true,"price":"1.40"},"a9":{"postcode":"TD14","deliverable":true,"price":"2.00"},"a10":{"postcode":"TD14 5DC","deliverable":false,"price":null}}';
  4. Just away of using the dates and times of when the device last polled to create uptime and down time charts. Also ways of stopping this from making a database table HUGE! I worked out if I have a 100 of these devices on one day I would have over 1.4million rows! That could get ugly quickly. Never mind putting out the data in a nice format... I'm normally good at working out issues and problems but this one has me totally confused.
  5. Hi, I need to rack some peoples brains! I have here a script that allows a GSM/ Remote receipt printer to poll for data in a specific format. The issue is that I will be deploying a few 100 of these damn things and need to know what ones are on or off! I can get the time I polls the file and have it writing to a DB table. The only issue is that even with only two printers running its filling up the table fast! Over 600 rows in 30 mins for only two printers! I need to find out a better way to do this but have the same flexibility in knowing what exact times it was on and off and then to take this data and put into a nice viewable format! This should be safe with a few hundred printers at once. Hope someone can help me with this as I am totally stumped! =/
  6. Hi, I'm Callum and I thought I would be the nice one and post a Hi!
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