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  1. Hi In my sites admin panel I have created a form that writes a value to the database of either 1 for a seller account and 0 for a buyer account, keeping it as a value of "seller" within a table called "members". I thought it would be easy to fudge a query and show or hide a sellers form, but I'm not having any luck. My PHP skills are close to zero The file that generates the form I want to hide is below. How can I insert a db query into this page (?) that will only show this form to someone who is a seller and display a message only to someone who is a buyer? <?php include("include/config.php"); include("include/functions/import.php"); if ($_SESSION['USERID'] != "" && $_SESSION['USERID'] >= 0 && is_numeric($_SESSION['USERID'])) { $allowposting = "1"; $vonly = $config['vonly']; if($vonly == "1") { $uverified = $_SESSION['VERIFIED']; if($uverified != "1") { $allowposting = "0"; } } if($config['enable_levels'] == "1" && $config['price_mode'] == "3") { $timecheck = time() - 86400; $query = "select count(*) as total from posts where USERID='".mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['USERID'])."' AND time_added>='".mysql_real_escape_string($timecheck)."'"; $executequery=$conn->execute($query); $lastjobs = $executequery->fields['total']+0; $query = "select level from members where USERID='".mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['USERID'])."'"; $executequery=$conn->execute($query); $mlevel = intval($executequery->fields['level']); if($mlevel == "3") { $jlimit = $config['level3job']; } elseif($mlevel == "2") { $jlimit = $config['level2job']; } elseif($mlevel == "1") { $jlimit = $config['level1job']; } else { $jlimit = ""; } if($jlimit != "") { if($lastjobs >= $jlimit) { $allowposting = "2"; } } } if($allowposting == "1") { if($_POST['subform'] == "1") { $gtitle = cleanit($_REQUEST['gtitle']); $gcat = intval(cleanit($_REQUEST['gcat'])); $gdesc = htmlentities(strip_tags(stripslashes($_REQUEST['gdesc']), '<p><i><strong><br><font><span><em><ol><li>'), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"); $ginst = cleanit($_REQUEST['ginst']); $gtags = cleanit($_REQUEST['gtags']); $gtags = str_replace(".", "", $gtags); $gdays = intval(cleanit($_REQUEST['gdays'])); $gyoutube = cleanit($_REQUEST['gyoutube']); $shipme = intval(cleanit($_REQUEST['shipme'])); $multipleme = intval(cleanit($_REQUEST['multipleme'])); $extrasme = intval(cleanit($_REQUEST['extrasme'])); $instanturl = cleanit($_REQUEST['instanturl']); if($gtitle == "") { $error = "<li>".$lang['92']."</li>"; } elseif(strlen($gtitle) > 200) { $error = "<li>".$lang['509']."</li>"; } if($shipme == "1") { include("new_ship.scriptolution.com.php"); } elseif($multipleme == "1") { $multiplemax = intval(cleanit($_REQUEST['multiplemax'])); if($multiplemax > 0) { $scriptolution_add_multiple = ", scriptolution_add_multiple='".mysql_real_escape_string($multiplemax)."'"; } $fiverrscriptdotcom = "1"; } elseif($extrasme == "1") { $scriptolution_process_extras = "1"; $fiverrscriptdotcom = "1"; } else { $fiverrscriptdotcom = "1"; } if($fiverrscriptdotcom == "1") { if($config['price_mode'] == "1") { $price = intval(cleanit($_REQUEST['gprice'])); if($price == "0") { $error = "<li>".$lang['127']."</li>"; } $comper = intval($config['commission_percent']); $count1 = $comper / 100; $count2 = $count1 * $price; $ctp = number_format($count2, 2, '.', ''); } elseif($config['price_mode'] == "3") { $PACID = intval(cleanit($_REQUEST['gprice'])); $query = "select pprice,pcom from packs where ID='".mysql_real_escape_string($PACID)."'"; $executequery=$conn->execute($query); $price = intval(cleanit($executequery->fields['pprice'])); $comper = intval(cleanit($executequery->fields['pcom'])); if($price == "0") { $error = "<li>".$lang['435']."</li>"; } $count1 = $comper / 100; $count2 = $count1 * $price; $ctp = number_format($count2, 2, '.', ''); } elseif($config['price_mode'] == "2") { $price = intval($config['price']); $comper = intval($config['commission_percent']); $count1 = $comper / 100; $count2 = $count1 * $price; $ctp = number_format($count2, 2, '.', ''); } else { $price = intval($config['price']); $mysetc = $config['commission']; $ctp = number_format($mysetc, 2); } } if($gcat == "0") { $error .