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  1. do you see draggable: false, when you view page source? did you add it the same way I did, at line 87? actually never mind. I was adding the updated php file to the wrong website!! because I have 2 identical websites. I am so stupid.
  2. Hi actually, I added that code myself, the original file didn't have it. and you are correct, it is not being output in page source. And yes, I did try to clear cache, tried a different browser, waited 24 hours, tried a different computer. it's not being output. I think some code on the bottom of the file is interacting with the top code.
  3. I have a wordpress website, on the contact page there is a google map. below it, there is a contact form. when users on mobile devices (like iphone) touch the screen to scroll down, instead of scrolling down the page, the google map will scroll down indefinitely, showing all the streets below. the user will get stuck in google maps, and they wont be able to see the contact form. the map is being shown using a plugin. after some research, i understand what I need to do is disable dragging. but the plugin admin panel does not mention anything about dragging. when I view the page source of the contact page, I believe this is the relevant section: var options = { center : latlng, scrollwheel : false, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, zoomControl : false, mapTypeControl : false, scaleControl : false, streetViewControl : false, panControl : false, zoom : 12 }; I believe I need to insert the following code between the center line and the scrollwheel line: draggable: false, If you want to see all the files, you can download the wpgmappity plugin from the wordpress site, but here is the php file that I believe is affecting all this: <?php function wpgmappity_load_theme_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' ); $gmap_url = 'http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false'; wp_enqueue_script( 'gmap_loader', $gmap_url ); } add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'wpgmappity_theme_public_scripts' ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'wpgmappity_load_theme_scripts' ); function wpgmappity_theme_public_scripts() { if (wpgamppity_map_present_in_post()) { wpgmappity_load_theme_scripts(); } } function wpgamppity_map_present_in_post() { return true; } add_shortcode('wpgmappity', 'wpgmappity_shortcode_handle'); function wpgmappity_shortcode_handle($attr) { global $post; $map = wgmappity_get_meta_data($attr['id']); $map = $map[0]; $content = wpgmappity_shortcode_container_div($map); $content .= wpgmappity_shortcode_mapjs($map); return $content; } function wpgmappity_shortcode_float($map) { $content = ''; if ( ($map['alignment'] == 'right') || ($map['alignment'] == 'left') ) { $content .= 'float:'.$map['alignment'].';">'; } elseif ($map['alignment'] == 'center') { $content .= 'margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">'; } else { $content .= '">'; } return $content; } function wpgmappity_shortcode_container_div($map) { $content = '<div style="width:'.$map['map_length'].'px;'; $content .= wpgmappity_shortcode_float($map); $content .= '<div class="wpgmappity_container" id="wpgmappity-map-'.$map['id'].'"'; $content .= ' style="width:'.$map['map_length'].'px;'; $content .= 'height:'.$map['map_height'].'px;'; $content .= wpgmappity_shortcode_float($map); $content .= '</div>'; if ($map['promote'] == true) { $content .= '<p style="text-align: center; font-size: 70%; margin: 0pt;" id="wpgmappity_promote_text">Google Maps for WordPress by WPGmappity</p>'; } $content .= '</div>'; return $content; } function wpgmappity_shortcode_mapjs($map) { $content = '<script type="text/javascript">'."\n"; $content .= 'function wpgmappity_maps_loaded'.$map['id'].'() {'."\n"; // center point $content .= "var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(".$map['center_lat'].",".$map['center_long'].");\n"; // inital options $content .= "var options = {\n"; $content .= " center : latlng,\n"; $content .= " scrollwheel : ".wpgmappity_shortcode_scroll($map).",\n"; $content .= " mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.".wpgmappity_shortcode_maptype($map).",\n"; $content .