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  1. YES!!! Thank you very very much!! It worked!! (I'd say 'I love you', but it seems to sound a little hard) hehehe!
  2. Yes, of course! TABLE `TeatroAsiento` (`Id`, `IdModoTeatro`, `Numero`, `Fila`, `IdSector`) VALUES (135, '1001', 1, '7', '2002') (136, '1001', 2, '7', '2002') (137, '1001', 3, '7', '2002') (138, '1001', 4, '7', '2002') (139, '1001', 5, '7', '2002') TABLE `PrecioEspectaculoSector` (`IdEspectaculo`, `IdFuncion`, `IdSector`, `Precio`) VALUES ('14', '23', '2002', '80.00') TABLE `SectorTeatro` (`Id`, `Nombre`, `IdModoTeatro`, `ColorHex`, `SectorUbicacion`) VALUES ('2002', 'Lat. Izquierdo', '1001', 'ffb000', 'Izquierda') TABLE `LocalidadEstado` (`IdFuncion`, `IdEspectaculo`, `IdSector`, `IdTeatroAsiento`, `IdEstado`) VALUES ('23', '14', '2002', '135', 2) ('23', '14', '2002', '136', 2) ('23', '14', '2002', '137', 2) I try to do the following: 'TeatroAsiento.Id', 'LocalidadEstado.IdEstado' 135, 2 (Exists in table LocalidadEstado, so it shows NotAvailable.png) 136, 2 (Exists in table LocalidadEstado, so it shows NotAvailable.png) 137, 2 (Exists in table LocalidadEstado, so it shows NotAvailable.png) 138 (Doesn't exist in table LocalidadEstado, so it shows available.png) 139 (Doesn't exist in table LocalidadEstado, so it shows available.png)
  3. Hey! Thank you very much! That works! But the problem is that it only shows the coincidences on TeatroAsiento.Id = LocalidadEstado.IdTeatroAsiento I also need to show those and the seats that are in the TeatroAsiento table but not in the LocalidadEstado table. Example: It shows: A1 - NotAvailable A3 - NotAvailable A5 - NotAvailable It should show: A1 - NotAvailable A2 - Available A3 - NotAvailable A4 - Available A5 - NotAvailable I've tried this: FROM TeatroAsiento U JOIN PrecioEspectaculoSector P ON U.IdSector = P.IdSector JOIN LocalidadEstado L ON P.IdFuncion = L.IdFuncion WHERE U.IdSector = '$Sector' AND P.IdFuncion = '$fn' AND P.IdEspectaculo = '$id' ORDER BY U.Id But it shows: A1 - NotAvailable A1 - Available A1 - Available A2 - Available A2 - Available A2 - Available A3 - NotAvailable A3 - Available A3 - Available A4 - Available A4 - Available A4 - Available A5 - NotAvailable A5 - Available A5 - Available The coincidences on TeatroAsiento.Id = LocalidadEstado.IdTeatroAsiento are 3.
  4. Hello and thanks for replying! I will try to translate everything to english in order to be more descriptive. This is a map of cinema seats. TeatroAsiento is the table where I get the base seats. Id Row Column Sector PrecioEspectaculoSector is the table where I get the price for each group of seats Id IdFuncion Sector Price LocalidadEstado is the table where I get seat status and I set a row every time a seat is Not Available. Id IdFuncion IdTeatroAsiento Status (1= Available, 2=Not Available) TeatroAsiento and LocalidadEstado are related by Id and IdTeatroAsiento. PrecioEspectaculoSector and LocalidadEstado are related by IdFuncion field that is set in the variable $fn What I'm trying to do: If TeatroAsiento.Id exists in LocalidadEstado.IdTeatroAsiento and LocalidadEstado.Status is 2 it should show NotAvailable.png else it should show Available.png My english is quite poor... I apologize for that.
  5. I have the following code to show different images according a value of a field in another table. It shows the images correctly where $LocalidadEstado == 4 but then shows repeatedly all the images where $LocalidadEstadoAsiento is not equal $IdUbicacion. If I set L.IdTeatroAsiento = U.Id in the SELECT, it only shows $LocalidadEstado == 4, but not the others. Any suggestions? Here is what is shown and what should be: http://l4c.me/fotos/mathiasc/imagen-descriptiva-de-problema $resultButacas = mysql_query("SELECT U.Id AS IdUbicacion, U.IdModoTeatro, U.Numero, U.Fila, U.IdSector, U.CordX, U.CordY, P.IdEspectaculo, P.IdFuncion, P.IdSector, P.Precio, L.IdFuncion, L.IdTeatroAsiento AS LocalidadEstadoAsiento, L.IdEstado AS Estado FROM TeatroAsiento U, PrecioEspectaculoSector P, LocalidadEstado L WHERE U.IdSector = '$Sector' AND P.IdSector = '$Sector' AND P.IdFuncion = '$fn' AND P.IdEspectaculo = '$id' AND L.IdFuncion = '$fn' "); while($rowButacas=mysql_fetch_array($resultButacas)){ $fila = $rowButacas["Fila"]; $asiento = $rowButacas["Numero"]; $IdUbicacion = $rowButacas["IdUbicacion"]; $precio = $rowButacas["Precio"]; $LocalidadEstado = $rowButacas["Estado"]; $LocalidadEstadoAsiento = $rowButacas["LocalidadEstadoAsiento"]; echo '<div id="Casilla"><label for="asiento' . $fila . '' . $asiento . '">'; if ($LocalidadEstadoAsiento == $IdUbicacion && $LocalidadEstado == 4) { echo '<div id="ubicacion" style="background-image: url(../css/images/asientosNoDisponible.png);"> F: ' . $fila . '<br>Nro: ' . $asiento . '<br>' . $precio . ''; } else { echo '<div id="ubicacion" style="background-image: url(../css/images/asientosDisponible.png);"> F: '.$fila.'<br>Nro: '.$asiento.'<br>'.$precio.'<input id="asiento'.$fila.''.$asiento.'" value="'.$IdUbicacion.'" type="checkbox" name="asientoI[]"><input id="'.$IdUbicacion.''.$precio.'" value="'.$precio.'" type="hidden" name="precioseleccionI[]">'; } echo '</div></label></div>'; }
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