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  1. I currently have the date time in this format: 2015-07-05T09:50:38.0870000Z How can I convert this into 2015-07-05 09:50:38, such that I can import this into mysql database?
  2. Hi All, Thanks for your support on this. I can confirm the issue is to do with me sending many http request on average it will take 1s for me to send and read a http request. I am currently using curl and need to because I am adding a key which allows me to use the api. I am unable to insert the key thus unable to compare speeds with file_get_content. Currently working on a cache system for the data.
  3. Cant use in_array since this does not work on multi dimensional arrays. I found the reason for my code taking a while. For each image I want to display and am sending one http request. So If I want to get 9 images I send 9 http requests. Hard to say if this is directly related to my internet connection or code. will try to test on another network and compare the speeds
  4. There will be 9 items in an array the order is not always the same. The if statement will only match once and this is where I print the html
  5. Sorry I don't understand this fully. This if statement will always be true. As every game has a Box Art image with height of 300. Since the 2nd loop is indented and I have begun the loop I don't think I am overwriting $xbox360Games. I have now changed this variable in the 2nd loop as I am confusing myself now . Also, Please can some help me with the sleep of this algorithm as I am still experiencing upto 9 seconds for each cycle in the 2nd loop. Thanks
  6. I agree. However, I do not reuse the top level $xbox360Games again inside the loop.
  7. So I am currently using: https://xboxapi.com/ My aim to get the game image image of a users played game. foreach($xbox360Games['titles'] as $val) { //This Loop gets all xbox360 games from a userid if ($val['currentGamerscore'] > 0 ){ //this rules out non game appes iplayer,twitch etc $xbox360Games = getGameInfo(dechex($val['titleId'])); //GetGameInfo is a fuction which will return the array for each game as listed in my original post foreach($xbox360Games['Items'][0]['Images']as $val2) { if ($val2['Purpose'] == "BoxArt" && $val2['Height'] == 300) { $url = $val2['Url']; $htmlxbox .= "<img src=\" $url \" title= Current Game Score:". $val['currentGamerscore'] . ">"; break; } } } }
  8. There can be up to 10 values in the array list. I only included two for my example.
  9. Apologies for the multiple post was having issues when posting this.
  10. I am currently trying go get the Array value if Purposes = Thumbnail. To do this I have setup a for each loop and if statement: foreach(Array as $key => $val) { if ($val['Purpose'] == "Thumbnail") { print_r($val[url]); } } I have done some testing and I have seen this take over 9 seconds to return the url. My question is their a better way to get $val?
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