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  1. Haaa ok, THAT subject! I know that! I'm just using that field so I get the email with the value of the variable! I installed FirePHP to check the values of the variables, but it was not working, so I'm sending the value of the variable as the subject, just to test it! The website I'm working in and that is getting this problem is http://algarve-dreamweddings.com/partners/thestoryteller/ In that page the field "Email2" is where I printf the value of $_SESSION['kamail'] and it gets the right email address "info@thestoryteller...", but then in the tab "Location", when the form sends the email with the value of the same variable, the variable instead of "info@thestoryteller..", has another email. In this case it has the email of the last item I posted in the website. Francisco
  2. Dear cyberRobot, I would like to be able to answer your question, but even after googling for "subject argument", I couldn't find out what it means! I thought that doing something like "$_SESSION['kamail']=($javo_directory_query->get('email'));" what would happen would be to put in $_SESSION['kamail'] a string with the contents of $javo_directory_query->get('email'), . But I guess that what's in $_SESSION['kamail'] is not a string but some other kind of data. Maybe I should post here the full code of both files? Francisco
  3. Hello again! I tried with both with and without session_start.. Yes I tried using $_SESSION['kamail'] directly. But in the second file I don't printf the var, what I do is send one email, like this: wp_mail( $recipient, $_SESSION['kamail'], $body, $headers, $attachments );
  4. Hi, no nothing. When I do it with "$Variable1 ='Hello';" I get "Hello" in $Variable2. When I do it with "$Variable1 =($javo_directory_query->get('email'));" and printf it on the first file, it prints the correct email, but $Variable2 then has a different email as value. ​I guess that $Variable1 is not getting a string of characters, but some kind of pointer to a value, but I'm still a perfect ignorant about php, so I can't solve this apparently simple problem Francisco
  5. Hello everybody. I'm changing some php in one wordpress website. What I'm trying to do is to pass some values from one website page to the other. When I do it this way, everything works fine: Example 1: First php file: (the one sending the value) $Variable1 ='Hello'; $_SESSION['kamail']=$Variable1; printf('<li> Variable value:'. $Variable1 .'</li>'); Second php file: (the one getting the value) $Variable2=($_SESSION['kamail']); In the previous "Example 1" I get the correct value in $Variable2 and the print_f also prints the correct value In the next "Example 2", it does print the correct value, but in the second file, $Variable2 gets a completely different value. Example 2: First php file: (the one sending the value) $Variable1 =($javo_directory_query->get('email')); $_SESSION['kamail']=$Variable1; printf('<li> Variable value:'. $Variable1 .'</li>'); Second php file: (the one getting the value) $Variable2=($_SESSION['kamail']); I guess that this haves something to do with pointers or something similar, but I'm a completely PHP beginner, so I'm stuck with this Francisco
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