= "<li>".$lang['93']."</li>"; } if($gdesc == "") { $error .= "<li>".$lang['94']."</li>"; } elseif(strlen($gdesc) > 5000) { $error = "<li>".$lang['510']."</li>"; } if($ginst == "") { $error .= "<li>".$lang['95']."</li>"; } if($gtags == "") { $error .= "<li>".$lang['96']."</li>"; } if(scriptolution_banned_words_chk($gtitle)) { $error .= "<li>".$lang['556']."</li>"; } if(scriptolution_banned_words_chk($gdesc)) { $error .= "<li>".$lang['586']."</li>"; } if(scriptolution_banned_words_chk($gtags)) { $error .= "<li>".$lang['587']."</li>"; } if(scriptolution_banned_words_chk($ginst)) { $error .= "<li>".$lang['588']."</li>"; } if($gdays == "0") { if($instanturl=="" && $_FILES['instantfile']['tmp_name']=="") { $error .= "<li>".$lang['97']."</li>"; } } if($instanturl!="" || $_FILES['instantfile']['tmp_name']!="") { include("new_instant.scriptolution.com.php"); } $gphoto = $_FILES['gphoto']['tmp_name']; if($gphoto != "") { $ext = substr(strrchr($_FILES['gphoto']['name'], '.'), 1); $ext2 = strtolower($ext); if($ext2 == "jpeg" || $ext2 == "jpg" || $ext2 == "gif" || $ext2 == "png") { $theimageinfo = getimagesize($gphoto); if($theimageinfo[2] != 1 && $theimageinfo[2] != 2 && $theimageinfo[2] != 3) { $error .= "<li>".$lang['100']."</li>"; } } else { $error .= "<li>".$lang['100']."</li>"; } } else { $error .= "<li>".$lang['101']."</li>"; } if($gyoutube != "") { $gyoutube = str_replace("https://", "http://", $gyoutube); $pos = strpos($gyoutube, "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v="); $posb = strpos($gyoutube, "http://www.youtu.be/"); $posc = strpos($gyoutube, "http://youtu.be/"); if ($pos === false) { if ($posb === false) { if ($posc === false) { $error .= "<li>".$lang['133']."</li>"; } } } } if($error == "") { $approve_stories = $config['approve_stories']; if($approve_stories == "1") { $active = "0"; } else { $active = "1"; } $query="INSERT INTO posts SET USERID='".mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['USERID'])."', gtitle='".mysql_real_escape_string($gtitle)."',gtags='".mysql_real_escape_string($gtags)."', gdesc='".mysql_real_escape_string($gdesc)."', ginst='".mysql_real_escape_string($ginst)."', days='".mysql_real_escape_string($gdays)."', youtube='".mysql_real_escape_string($gyoutube)."', category='".mysql_real_escape_string($gcat)."', price='".mysql_real_escape_string($price)."', time_added='".time()."', date_added='".date("Y-m-d")."', pip='".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."', active='$active', ctp='".mysql_real_escape_string($ctp)."' $scriptolution_add_multiple $addship $scriptolution_add_instant"; $result=$conn->execute($query); $pid = mysql_insert_id(); if($scriptolution_process_extras == "1") { include("new_extras.scriptolution.com.php"); } if($gphoto != "") { $thepp = $pid."-1"; if($theimageinfo[2] == 1) { $thepp .= ".gif"; } elseif($theimageinfo[2] == 2) { $thepp .= ".jpg"; } elseif($theimageinfo[2] == 3) { $thepp .= ".png"; } if($error == "") { $myvideoimgnew=$config['pdir']."/".$thepp; if(file_exists($myvideoimgnew)) { unlink($myvideoimgnew); } move_uploaded_file($gphoto, $myvideoimgnew); do_resize_image($myvideoimgnew, "380", "265", false, $config['pdir']."/t/".$thepp); do_resize_image($myvideoimgnew, "102", "72", false, $config['pdir']."/t2/".$thepp); do_resize_image($myvideoimgnew, "678", "458", false, $config['pdir']."/t3/".$thepp); do_resize_image($myvideoimgnew, "214", "132", false, $config['pdir']."/t4/".$thepp); if(file_exists($config['pdir']."/".$thepp)) { $query = "UPDATE posts SET p1='$thepp' WHERE PID='".mysql_real_escape_string($pid)."'"; $conn->execute($query); } } } $gphoto2 = $_FILES['gphoto2']['tmp_name']; if($gphoto2 != "") { $ext = substr(strrchr($_FILES['gphoto2']['name'], '.'), 1); $ext2 = strtolower($ext); if($ext2 == "jpeg" || $ext2 == "jpg" || $ext2 == "gif" || $ext2 == "png") { $theimageinfo = getimagesize($gphoto2); if($theimageinfo[2] != 1 && $theimageinfo[2] != 2 && $theimageinfo[2] != 3) { $gstop = "1"; } else { $gstop = "0"; } } if($gstop == "0") { $thepp = $pid."