= wpgmappity_shortcode_controls(unserialize(base64_decode($map['map_controls']))); $content .= " draggable : false,\n"; $content .= " zoom : ".$map['map_zoom']."\n"; $content .= "};\n"; $content .= 'var wpgmappitymap'.$map['id'].' = '; $content .= "new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("; $content .= "'wpgmappity-map-".$map['id']."'), options);\n"; if (wpgmappity_has_markers($map['id']) != '0') { $content .= wpgmappity_shortcode_markers_js($map['id']); } $map_name = 'wpgmappitymap'.$map['id']; $content .= wpgmappity_shorcode_route(unserialize(base64_decode($map['route'])),$map_name); $content .= '}'."\n"; /* Crazy IE 7 bug - wrapping in document.ready blows up the script if adminbar is present * work around for the time being $content .= "jQuery(document).ready(function() {\n"; $content .= ' wpgmappity_maps_loaded'.$map['id'].'();'."\n"; $content .= "});\n"; $content .= 'wpgmappity_maps_loaded'.$map['id'].'();'."\n"; */ $content .= "jQuery(window).load(function() {\n"; $content .= ' wpgmappity_maps_loaded'.$map['id'].'();'."\n"; $content .= "});\n"; $content .= '</script>'; return $content; } function wpgmappity_shortcode_markers_js($map_id) { $markers = wpgmappity_retrieve_markers($map_id); $i = 0; $content = ''; foreach($markers as $marker) { $marker_name = "marker".$map_id."_".$i; $map_name = "wpgmappitymap".$map_id; $content .= "var point$map_id_$i = new google.maps.LatLng("; $content .= $marker['marker_lat'].",".$marker['marker_long'].");\n"; $content .= "var $marker_name = new google.maps.Marker({\n"; if ( isset($marker['marker_image']) && ($marker['marker_image'] != 'default') && ($marker['marker_image'] != '' ) ) { $content .= " icon : '".$marker['marker_image']."',\n"; } $content .= " position : point$map_id_$i,\n"; $content .= " map : ".$map_name."\n"; $content .= " });\n"; if ($marker['marker_text'] != '') { if ($marker['marker_url'] != '') { $html = '<a href="'.$marker['marker_url'].'">'.$marker['marker_text'].'</a>'; } else { $html = str_replace("\n", '', nl2br($marker['marker_text'])); $html = addslashes($html); } $content .= "google.maps.event.addListener($marker_name,'click',\n"; $content .= " function() {\n"; $content .= " var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(\n"; $content .= " {content: '$html'});\n"; $content .= " infowindow.open($map_name,$marker_name);\n"; $content .= " });\n"; } $i += 1; } return $content; } function wpgmappity_has_markers($id) { global $wpdb; $table = $wpdb->prefix . "wpgmappity_markers"; $query = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM $table WHERE map_id = '$id';"; return $wpdb->get_var($query); } function wpgmappity_retrieve_markers($map_id) { global $wpdb; $table = $wpdb->prefix . "wpgmappity_markers"; return $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE map_id = $map_id", ARRAY_A); } function wpgmappity_shortcode_scroll($map) { if ($map['scroll'] == 'no_scroll') { return "false"; } else { return "true"; } } function wpgmappity_shortcode_maptype($map) { switch($map['map_type']) { case 'hybrid' : return 'HYBRID'; break; case 'normal' : return 'ROADMAP'; break; case 'satellite' : return 'SATELLITE'; break; case 'terrain' : return 'TERRAIN'; break; } } function wpgmappity_shortcode_controls($controls) { $content = wpgmappity_shortcode_zoom($controls['zoom']); $content .= wpgmappity_shortcode_type($controls['type']); $content .= wpgmappity_shortcode_scale($controls['scale']); $content .= wpgmappity_shortcode_streetview($controls['street']); $content .= ' panControl : false,'; return $content; } function wpgmappity_shortcode_streetview($control) { if ($control['active'] == false) { return " streetViewControl : false,\n"; } else { $content = " streetViewControl : true,\n"; $content .= " streetViewControlOptions :\n"; $content .= " {\n"; $content .= " position: ".wpgmappity_shortcode_control_position($control['position'])."\n"; $content .= " },\n"; return $content; } } function wpgmappity_shortcode_scale($control) { if ($control['active'] == false) { return " scaleControl : false,\n"; } else { $content = " scaleControl : true,\n"; $content .= " scaleControlOptions :\n"; $content .= " {\n"; $content .