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  1. Hi. Some years ago I was given some script (below) for Members of Javea Computer Club in Spain to check their renewal dates. It worked well but now will only work in Chrome.....not in IE or Firefox. Time to try to resolve the problem. The Club's web site is.......... http://javea-computer-club.wikidot.com/members Can anyone help.............I'm desperate and it's beyond my ability. If anyone can..........eternally grateful (come and visit our Club if you ever visit Javea in Spain.) Many thanks for any help. Morris The code is............... <!-- saved from url=(0022)http://internet.e-mail --> <!-- saved from url=(0022)http://internet.e-mail --> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Javea Computer Club</title> <meta name="keywords" content="Javea, computer, clubs, club"/> <meta name="Description" content="Javea Computer Club over 600 members help lectures adsl" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /> </head> <body> <H1>Club Membership</H1> <P><H2>Check Your Membership Renewal Date</H2> <p>A Member's Annual renewal dates fall on the anniversary of the date on which they joined. <p>If you allow your membership to lapse for more than 3 months after this date you will be deleted from the Membership list.<p>If you subsequently wish to re-join you will have to pay a total of €20 <BR> (€10 joining fee plus the €10 annual sub.) <Br>To avoid running this risk, please check the month in which you joined the Club <BR>N.B. Please note that if you have been a Member CONTINUOUSLY for 15 years or more your Membership Renewal fee will be WAIVED. <!-- The following Java Script code firstly outputs an input form to this frame and then writes the HTML code to the bottom frame to show the list of members depending on which letter is input by the user --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> //////////////////////////FUNCTIONS///////////////// // Write table headings for list of members(bottom) frame function TableHeaderJ() { document.write("<BASEFONT SIZE=2>"); document.write("<LEFT><TABLE>"); document.write("<TABLE BORDER=1>"); document.write("<TR><TH>Membership No.</TH><TH>Name</TH><TH>Renewal Date</TH></TR>"); } function TableHeader() { document.write("<P>"); document.write("<TABLE>"); document.write("<TABLE BORDER=1>"); document.write("<TR><TH>Member's Name</TH><TH>E-mail address</TH><TH>Web Page</TH></TR>"); } // Intialises bottom frame ready for info function initialise() { } // Write Html to close off table and code and close bottom frame for use. function finishit(flag) { if (flag!=1) document.write("<LEFT><P>No name(s) found for this selection </P></LEFT>\n"); else {document.write("</TABLE>"); document.write("</HTML>"); } document.write("<P><B>Please click backbutton to return to members page</B>") } function Fullname(db) { initialise(); var i, m, inname, foundflag m="mailto:" // Create table entry for every member for input name inname = document.Members.Full.value.toLowerCase(); foundflag=0; if (inname != "") {for (i=0; i<db.length; i+=7) if (db[i+1].toLowerCase().indexOf(inname) != -1) if (db[i+2] != "") {if (! foundflag) {TableHeader(); foundflag=1;} document.write("<TR><TD>"+db[i+1]+"</TD><TD><A HREF=\""+m+db[i+2]+"@"+db[i+3]+"\">"+db[i+2]+"@"+db[i+3]+"</A></TD><TD><A HREF=\""+db[i+4]+"\">"+db[i+4]+"</A></TD></TR>\n"); } }; finishit (foundflag); } // Output all the members for selected input letter. function Name(db) { initialise(); var i, m, inname, foundflag // Create table entry for every member for selected input letter inname = document.Members.Letter.value.toLowerCase(); foundflag=0; if (inname != "") {for (i=0; i<db.length; i+=7) if (db.toLowerCase().indexOf(inname) != -1) if (db[i+2] != "") {if (! foundflag) {TableHeader(); foundflag=1;} document.write("<TR><TD>"+db[i+1]+"</TD><TD><A HREF=\""+m+db[i+2]+"@"+db[i+3]+"\">"+db[i+2]+"@"+db[i+3]+"</A></TD><TD><A HREF=\""+db[i+4]+"\">"+db[i+4]+"</A></TD></TR>\n"); } }; finishit (foundflag); } function Join(db) { initialise(); var i, m, inname, foundflag // Create table entry for every member for selected input name inname = document.Members.MFull.value.toLowerCase(); foundflag=0; if (inname != "") {for (i=0; i<db.length; i+=4) if (db[i+1].toLowerCase().indexOf(inname) != -1) {if (! foundflag) {TableHeaderJ(); foundflag=1;} document.write("<TR><TD>"+db[i+2]+"</TD><TD>"+db[i+1]+"</TD><TD>"+db[i+3]+"</TD></TR>\n"); } }; finishit (foundflag); } //////////////Main Section (calls preceding functions)///////////////////////// Automatically executes on load // var db; //define array of links index var i; //define index to array // Display input form and find button in top frame document.write("<LEFT><FORM NAME=\"Members\" METHOD=\"POST\" ACTION=\"javascript:Join();\">"); document.write("<P>Enter your surname then click on 'Find': </LEFT><P>"); document.write("<LEFT><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=\"MFull\">\n"); document.write("<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=\"Find\" onClick=\"Join(db);\">"); document.write("<\FORM><\LEFT><P>The result of your search will be displayed on a different page.<P>To return to this page please click the back button on your browser"); // Requires navigator 3 or above, & IE5 or above // "Initial letter of surname","Member Name", "e-mail address", "web site url" db=new Array( //Start of member list "A","Jan ADAMS"," 1854","22/03/2016", "B","Joan BARNES"," 739","05/10/2015", "B","David BARNES"," 740","05/10/2015", "B","Keith BARNES"," 3330","26/02/2016", "B","David BARRY"," 3223","10/03/2015", "B","Jan BARRY"," 3243","05/05/2016", "B","Brenda BATES"," 2797","27/05/2015", "B","Cecilia BATESON"," 1515","23/09/2015", "B","Peter BAYLISS"," 1579","16/12/2015", "B","Erika BAYNARD"," 3331","02/03/2016", "B","Simon BEATTIE"," 841","10/03/2016", "B","Tricia BEATTIE"," 2877","15/02/2016", "B","Christine BETTERTON-JONES"," 4","08/02/2016", "B","Fabio BEZOARI"," 1417","28/03/2016", "B","Ingrid BIEMULLER"," 3342","07/04/2016", "Z","Angela ZWAGA"," 3241","05/05/2015" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ); </SCRIPT> <!-- N.B.The following scripts must be kept at the bottom of the page just before the </Body> tag. Moving them anywhere else will corrupt the page--> <SCRIPT type='text/javascript'> function Go(){return} </SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT>Your browser does not support script</NOSCRIPT> <SCRIPT type='text/javascript'> </SCRIPT> </body> </html>
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