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  1. Sorry, the last time I asked for help that is what I did and I thought it was fine. Thank you. The config file: <? /* CONFIGURATION FILE. GD Ticker using PNG banners and sliders. By: Josh Houghtelin <burnmytime@gmail.com> www.burnmytime.com */ $sql_username = "mysql-username"; // SQL username $sql_password = "mysql-password"; // SQL password $sql_database = "mysql-database"; // SQL database name $sql_host = "localhost"; // Normally localhost. $default_ticker = 40; // Standard ticket number when called without a serial number. $default_banner_image = "banners/ruler-10722.png"; // Failsafe banner $default_slider_image = "sliders/icon-88.png"; // Failsafe slider $use_modrewrite = "no"; // "yes" or "no" .. Default:no My SQL file: <?php class db { function db($sql_host,$sql_username,$sql_password,$sql_database){ // CHANGE THESE TO CORRECT VALUES mysql_connect($sql_host,$sql_username,$sql_password) or die("MySQL Connection Failed"); mysql_select_db($sql_database) or die("Could Not Select Database"); } function query($sql){ $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error() . "<br>" . $sql); return $result; } function fetch($sql){ $result = $this->fetch_row($this->query($sql)); return $result; } function fetch_row($set){ $result = mysql_fetch_row($set); return $result; } function fetch_array($set){ $result = mysql_fetch_array($set); return $result; } function insert_id(){ $id = mysql_insert_id(); return $id; } function dbCall($field, $table="config"){ list($ret) = $this->fetch_row($this->query("select $field from $table limit 1")); return $ret; } function setting($setting){ list($ret) = $this->fetch_row($this->query("select value from Config WHERE setting='$setting'")); return $ret; } function num_rows($set){ $result = mysql_num_rows($set); return $result; } function getCount($table, $where=''){ $sql = "select count(*) from " . $table; if ($where != ''){ $sql .= " where " . $where; } list($count) = $this->fetch_row($this->query($sql)); return $count; } function getDatabaseDetails(){ global $database; $result = $this->query("show table status from $database"); $size = 0; $oh = 0; if ($result){ while( $row = $this->fetch_array($result)){ $size += $row[Data_length] + $row[index_length]; $oh += $row[Data_free]; } } $ret[size] = number_format($size/1048576, 2) . " MB"; $ret[overhead] = $oh . " bytes"; return $ret; } } $db = new db($sql_host,$sql_username,$sql_password,$sql_database); ?> Index.php <?php /* GD Ticker using PNG banners and sliders. By: Josh Houghtelin <burnmytime@gmail.com> www.burnmytime.com */ header("Content-type: image/png"); //This script IS the image. require_once('includes/Config.inc.php'); // Keep the config seperate. require_once('includes/Mysql.inc.php'); // Never forget the MySQL abstraction layer. if(isset($_GET['serial'])){$serial = $_GET[serial];} else{$serial = $default_ticker;} $result = $db->query("SELECT start, end, event, banner, slider FROM Ticker WHERE id='$serial'"); list($start_date, $end_date, $event, $banner_image, $slider_image) = $db->fetch_row($result); $today_date = time(); $current_step = round(((($today_date - $start_date)/60)/60)/24) - 1; $interval = round(((($end_date - $start_date)/60)/60)/24); $remaining = $interval - $current_step; if($remaining == 0){ $string = $event." has arrived!"; }elseif($remaining == 1){ $string = "Only $remaining day left until ".$event; }else{ $string = "$remaining days until ".$event; } if(!is_file($banner_image)){ $banner_image = $default_banner_image; //"banners/ruler-10300.png"; } if(!is_file($slider_image)){ $slider_image = $default_slider_image; //"sliders/icon-104.png"; } $banner = imagecreatefrompng($banner_image); $bannerheight = imagesy($banner); $bannerwidth = imagesx($banner); $one_step = (($bannerwidth - 20) / $interval); $black = imagecolorallocate($banner,0,0,0); // Numbers on the bottom of the banner. $count_step = round($interval / 12); $count = $interval; $count2 = 0; while($count>=0){ $px = (($bannerwidth - 20) / $interval) * $count2 + 5; $interval_height = $bannerheight - 25; imagestring($banner, 2, $px, $interval_height,$count, $black); $count = $count - $count_step; $count2 = $count2 + $count_step; } $slider = imagecreatefrompng($slider_image); $sliderheight = imagesy($slider); $sliderwidth = imagesx($slider); $slider_location = $one_step * $current_step + 5 - ($sliderwidth / 2); imagecopy($banner,$slider,$slider_location,0,0,0,$sliderheight,$sliderwidth); $string_height = $bannerheight - 13; $px = (imagesx($banner) - 7.5 * strlen($string)) / 2; imagestring($banner, 3, $px, $string_height, $string, $black); imagepng($banner); imagedestroy($banner); //imagedestroy($slider); ?> new.php (the page that creates a new ticker) <LINK href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <? require_once("includes/Config.inc.php"); require_once("includes/Mysql.inc.php"); if(isset($_POST[event])){ $today_date = time(); $end_date = date("U",mktime(0,0,0,$_POST[eventmonth],$_POST[eventday],$_POST[eventyear])); if($end_date < $today_date){ echo "<b>Ending Date MUST come after todays date.