-2"; if($theimageinfo[2] == 1) { $thepp .= ".gif"; } elseif($theimageinfo[2] == 2) { $thepp .= ".jpg"; } elseif($theimageinfo[2] == 3) { $thepp .= ".png"; } $myvideoimgnew=$config['pdir']."/".$thepp; if(file_exists($myvideoimgnew)) { unlink($myvideoimgnew); } move_uploaded_file($gphoto2, $myvideoimgnew); do_resize_image($myvideoimgnew, "380", "265", false, $config['pdir']."/t/".$thepp); do_resize_image($myvideoimgnew, "102", "72", false, $config['pdir']."/t2/".$thepp); do_resize_image($myvideoimgnew, "678", "458", false, $config['pdir']."/t3/".$thepp); do_resize_image($myvideoimgnew, "214", "132", false, $config['pdir']."/t4/".$thepp); if(file_exists($config['pdir']."/".$thepp)) { $query = "UPDATE posts SET p2='$thepp' WHERE PID='".mysql_real_escape_string($pid)."'"; $conn->execute($query); } } } $gphoto3 = $_FILES['gphoto3']['tmp_name']; if($gphoto3 != "") { $ext = substr(strrchr($_FILES['gphoto3']['name'], '.'), 1); $ext2 = strtolower($ext); if($ext2 == "jpeg" || $ext2 == "jpg" || $ext2 == "gif" || $ext2 == "png") { $theimageinfo = getimagesize($gphoto3); if($theimageinfo[2] != 1 && $theimageinfo[2] != 2 && $theimageinfo[2] != 3) { $gstop = "1"; } else { $gstop = "0"; } } if($gstop == "0") { $thepp = $pid."-3"; if($theimageinfo[2] == 1) { $thepp .= ".gif"; } elseif($theimageinfo[2] == 2) { $thepp .= ".jpg"; } elseif($theimageinfo[2] == 3) { $thepp .= ".png"; } $myvideoimgnew=$config['pdir']."/".$thepp; if(file_exists($myvideoimgnew)) { unlink($myvideoimgnew); } move_uploaded_file($gphoto3, $myvideoimgnew); do_resize_image($myvideoimgnew, "380", "265", false, $config['pdir']."/t/".$thepp); do_resize_image($myvideoimgnew, "102", "72", false, $config['pdir']."/t2/".$thepp); do_resize_image($myvideoimgnew, "678", "458", false, $config['pdir']."/t3/".$thepp); do_resize_image($myvideoimgnew, "214", "132", false, $config['pdir']."/t4/".$thepp); if(file_exists($config['pdir']."/".$thepp)) { $query = "UPDATE posts SET p3='$thepp' WHERE PID='".mysql_real_escape_string($pid)."'"; $conn->execute($query); } } } if($approve_stories == "1") { $message = $lang['126']; if($config['scriptolution_notify_gigval'] == "1") { $scriptolution_notify_gigval_email = $config['scriptolution_notify_gigval_email']; if($scriptolution_notify_gigval_email != "") { $sendername = $config['site_name']; $from = $config['site_email']; $subject = $lang['553']; $sendmailbody = $lang['554']."<br><br>"; $sendmailbody .= $lang['555']."<br>"; $sendmailbody .= "<a href=".$config['baseurl']."/administrator/gigs_validate.php>".$config['baseurl']."/administrator/gigs_validate.php</a><br><br>"; $sendmailbody .= $lang['23'].",<br>".stripslashes($sendername); mailme($scriptolution_notify_gigval_email,$sendername,$from,$subject,$sendmailbody,$bcc=""); } } } else { $gurl = $config['baseurl']."/".get_cat_seo($gcat)."/".$pid."/".seo_clean_titles($gtitle); $feurl = $config['baseurl']."/feature?id=".$pid; header("Location:$feurl");exit; } } else { STemplate::assign('gtitle',$gtitle); STemplate::assign('gcat',$gcat); STemplate::assign('gdesc',$gdesc); STemplate::assign('ginst',$ginst); STemplate::assign('gtags',$gtags); STemplate::assign('gdays',$gdays); STemplate::assign('gyoutube',$gyoutube); } } else { $gtitle = cleanit($_REQUEST['quicktitle']); STemplate::assign('gtitle',$gtitle); } $templateselect = "new.tpl"; } elseif($allowposting == "2") { $error = $lang['498']; $templateselect = "new2.tpl"; } else { $error = $lang['445']; $templateselect = "new2.tpl"; } $pagetitle = $lang['61']; STemplate::assign('pagetitle',$pagetitle); } else { header("Location:$config[baseurl]/");exit; } //TEMPLATES BEGIN STemplate::assign('sm0',"1"); STemplate::assign('error',$error); STemplate::assign('message',$message); STemplate::display('scriptolution_header.tpl'); STemplate::display($templateselect); STemplate::display('scriptolution_footer_nobottom.tpl'); //TEMPLATES END ?>
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