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b4druz4lsyihab's Achievements


Newbie (1/5)



  1. Hy Newbie I've tried but did not work for me if you have any other suggestions for me anyway thanks for your answer
  2. how to take a word in php or explode based on luas Bangunan :xxx For example I have string $string =" Kondisi Properti : Bagus Dilengkapi Perabotan : Unfurnished Sertifikat : Lainnya Daya Listrik : 2200 Watt Kamar Tidur : 3/1 Kamar Mandi : 2/1 Luas Bangunan : 92 m² Luas Tanah : 126 m² Jumlah Lantai : - Kondisi Properti : Bagus Sekali Dilengkapi Perabotan : Unfurnished Sertifikat : SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik Daya Listrik : 6600 Watt Saluran Telepon : 1 Garasi : 3 Kamar Tidur : 4/1 Kamar Mandi : 3/1 Luas Bangunan : 300 m² Luas Tanah : 228 m² Jumlah Lantai : 2.5 "; eg I want to take every "Luas bangunan: xxx" Thanks
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