</b> <br />"; echo "<a href='./new.php'>Try Again</a>"; exit(); } $initial_gap = round(((($end_date - $today_date)/60)/60)/24); if($initial_gap < 6){ $start_date = date("U",mktime(0,0,0,date("n"),date("j")-6,date("Y"))); }else{ $start_date = date("U",mktime(0,0,0,date("n"),date("j"),date("Y"))); } $end_date = date("U",mktime(0,0,0,$_POST[eventmonth],$_POST[eventday],$_POST[eventyear])); $event = strip_tags($_POST[event]); if(strlen($event)==0){$event = "it is time!";} if(!is_file($_POST[banner])){$banner = "banners/ruler-10722.png";} else{$banner = $_POST[banner];} if(!is_file($_POST[slider])){$slider = "sliders/icon-88.png";} else{$slider = $_POST[slider];} $insert = $db->query("INSERT INTO Ticker (start, end, event, banner, slider) VALUES('$start_date','$end_date','$event','$banner','$slider')"); if($insert){ echo "<b>You have created a new banner</b> <br />"; $banner = $db->insert_id(); if($user_modrewrite=="YES"){ echo "<img src='./$banner'> <br />"; echo "Link: <a href='./$banner'>Link to Image</a>"; }else{ echo "<img src='./?serial=$banner'> <br />"; echo "Link: <a href='./?serial=$banner'>Link to Image</a>"; } echo "<hr><br />"; } } ?> <form method=post action='new.php'> <table class='dashedoutline'><tr><td>Event Date:</td><td></tr></table> <select name=eventmonth class='1'></td></tr></table> <? $count = 1; while($count<13){ $display_date = date("M",mktime(0,0,0,$count,0,date("Y"))); $numeric_date = date("n",mktime(0,0,0,$count,0,date("Y"))); if($numeric_date == date("n")){ echo "<option value=$numeric_date SELECTED>$display_date</option> \n"; }else{ echo "<option value=$numeric_date>$display_date</option> \n"; } $count++; } ?> </select> <select name=eventday class=1> <? $count = 1; while($count<=31){ if($count == date("j")){ echo "<option SELECTED>$count</option> \n"; }else{ echo "<option>$count</option> \n"; } $count++; } ?> </select> <select name=eventyear> <option SELECTED>2007</option> <option>2008</option> <option>2009</option> <option>2010</option> </select> <br /> <br /> Event Name:<input type=text name=event maxlength=30> <br /> Select Banner <br /> <table border=0> <?php if ($handle = opendir('banners')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { echo "<tr><td valign=top><input type=radio name=banner value='banners/$file'></td><td><img src='banners/$file'></td></tr>"; } } closedir($handle); } ?> </table> Select Slider <br /> <table border=0> <?php if ($handle = opendir('sliders')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { echo "<tr><td valign=top><input type=radio name=slider value='sliders/$file'></td><td><img src='sliders/$file'></td></tr>"; } } closedir($handle); } ?> </table> <input type=submit value='Generate Ticker'> </form>
  2. I know this is a lot to ask, but even if someone could help with some of it, I would so appreciate it.
  3. I posted before about help with my ticker script, and I finally got that bit sorted. I have everything working almost how I would like, but there are a few things I would like to tweak but I don't know how to. Any help would be much appreciated. Here is an example of a working ticker: (The whole script is attached to this message) 1) I want to change the font & size of the generated text. I would like it to be Arial, or Verdana with the size at about 10. How can I change this? 2) It's start and end date on the ticker itself is too close to the edges. How can I move this in more so it appears something like this: 3) How do I remove the numbers? In the first ticker, you see the numbers in between the rope and the countdown text. It's not in the original graphic. 4) Is there a way to add a starting date to the script? It only has an ending date. I'd love to be able to pick a starting date rather than it choosing today's date. I think that's all I need changed. I hope one of you can help me! Thank you in advance. [attachment deleted by admin]
  4. After I put all the database information in the config.inc.php file , i went to the new.php page on my server, and that is where it gives me the error. I don't know what I'm not doing right, I thought I followed the directions correctly. :/ And I apoligize, I didn't realize I couldn't send PMs, so I am unable to respond to you.
  5. I downloaded a php/mysql ticker script from a website (its a ticker like ticker factory, lilypie, etc), I followed all the instructions, and when I go to any of the pages listed in the readme, I am getting 500 Internal Server errors. I didn't include the websites as it says I'm not supposted to put website addresses in my post? Please PM me and I will send you the information. Would anyone be kind enough to help me out? I would appreciate it, thank you so much.
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