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  1. wow !! thank you so so so so much for this .. this really helped me ... :D thank you again .... I really appreciate it ..
  2. Hi guys .. please help me .. I don't know how to do this and I tried but there were no satisfied results.. I want to retrieve a Title (ing_title) from a database called k_db2 , in a table called content_langs depending on its ID , which called ing_contID example: if ing_contID=1 , then show the ing_title with this id ing_contID the above code should be in a php file .. then I want to include this php file inside the header of my website.. by importing the ing_contID from the database and depending on it the title should be shown.. I really tried but I couldn't find any solution .. if you could help me in the first part of this problem I'll be glad ..
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