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  1. I have a problem with the "comments count" in the toggle link in my blog: www.albertosotophotography.com I have this script for show/hide comments in main page: <script type= "text/javascript"> // Show/Hide Comments jQuery(document).ready(function() { // Get #comments div var uniqueAppend = 1; var tempName = 'comments'; while(jQuery("#comments").length > 0 ){ jQuery("#comments").attr('id',tempName + uniqueAppend++).addClass('commentContainer') } var commentsDiv = jQuery('.commentContainer'); // Only do this work if that div isn't empty if (commentsDiv.length) { // Hide #comments div by default jQuery(commentsDiv).hide(); // Append a link to show/hide jQuery('<a/>') .attr('class', 'toggle-comments') .attr('href', '#') .html('Notes') .insertAfter(commentsDiv); // Encase button in .toggle-comments-container div jQuery('.toggle-comments').wrap(jQuery('<div/>', { class: 'toggle-comments-container' })) // When show/hide is clicked jQuery('.toggle-comments').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Show/hide the div using jQuery's toggle() var commentContainer = jQuery(this).parent('.toggle-comments-container').prev('.commentContainer'); jQuery(commentContainer).slideToggle('slow', function() { // change the text of the anchor var anchor = jQuery(commentContainer).siblings('.toggle-comments-container').children('.toggle-comments'); var anchorText = anchor.text() == 'Notes' ? 'Hide' : 'Notes'; jQuery(anchor).html(anchorText); }); }); } // End of commentsDiv.length }); // End of Show/Hide Comments </script> I use: .html('<?php comments_number( '0 notes', '1 note', '% notes' ); ?>') for name the "comments toggle link" with the count of comments for each single post. The problem is that all posts shows the same count: the comments presents in the first post. Someone can help me? Alberto
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