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About treybraid

  • Birthday 01/20/1968

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    Not Telling
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  1. can anyone give me an idea what the issue might be with this syntax: Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /home/xtremet7/public_html/AXEMAN/modules/mod_vipervideopro/helper.php on line 399 is this something i can edit and possibly fix to remove the error? ive attached the helper file... thanks trey helper.php
  2. this is what im looking to incorporate on my site http://www.cpifl.org/signup.cfm can someone help me get something like this up and running? or recommend a form i could download and edit.... thanks trey
  3. ...right now when the image is saved it has a white background. What would I need to add so the background of the image would be transparent like the original is? I've already changed the filetype from JPG to PNG. I've also tried adding RGB for transparent bg: $backgroundcolor = imagecolorallocate($dimg, 255, 255, 255, 0.1); and it didn't work.. Here is the code: // check to make sure the file is of the supported type; $allowed_file_types = array('image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'image/x-png', 'image/gif'); if (!in_array($file['type'], $allowed_file_types)) { $error = "Unsupported image file type uploaded!"; return $error; } // everything looks good for the file upload so resize and move it; $filename .= ".png"; move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $filepath . $filename); $size = getimagesize($filepath . $filename); $w = $size[0]; $h = $size[1]; $stype = $size[2]; switch($stype) { case '1': $simg = imagecreatefromgif($filepath . $filename); break; case '2': $simg = imagecreatefromjpeg($filepath . $filename); break; default: $simg = imagecreatefrompng($filepath . $filename); break; } if ($w > $width || $h > $height) { $dimg = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); imagealphablending($dimg, true); $backgroundcolor = imagecolorallocate($dimg, 255, 255, 255); imagefilledrectangle($dimg, 0, 0, $width, $height, $backgroundcolor); $wm = $w/$width; $hm = $h/$height; $h_height = $height/2; $w_height = $width/2; if ($w > $h) { $adjusted_width = $w / $hm; $half_width = $adjusted_width / 2; $int_width = $half_width - $w_height; imagecopyresampled($dimg,$simg,-$int_width,0,0,0,$adjusted_width,$height,$w,$h); } else if (($w < $h) || ($w == $h)) { $adjusted_height = $h / $wm; $half_height = $adjusted_height / 2; $int_height = $half_height - $h_height; imagecopyresampled($dimg,$simg,0,-$int_height,0,0,$width,$adjusted_height,$w,$h); } else { imagecopyresampled($dimg,$simg,0,0,0,0,$width,$height,$w,$h); } } else { $dimg = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h); imagealphablending($dimg, true); $backgroundcolor = imagecolorallocate($dimg, 255, 255, 255); imagefilledrectangle($dimg, 0, 0, $w, $h, $backgroundcolor); imagecopyresampled($dimg, $simg, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, $w, $h); } imagejpeg($dimg, $filepath . $filename, 80); imagedestroy($dimg); return false; } ?> Thanks Trey
  4. can someone help me out here or point me in the right direction.... anyone???
  5. ...I'm trying to tweak the layout of a football module to display score's horizontally and not vertically. Can someone take a look at the code and help me out please. I tried adding $cols replacing the implode $rows and it didnt work...line 113... $db->setQuery($sql); $rows = $db->loadResultArray(); $teamids = implode(',', $rows); You can see the module in action on my build site- module is below the slideshow.. http://build.texaslsfl.com/
  6. here is the code from the php file.... <?php /** * @version $Id: mod_gridiron_game_results.php, v1.5.4 September 2011 01:32:15 * @author Fastball Productions * @package Gridiron * @copyright Copyright © 2011 Fastball Productions * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL */ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $com_params = &JComponentHelper::getParams('com_gridiron'); // get the module parameters $heading = $params->get( 'heading', '' ); $showpast = $params->get( 'showpast', '1' ); $numberpast = $params->get( 'numberpast', '1' ); $linkboxscore = $params->get( 'linkboxscore', '1' ); $shownextgame = $params->get( 'nextgame', '1' ); $numbernext = $params->get( 'numbernext', '1' ); $linknext = $params->get( 'linknext', '1' ); $seasonid = $params->get( 'seasonid', '1' ); $gametypes = $params->get( 'gametypes', '1' ); $teamids = $params->get( 'teamids', '' ); $leagueids = $params->get( 'leagueids', '' ); $divisionids = $params->get( 'divisionids', '' ); $displaylogo = $params->get( 'displaylogo', 0); if (is_array($gametypes)) { $gametypes = implode(',', $gametypes); } if (is_array($teamids)) { $teamids = implode(',', $teamids); } if (is_array($leagueids)) { $leagueids = implode(',', $leagueids); } if (is_array($divisionids)) { $divisionids = implode(',', $divisionids); } // if there is a league configured, get the teams within the league/division; if ($teamids == '' && ($divisionids || $leagueids)) { if ($divisionids) { // get a listing of all team ID's that belong in the league and division; $sql = "SELECT id FROM #__gridiron_team WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(divisionid, '$divisionids'))"; } else { // get a listing of all team ID's that belong in the league; $sql = "SELECT id FROM #__gridiron_team WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(leagueid, '$leagueids'))"; } $db->setQuery($sql); $columns = $db->loadResultArray(); $teamids = implode(',', $columns); } else if ($teamids == '') { // get the default team (single team component only); $db->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__gridiron_team WHERE (defaultteam = 1)"); $teamids = $db->loadResult(); } // get the last x number of games played and the results; $db->setQuery("SELECT a.*, a.hometeam AS hometeamid, a.visitingteam AS visitingteamid, DATE_FORMAT(a.gamedatetime, '%a, %M %D') AS gamedate, DATE_FORMAT(a.gamedatetime, '%l:%i %p') As gametime, h.name AS hometeam, h.shortname AS hshortname, h.logo AS hlogo, v.name AS visitingteam, v.shortname AS vshortname, v.logo AS vlogo, b.finalv, b.finalh FROM #__gridiron_schedule AS a LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_team AS h ON a.hometeam = h.id LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_team AS v ON a.visitingteam = v.id LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_boxscore AS b ON a.id = b.gameid WHERE (a.scored = 1 AND a.season = {$seasonid} AND (FIND_IN_SET(a.gametype, '$gametypes')) AND (FIND_IN_SET(a.hometeam, '$teamids') OR FIND_IN_SET(a.visitingteam, '$teamids')) AND a.gamedatetime < now()) GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.gamedatetime DESC LIMIT 0, {$numberpast}"); $pastgames = $db->loadObjectList(); // get the next x number of games scheduled; $db->setQuery("SELECT a.*, a.hometeam AS hometeamid, a.visitingteam AS visitingteamid, DATE_FORMAT(a.gamedatetime, '%a, %M %D') AS gamedate, DATE_FORMAT(a.gamedatetime, '%l:%i %p') As gametime, h.name AS hometeam, h.shortname AS hshortname, h.logo AS hlogo, v.name AS visitingteam, v.shortname AS vshortname, v.logo AS vlogo, t.description AS gametype FROM #__gridiron_schedule AS a LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_team AS h ON a.hometeam = h.id LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_team AS v ON a.visitingteam = v.id LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_gametype AS t ON a.gametype = t.id LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_location AS l ON a.location = l.id WHERE (a.scored = 0 AND a.season = {$seasonid} AND (FIND_IN_SET(a.gametype, '$gametypes')) AND (FIND_IN_SET(a.hometeam, '$teamids') OR FIND_IN_SET(a.visitingteam, '$teamids')) AND DATE_ADD(a.gamedatetime, INTERVAL 3 HOUR) > now()) GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.gamedatetime ASC LIMIT 0, {$numbernext}"); $nextgames = $db->loadObjectList(); ?> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center"> <?php if ($showpast && $numberpast > 0) { ?> <tr> <td width="618" style="text-align:center;" colspan="2"><b><?php echo $heading;?></b></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; color:#000;"><u>Games</u></td> <td width="540" style="text-align:center; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; color:#000;"><u>Score</u></td> </tr> <?php foreach ($pastgames as $past) { ?> <?php $past->vshortname ? $past->visitingteam = $past->vshortname:NULL;?> <?php $past->hshortname ? $past->hometeam = $past->hshortname:NULL;?> <tr> <td valign="middle" style="font-size:11px; color:#000; font-weight:bold;" nowrap="nowrap"> <?php if ($displaylogo) { ?> <img src="<?php echo JURI::base() . $com_params->get('images_path') . $past->vlogo;?>" alt="" width="35" align="middle" /> <?php } ?> <?php echo $past->visitingteam; ?> </td> <td valign="middle" style="text-align:center; font-size:11px; font-weight:bold;"><?php if ($linkboxscore) { ?><a href="<?php echo JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_gridiron&view=boxscore&id=$past->id");?>"><?php echo $past->finalv;?></a><?php } else { ?><?php echo $past->finalv;?> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> <tr> <td valign="middle" style="font-size:11px; color:#000; font-weight:bold;" nowrap="nowrap"> <?php if ($displaylogo) { ?> <img src="<?php echo JURI::base() . $com_params->get('images_path') . $past->hlogo;?>" alt="" width="35" align="middle" /> <?php } ?> <?php echo $past->hometeam;?> </td> <td valign="middle" style="text-align:center; font-size:11px; font-weight:bold;"><?php if ($linkboxscore) { ?><a href="<?php echo JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_gridiron&view=boxscore&id=$past->id");?>"><?php echo $past->finalh;?></a><?php } else { ?><?php echo $past->finalh;?> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" nowrap="nowrap" style="font-size:11px; color:#000; font-weight:bold;"><hr /></td> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($shownextgame && $numbernext > 0 && $nextgames) { ?> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="font-size:12px; color:#000; font-weight:bold;"><?php echo $next->gamedate . ' ' . $next->gametime;?></td> </tr> <?php foreach ($nextgames as $next) { ?> <?php $next->visitingteam == '' ? $next->visitingteam = 'TBA':$next->visitingteam = $next->visitingteam;?> <?php $next->hometeam == '' ? $next->hometeam = 'TBA':$next->hometeam = $next->hometeam;?> <?php $next->vshortname ? $next->visitingteam = $next->vshortname:NULL;?> <?php $next->hshortname ? $next->hometeam = $next->hshortname:NULL;?> <tr> <td colspan="2" nowrap="nowrap" style="font-size:11px; color:#000; font-weight:bold;"> <?php if ($linknext) { ?> <?php if ($next->visitingteam == 'TBA') { ?> <?php echo $next->visitingteam;?> <?php } else { ?> <?php if ($displaylogo) { ?> <img src="<?php echo JURI::base() . $com_params->get('images_path') . $next->vlogo;?>" alt="" width="35" align="middle" /> <?php } ?> <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_gridiron&view=schedule&id=$next->visitingteamid");?>"><?php echo $next->visitingteam;?></a> <?php } ?> At <?php if ($next->hometeam == 'TBA') { ?> <?php echo $next->hometeam;?> <?php } else { ?> <?php if ($displaylogo) { ?> <img src="<?php echo JURI::base() . $com_params->get('images_path') . $next->hlogo;?>" alt="" width="35" align="middle" /> <?php } ?> <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_gridiron&view=schedule&id=$next->hometeamid");?>"><?php echo $next->hometeam;?></a> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo $next->visitingteam;?> vs. <?php echo $next->hometeam;?> <?php } ?></td> <tr> <td colspan="3" nowrap="nowrap" style="font-size:11px; color:#000; font-weight:bold;"><hr /></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </table>
  7. I am using a football game module by fastball productions for a Joomla website. see the screenshots attached - the default layout out the module is vertical which in my case will display 4 games top-bottom... The 2nd image going left to right is what I am trying to acomplish. What would I need to edit; so, the games are displayed in a left to right fashion. Can someone help me out here? I editted the php file and changed the following lines refencing $rows changing them to $columns...and of course it isn't working... $db->setQuery($sql); $rows = $db->loadResultArray(); $teamids = implode(',', $rows); to---making reference to explode in a column $db->setQuery($sql); $columns = $db->loadResultArray(); $teamids = implode(',', $columns); Someone please let me know.. Thanks Trey 17288_.zip
  8. This is what I have added so far... since the logo is being called from com_gridiron. this should work right? <?php /** * @version $Id: mod_fastball_stat_leaders.php, v1.5.4 September 2011 01:32:15---- this is also a stats leader for football... * @author Fastball Productions * @package Fastball * @copyright Copyright © 2011 Fastball Productions * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL */ // no direct access defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); $com_params = &JComponentHelper::getParams('com_gridiron'); $menuitemid = JRequest::getInt( 'Itemid' ); $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); /* get the component parameters so we know how to calc ERA (7 or 9 innings); */ $component = JComponentHelper::getComponent('com_gridiron'); $cparams = new JParameter($component->params); $innings_calculated = $cparams->get('innings_calculated'); /* get the module parameters; */ $heading = $params->get( 'heading', '' ); $seasonid = $params->get( 'seasonid', '1' ); $gametypes = $params->get( 'gametypes', '1' ); $teamids = $params->get( 'teamids', '' ); $leagueids = $params->get( 'leagueids', '' ); $divisionids = $params->get( 'divisionids', '' ); $category = $params->get( 