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  1. I am using X cart and I have tried add function that hide price until customers log in. so I added following codes to my files with notepad but I am keep getting smarty errors Error: Smarty error: [in customer/main/products_t.tpl line 161]: syntax error: 'if' statement requires arguments (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 1270) in /home1/lemielfa/public_html/include/lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1092 Here's Smarty.class.php line 1092 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @param string $error_msg * @param integer $error_type */ function trigger_error($error_msg, $error_type = E_USER_WARNING) { (line1092----->)trigger_error("Smarty error: $error_msg", $error_type); } /** * executes & displays the template results -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was my first time adding some code to my web, I hope I didn't screw up that much...... Thank You David ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following Code ADDED /b] 1. Apply following SQL statements either from your cart admin/patch area or myphpadmin. This will place 2 controls in General Settings / General options in Common options. The first one will allow you to turn this mod on/off Code: INSERT INTO `xcart_config` (`name`, `comment`, `value`, `category`, `orderby`, `type`, `defvalue`, `variants`, `validation`) VALUES ('cflsys_hide_prices', 'Hide prices for non-logged in customers (this will also hide quantity box, "buy now" and "add to cart" buttons)', 'N', 'General', 75, 'checkbox', 'N', '', ''); INSERT INTO `xcart_config` (`name`, `comment`, `value`, `category`, `orderby`, `type`, `defvalue`, `variants`, `validation`) VALUES ('cflsys_hide_prices_message', 'Show this optional message if the option "Hide prices" is enabled', 'You need to login in order to see prices and place orders.', 'General', 76, 'text', '', '', ''); 2. Add to init.php at the end of the file just before PHP Code: # # WARNING ! # Please ensure that you have no whitespaces / empty lines below this message. # Adding a whitespace or an empty line below this line will cause a PHP error. # this PHP Code: # added by CFL Systems for hide prices if customer not logged in $smarty->assign("cflsys_hide_prices",$config['General']['cflsys_hide_prices']); $smarty->assign("cflsys_hide_prices_message",$config['General']['cflsys_hide_prices_message']); # added by CFL Systems for hide prices if customer not logged in 3. In skin1/customer/main/products.tpl find Code: {if $config.Appearance.products_per_row && ($featured eq "Y" || $config.Appearance.featured_only_multicolumn eq "N")} {include file="customer/main/products_t.tpl"} {else} {include file="customer/main/products_list.tpl"} {/if}and before add Code: {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *} {if $login eq "" && $cflsys_hide_prices eq "Y"} {if $cflsys_hide_prices_message ne ""} <div style="color: red; margin: 5px 0; padding: 5px 5px 5px 10px; border: 1px solid #cccccc;">{$cflsys_hide_prices_message}</div> {/if} {/if} {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *} 4. In skin1/customer/main/product.tpl (skin1/customer/main/product_details.tpl for 4.3.x, code may be slightly different) find this Code: <tr> <td class="property-name product-price">{$lng.lbl_price}:</td> <td class="property-value"> and before add Code: {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *} {if $login eq "" && $cflsys_hide_prices eq "Y"} $nbsp; {else} {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *} then find Code: {if $product.forsale ne "B"} <tr> <td colspan="2"> {include file="customer/main/product_prices.tpl"} </td> </tr> {/if}and after add Code: {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *} {if} {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *} then find Code: <tr> <td class="property-name product-input"> {$lng.lbl_quantity}and before add Code: {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *} {if $login eq "" && $cflsys_hide_prices eq "Y"} <tr> <td colspan="2"> {if $cflsys_hide_prices_message ne ""} {$cflsys_hide_prices_message} {else} {/if} </td> </tr> {else} {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *}then find Code: {/if} </table> and before add Code: {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *} {if} {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *}then find Code: {if $product.appearance.buy_now_buttons_enabled}and before add Code: {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *} {if $login eq "" && $cflsys_hide_prices eq "Y"} $nbsp; {else} {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *}then find Code: </form>and before add Code: {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *} {if} {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *} 5. In skin1/customer/main/products_list.tpl find Code: {if $product.product_type eq "C"} {include file="customer/buttons/details.tpl" href=$url} {else}and after add Code: {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *} {if $login eq "" && $cflsys_hide_prices eq "Y"} $nbsp; {else} {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *} then find Code: {/if} </div> <div class="clearing"></div>and before add Code: {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *} {if} {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *} 6. In skin1/customer/main/products_t.tpl find Code: <tr> {foreach from=$row item=product} {if $product} <td class="product-cell product-cell-price"> {if $product.product_type ne "C"} {if $active_modules.Subscriptions ne "" && $product.catalogprice} and before add Code: {if $login eq "" && $cflsys_hide_prices eq "Y"} <tr> <td colspan="2"> </td> </tr> {else} {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *}then find at the end of the file Code: {/foreach} </table> {/if}and before add Code: {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *} {if} {* added by CFL Systems to hide prices if customer not logged in *}
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