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  1. I managed to generate the code blocks that I need for the form and this is what I have done: foreach ($ini_array['FORM_SETTINGS'] as $type => $fieldsData) { if ($fieldsData['type'] == 'HTML'){ $className = "PFBC\\Element\\{$fieldsData['type']}"; $form->addElement(new $className($fieldsData['string'] )); continue;} if ($fieldsData['required'] == true){ $className = "PFBC\\Element\\{$fieldsData['type']}"; $form->addElement(new $className($fieldsData['label'], $fieldsData['id'], array( 'required' => $fieldsData['required'], 'placeholder' => $fieldsData['placeholder'], ) )); } if ($fieldsData['required'] == false){ $className = "PFBC\\Element\\{$fieldsData['type']}"; $form->addElement(new $className($fieldsData['label'], $fieldsData['id'], array( 'placeholder' => $fieldsData['placeholder'], ) )); } } Is there a way to improve this? One more issue is when I need to generate radio buttons, I use this: $form->addElement(new Element\Radio("Radio Buttons:", "RadioButtons", $options)); $options = array("Element 1", "Element 2", "Element 67"); What do I need to add in my block of code to make an if statement that will generate the radio buttons ?
  2. I tried to use the array generated from the .ini settings and use "foreach" to generate the syntax needed to generate the form element foreach ($formConfig as $elementConfig) { switch (strtolower($elementConfig['type'])) { case 'text': $className = 'Element\T_COMPANY'; break; default: throw new Exception(); break; } $formElement = new $className("", "Required", array( "required" => 1, "placeholder" => "*Bedrijf:", )); $form->addElement($formElement); } $form = new Form($formConfig); But this is not working ...... Need help pls
  3. I'm new to .ini and php. I'm using PFBC to generate form fields. This is the code sample to generate one form field: $form->addElement(new Element\T_COMPANY("", "company", array( "required" => 1, "placeholder" => "*Bedrijf:", ))); I need to read an .ini file and based on what is in that .ini to generate one or more lines of code to make the form field. The .ini file will contain some thing like : fields[company] = T_COMPANY,"","company",1,"*Company" where T_COMPANY is the identifier to generate this block of code $form->addElement(new Element\T_COMPANY( next "" is the identifier for "" in the php code next "company" is the identifier for "company" in the php code next 1 identifier for "required" => 1, in the php and the last one "*Bedrijf" identifier for "placeholder" => "*Bedrijf:", Any idea on how to do this ? So I need to construct this in php $form->addElement(new Element\T_COMPANY("", "company", array( "required" => 1, "placeholder" => "*Bedrijf:", ))); from the array generated using .ini file.
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