'category', '' ); $sort = $params->get( 'sort', 'DESC' ); $stats = $params->get( 'stats', 'player' ); $records = $params->get( 'records', 3 ); $displaylogo = $params->get( 'displaylogo', 0); if (is_array($gametypes)) { $gametypes = implode(',', $gametypes); } if (is_array($teamids)) { $teamids = implode(',', $teamids); } if (is_array($leagueids)) { $leagueids = implode(',', $leagueids); } if (is_array($divisionids)) { $divisionids = implode(',', $divisionids); } /* create lookup arrays for the different type of stats - batting/base-running and pitching; */ /* this is needed to determine what query we need to run to get the stats; */ $offense = array('passing', 'rushing', 'receiving'); $defense = array('tackles', 'sacks', 'interceptions'); /* need to get a listing of all teams that are a part of the league and/or division; */ if ($teamids) { $ids = $teamids; } else { if ($divisionids) { /* get a listing of all team ID's that belong in the league and division; */ $sql = "SELECT id, name, shortname FROM #__gridiron_team WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(divisionid, '$divisionids'))"; } else { /* get a listing of all team ID's that belong in the league; */ $sql = "SELECT id, name, shortname FROM #__gridiron_team WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(leagueid, '$leagueids'))"; } $db->setQuery($sql); $ids = $db->loadResultArray(); $ids = implode(',', $ids); } /* determine what stat category is configured and run the correct query; */ if (in_array($category, $offense)) { if ($stats == 'player') { if ($category == 'passing') { $category = 'totalyards'; $db->setQuery("SELECT s.playerid AS id, CONCAT(p.fname, ' ', p.lname) AS name, s.teamid, t.logo, SUM(s.yards) AS totalyards FROM #__gridiron_passing AS s LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_player AS p ON p.id = s.playerid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_team AS t ON t.id = p.teamid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_schedule AS e ON e.id = s.gameid WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(s.teamid, '$ids') AND FIND_IN_SET(e.gametype, '$gametypes') AND s.yards > 0 AND s.seasonid = {$seasonid}) GROUP BY p.playerid ORDER BY totalyards $sort LIMIT 0, {$records}"); } if ($category == 'rushing') { $category = 'totalyards'; $db->setQuery("SELECT s.playerid AS id, CONCAT(p.fname, ' ', p.lname) AS name, s.teamid, t.logo, SUM(s.yards) AS totalyards FROM #__gridiron_rushing AS s LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_player AS p ON p.id = s.playerid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_team AS t ON t.id = p.teamid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_schedule AS e ON e.id = s.gameid WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(s.teamid, '$ids') AND FIND_IN_SET(e.gametype, '$gametypes') AND s.yards > 0 AND s.seasonid = {$seasonid}) GROUP BY p.playerid ORDER BY totalyards $sort LIMIT 0, {$records}"); } if ($category == 'receiving') { $category = 'totalyards'; $db->setQuery("SELECT s.playerid AS id, CONCAT(p.fname, ' ', p.lname) AS name, s.teamid, t.logo, SUM(s.yards) AS totalyards FROM #__gridiron_receiving AS s LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_player AS p ON p.id = s.playerid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_team AS t ON t.id = p.teamid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_schedule AS e ON e.id = s.gameid WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(s.teamid, '$ids') AND FIND_IN_SET(e.gametype, '$gametypes') AND s.yards > 0 AND s.seasonid = {$seasonid}) GROUP BY p.playerid ORDER BY totalyards $sort LIMIT 0, {$records}"); } } else { if ($category == 'passing') { $category = 'totalyards'; $db->setQuery("SELECT s.teamid AS id, t.logo, t.name AS name, t.shortname, SUM(s.yards) AS totalyards FROM #__gridiron_passing AS s LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_team AS t ON t.id = s.teamid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_schedule AS e ON e.id = s.gameid WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(s.teamid, '$ids') AND s.yards > 0 AND s.seasonid = {$seasonid}) GROUP BY s.teamid ORDER BY totalyards $sort LIMIT 0, {$records}"); } if ($category == 'rushing') { $category = 'totalyards'; $db->setQuery("SELECT s.teamid AS id, t.logo, t.name AS name, t.shortname, SUM(s.yards) AS totalyards FROM #__gridiron_rushing AS s LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_team AS t ON t.id = s.teamid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_schedule AS e ON e.id = s.gameid WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(s.teamid, '$ids') AND s.yards > 0 AND s.seasonid = {$seasonid}) GROUP BY s.teamid ORDER BY totalyards $sort LIMIT 0, {$records}"); } if ($category == 'receiving') { $category = 'totalyards'; $db->setQuery("SELECT s.teamid AS id, t.logo, t.name AS name, t.shortname, SUM(s.yards) AS totalyards FROM #__gridiron_receiving AS s LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_team AS t ON t.id = s.teamid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_schedule AS e ON e.id = s.gameid WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(s.teamid, '$ids') AND s.yards > 0 AND s.seasonid = {$seasonid}) GROUP BY s.teamid ORDER BY totalyards $sort LIMIT 0, {$records}"); } } $rows = $db->loadObjectList(); } else if (in_array($category, $defense)) { if ($stats == 'player') { if ($category == 'tackles') { $category = 'total'; $db->setQuery("SELECT s.playerid AS id, CONCAT(p.fname, ' ', p.lname) AS name, s.teamid, t.logo, SUM(s.total) AS total FROM #__gridiron_defense AS s LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_player AS p ON p.id = s.playerid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_team AS t ON t.id = p.teamid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_schedule AS e ON e.id = s.gameid WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(s.teamid, '$ids') AND FIND_IN_SET(e.gametype, '$gametypes') AND s.total > 0 AND s.seasonid = {$seasonid}) GROUP BY p.playerid ORDER BY total $sort LIMIT 0, {$records}"); } if ($category == 'sacks') { $category = 'total'; $db->setQuery("SELECT s.playerid AS id, CONCAT(p.fname, ' ', p.lname) AS name, s.teamid, t.logo, SUM(s.sacks) AS total FROM #__gridiron_defense AS s LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_player AS p ON p.id = s.playerid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_team AS t ON t.id = p.teamid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_schedule AS e ON e.id = s.gameid WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(s.teamid, '$ids') AND FIND_IN_SET(e.gametype, '$gametypes') AND s.total > 0 AND s.seasonid = {$seasonid}) GROUP BY p.playerid ORDER BY total $sort LIMIT 0, {$records}"); } if ($category == 'interceptions') { $category = 'total'; $db->setQuery("SELECT s.playerid AS id, CONCAT(p.fname, ' ', p.lname) AS name, s.teamid, t.logo, SUM(s.interceptions) AS total FROM #__gridiron_interceptions AS s LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_player AS p ON p.id = s.playerid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_team AS t ON t.id = p.teamid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_schedule AS e ON e.id = s.gameid WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(s.teamid, '$ids') AND FIND_IN_SET(e.gametype, '$gametypes') AND s.interceptions > 0 AND s.seasonid = {$seasonid}) GROUP BY p.playerid ORDER BY total $sort LIMIT 0, {$records}"); } } else { if ($category == 'tackles') { $category = 'total'; $db->setQuery("SELECT s.teamid AS id, t.logo, t.name AS name, t.shortname, SUM(s.total) AS total FROM #__gridiron_defense AS s LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_player AS p ON p.id = s.playerid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_team AS t ON t.id = s.teamid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_schedule AS e ON e.id = s.gameid WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(s.teamid, '$ids') AND FIND_IN_SET(e.gametype, '$gametypes') AND s.total > 0 AND s.seasonid = {$seasonid}) GROUP BY s.teamid ORDER BY total $sort LIMIT 0, {$records}"); } if ($category == 'sacks') { $category = 'total'; $db->setQuery("SELECT s.teamid AS id, t.logo, t.name AS name, t.shortname, SUM(s.sacks) AS total FROM #__gridiron_defense AS s LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_player AS p ON p.id = s.playerid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_team AS t ON t.id = s.teamid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_schedule AS e ON e.id = s.gameid WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(s.teamid, '$ids') AND FIND_IN_SET(e.gametype, '$gametypes') AND s.total > 0 AND s.seasonid = {$seasonid}) GROUP BY s.teamid ORDER BY total $sort LIMIT 0, {$records}"); } if ($category == 'interceptions') { $category = 'total'; $db->setQuery("SELECT s.teamid AS id, t.logo, t.name AS name, t.shortname, SUM(s.interceptions) AS total FROM #__gridiron_interceptions AS s LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_player AS p ON p.id = s.playerid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_team AS t ON t.id = s.teamid LEFT JOIN #__gridiron_schedule AS e ON e.id = s.gameid WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(s.teamid, '$ids') AND FIND_IN_SET(e.gametype, '$gametypes') AND s.interceptions > 0 AND s.seasonid = {$seasonid}) GROUP BY s.teamid ORDER BY total $sort LIMIT 0, {$records}"); } } $rows = $db->loadObjectList(); } else { /* stat category could not be determined so mimic a blank rowset; */ $rows = array(); } ?> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="100" rowspan="2" ><img src="<?php echo JURI::base() . $com_params->get('images_path') . $player->photo;?>" alt="" width="100" align="middle" border="0"/></td> <td colspan="3"><b><?php echo $heading;?></b></td> </tr> <?php foreach ($rows as $row) { ?> <?php $row->shortname ? $row->name = $row->shortname:NULL;?> <tr> <?php if ($displaylogo) { ?> <td nowrap="nowrap"> <?php if ($stats == 'player') { ?> <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_gridiron&view=player&id=$row->id&Itemid=$menuitemid");?>"><?php echo $row->name;?></a> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_gridiron&view=team&id=$row->id&Itemid=$menuitemid");?>"><?php echo $row->name;?></a> <?php } ?></td> <td align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $row->$category;?> <?php echo $category == 'totalyards' ? 'Yds':NULL;?></td> <?php } ?> <td width="50"><img src="<?php echo JURI::base() . $com_params->get('images_path') . $row->logo;?>" alt="" width="50" align="middle" border="0" /></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table>
  9. Using a component and a stats module by Fastball Productions called "GridIron"... I'd like to add an echo to pull in the player pix from the roster page that is generated from the component.... I have attached the component and module in question... hoping someone can help me out real here with the php echo... Thanks Trey [attachment deleted by admin]
  10. dude... never mind about this since asking for some help is obviously like pulling teeth here... i will ask again--delete my god damn profile and i will find another forum/ community where people are a hell of a lot more helpful... you will not see me again that's for sure... fucking pitiful as far as i am concerned... asking for some help and direction...
  11. damn this is pathetic... no response's nothing.. whats the point of posting on a forum without any help... unbelievable.. thanks guys - really appeciate the help here... wow!!! see ya...
  12. WOW...know one able to help me out... I'll ask again--- is there anyone that can offer some help with me doing this.. Thanks Trey
  13. can someone help me here or offer some direction... i don't really know where to begin... i want to be able to sort in the module back-end and pull up a player for the award/ module... example: when i choose team > all players under that team will then appear in a drop down-- i know it is a sql query... then pull their specs ( including their picture which i know can be done via a php echo ) from their bio page... i want to manually enter in their stats... i don't think the team/s will be entering in the stats in great detail... the team logo would also be brought in with php echo if that make's any sense... i just don't know where to being adding the query for players...if that make's any sense... the main categories would be: passing, rushing, sacks & tackle's... thanks trey
  14. i did post over the weekend and a poster on here took over the thread and wouldnt help me out... so i thought id post again.... Wondering if someone could help me out to create a Stats Module ( IE... Offensive or Defensive Player of Week ) Using GridIron Football Component-- see www.gafl.org[/u]]www.gafl.org for an example of the component/ mods in action... I've included a screenshot of what I am trying to do... I've also attached the actual GridIron Component and the beginnings of the module which I am trying to create..... the module would need to be able to sort in the backend> when you choose team the players show up automatically under the player tab...Would ultimately like to put on my site a Defensive and Offensive Player of the week... In the module the players pix would be pulled in... their name and personal info... jersey# along with height and weight (see the mockup)..along with present game summary and then season stats after that... Can someone please take a look and help me create the stats module... Thanks Trey [attachment deleted by admin]
  15. delete the post... the developer happens to be working on other stuff... just do me a favor and delete the post and my profile... i am sorry to have wasted your time and for assuming that the forum would be a resource for me... thanks anyway.... just delete my profile and post please...
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