= " position: ".wpgmappity_shortcode_control_position($control['position'])."\n"; $content .= " },\n"; return $content; } } function wpgmappity_shortcode_type($control) { if ($control['active'] == false) { return " mapTypeControl : false,\n"; } else { $content = " mapTypeControl : true,\n"; $content .= " mapTypeControlOptions :\n"; $content .= " {\n"; $content .= " style: ".wpgmappity_shortcode_type_control_style_selection($control['style']).",\n"; $content .= " position: ".wpgmappity_shortcode_control_position($control['position'])."\n"; $content .= " },\n"; return $content; } } function wpgmappity_shortcode_zoom($control) { if ($control['active'] == false) { return " zoomControl : false,\n"; } else { $content = " zoomControl : true,\n"; $content .= " zoomControlOptions :\n"; $content .= " {\n"; $content .= " style: ".wpgamppity_shortcode_zoom_control_style_selection($control['style']).",\n"; $content .= " position: ".wpgmappity_shortcode_control_position($control['position'])."\n"; $content .= " },\n"; return $content; } } function wpgmappity_shortcode_type_control_style_selection($selection) { switch($selection) { case 'DROPDOWN_MENU' : return 'google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU'; break; case 'HORIZONTAL_BAR' : return 'google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.HORIZONTAL_BAR'; break; } return false; } function wpgamppity_shortcode_zoom_control_style_selection($selection) { switch($selection) { case 'SMALL' : return 'google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.SMALL'; break; case 'LARGE' : return 'google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.LARGE'; break; } return false; } /* * Ensure a properly formatted position specification * Usually not necessary, but don' trust user input and all that */ function wpgmappity_shortcode_control_position($position) { switch($position) { case 'TOP_RIGHT' : return 'google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT'; break; case 'TOP_CENTER' : return 'google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_CENTER'; break; case 'TOP_LEFT' : return 'google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT'; break; case 'RIGHT_TOP' : return 'google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP'; break; case 'RIGHT_CENTER' : return 'google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_CENTER'; break; case 'RIGHT_BOTTOM' : return 'google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_BOTTOM'; break; case 'BOTTOM_RIGHT' : return 'google.maps.ControlPosition.BOTTOM_RIGHT'; break; case 'BOTTOM_CENTER' : return 'google.maps.ControlPosition.BOTTOM_CENTER'; break; case 'BOTTOM_LEFT' : return 'google.maps.ControlPosition.BOTTOM_LEFT'; break; case 'LEFT_TOP' : return 'google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_TOP'; break; case 'LEFT_CENTER' : return 'google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_CENTER'; break; case 'LEFT_BOTTOM' : return 'google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM'; break; } } function wpgmappity_shorcode_route($route, $map_name) { // no route if ( (!isset($route['active'])) || ($route['active'] == '0') ) { return ''; } else { $content = "var service = new google.maps.DirectionsService();\n"; $content .= "var display = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer();\n"; $content .= "var x;\n"; $content .= "var terms = ".json_encode($route['points']).";\n"; $content .= "display.setMap($map_name); var waypoints = []; if (terms.length > 2 ) { var points = terms.slice(1, -1); for (x in points) { var y = { 'location' : points[x], 'stopover' : true }; waypoints.push(y); } } else { waypoints = []; } var origin = terms.splice(0,1).join(''); var destination = terms.splice(-1,1).join(''); var request = { origin: origin, destination: destination, waypoints : waypoints, travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING };\n"; $content .= "service.route(request, function(result, status) { if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) { display.setDirections(result); } });"; return $content; } } How would I modify the above php file to make the draggable: false, code appear? Thank you
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