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  1. Hello everyone! I am trying to insert a student into a table (with TIMESTAMP; works with VARCHAR, not TIMESTAMP). Can anyone help? Variable $time_stamp = date("D M j G:i:s T Y"); Populate DB Query ("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enrolled") || !$link->query("CREATE TABLE enrolled(course_id VARCHAR(50), student_id VARCHAR(50), user_ip VARCHAR(50), time_stamp TIMESTAMP(6)) Insert Query INSERT INTO enrolled(course_id,student_id,user_ip,time_stamp) VALUES('$course','$number','$user_ip','$time_stamp')
  2. I've been trying the methods that have been suggested, just cannot get it to work.
  3. I am trying to stop an invalid selection (validate selection) from happening if a user modifies the source code. However, I am unsure of how to do so. Here is my code below: <form action="index.php" method="POST"> <?php if (isset($_POST['course'])) { $course = htmlentities($course); //Prints if the student has been successfully enrolled into the course if ($success == 1) { echo '<font color="#12df12">You have successfully enrolled in ' . htmlspecialchars($course_name) . ' (' . htmlspecialchars($course) . ')!</font>'; } //Prints if the person registering has entered data incorrectly into the form if ($found == 0) { echo '<font color="#ff0000">The credentials you have entered are incorrect, please try again.</font>'; } else { //Prints if the student has already enrolled in the course if ($findregistered == 1) { $option = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM courses WHERE course_code = '$course'") or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($option)) { foreach ($row as $key1 => $value1) { $$key1 = $value1; } echo '<font color="#ff0000">You have already enrolled in ' . htmlspecialchars($course_name) . ' (' . htmlspecialchars($course) . ')!</font>'; } } else { //Prints if the course the student has selected is full if ($number_max == 1) { echo '<font color="#ff0000">Sorry ' . htmlspecialchars($course_name) . ' (' . htmlspecialchars($course) . ') is full, please select another course.</font>'; } } } } ?> <p> <input name="name" placeholder="Student Name" type="text"> <input name="number" placeholder="Student Number" type="text"> </p> <p> <select name="course" size="1"> <option id="select">-- Select Course --</option> <?php $lf = "\n"; $ht = "\t\t"; $option = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM courses ORDER BY course_name") or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($option)) { foreach ($row as $key1 => $value1) { $$key1 = $value1; } /** * Dynamically creates the option values for the select box based on course info from course_array * Added Currently Enrolled to the course list so the end-user would have an idea of how many were currently enrolled in the course. **/ $a = $ht . '<option value="' . $course_code . '">' . $course_name . ' (Enrolled: ' . $enrollment . ')</option>' . $lf; echo $a; } mysqli_close($link); ?> </select> </p> <p> <input type="submit" value="Send"><input type="reset" value="Clear"> </p> </form>
  4. How can I prevent someone from making an ivalid selection in a form? Lets say I had a select dropdown box and someone saved the HTML source from the browser, changed an item in the list, and changed the action to point back to my server eg. action="testsite.com/index.php". Then they open the file and try to submit the form.
  5. Thank you good Sir, this has seemed to have resolved my issue.
  6. If I change that, I get this error
  7. So I'm basically done an assignment, however I'm having the biggest brainfart at the moment. For the life of me I cannot remember how to "jump line" in a file and have to put "end" at the end of my txt files. Also I have to put a break in my code which messes up my formatting: $coursedata = explode(' ', rtrim($coursedata)); $studentdata = explode(' ', rtrim($studentdata)); fwrite($fp, $number.'||'.$_POST['course'].' '.$content); Here is the main code below for the script: <html> <head> <?php $success = 0; $number_of_registered = 0; $course_array = getdatafile('courses.txt'); $registered_array = getdatafile('register.txt'); #______________global variables____________________ function getdatafile($file) { # code... $coursedata = file_get_contents($file); $coursedata = explode(' ', rtrim($coursedata)); unset($coursedata[count($coursedata) - 1]); $course_array = array(); foreach($coursedata as $row) { $course_array[] = explode('||', $row); } return $course_array; } #_____________functions_______________________ if (isset ($_POST['name']) and isset ($_POST['number']) and isset ($_POST['course'])) { #________________test if the post exists $name = $_POST['name']; $number = $_POST['number']; $found = 0; $findregistered = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($registered_array); $i++) { if ($registered_array[$i][0] == $_POST['number'] && $registered_array[$i][1] == $_POST['course']) { # ___________test if the student is enrolled in this course $findregistered = 1; } if($registered_array[$i][1] == $_POST['course']) { #________counter of the number registered in this course $number_of_registered++; } } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($course_array); $i++) { if ($course_array[$i][1] == $_POST['course']) { # ______________this test if the number of registered is the max $course_name = $course_array[$i][0]; $findcourse = 1; if($number_of_registered < $course_array[$i][2]) { $number_max = 0; } else { $number_max = 1; } } } $studentdata = file_get_contents('students.txt'); $studentdata = explode(' ', rtrim($studentdata)); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($studentdata); $i++) { list($studentname, $studentnumber) = explode("||", rtrim($studentdata[$i])); if (strtoupper($name) == strtoupper($studentname) && strtoupper($number) == strtoupper($studentnumber)) { $found = 1; if ($findcourse == 1 && $findregistered == 0 && $number_max == 0) { # _____________________do all the tests to record the student in the course("register.txt") and do it if all the test are checked $success = 1; $content = file_get_contents('register.txt'); $fp = fopen('register.txt', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $number.'||'.$_POST['course'].' '.$content); fclose($fp); echo "<title>".strtoupper($name).",".strtoupper($studentname)."</title>"; } } } } ?> <style> body, p{padding: 0;margin: 0;} </style> </head> <body> <form action="index.php" method="POST"> <?php if (isset ($_POST['course'])) { $course = htmlentities ($_POST['course']); # ___________________print the information of rgester in the screen for if ($success == 1) { echo "You have successfully enrolled in $course_name, $course!"; } if($found == 0) { echo 'The credentials you have entered are incorrect, please try again.'; } else { if($findregistered == 1) { echo 'You have already enrolled in this course.'; } else { if($number_max == 1) { echo "Sorry $course_name, $course is full, please select another course."; } } } } ?> <p>Courses</p> <p><input name = "name" placeholder = "Student Name" type = "text"></p> <p><input name = "number" placeholder = "Student Number" type = "text"></p> <p><select name = "course" size = "1"> <option id = "select">-- Select Course --</option> <?php for ($i = 0; $i <sizeof($course_array); $i++) { $number_of_registered1 = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($registered_array); $j++) { if($registered_array[$j][1] == $course_array[$i][1]) { $number_of_registered1++; } } $a = '<option value = "'.$course_array[$i][1].'">'.$course_array[$i][0].' registered:'.$number_of_registered1.'</option>'; echo $a; } ?> </select></p> <p><input type = "submit" value = "Send"><input type = "reset" value = "Clear"></p> </form> </body> </html> courses.txt register.txt students.txt index.php
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