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  1. thanks guys I fixed the issue by removing that page off the session
  2. i have tried on chrome and firefox , not working for even 2 items. Basically, i have a php script on the site which will take like 1 minute to finish loading so during this time when i try to browse other links on the same browser they won't load at all until the 1 minute script done. There must be something to do with php session
  3. Hi guys I got an issue that when a link on the site is loading, the other links does not load until the previous is complete but it will work if i try on 2 different browsers. How can i browse multiple links silmultanously? Thanks
  4. This is the html plus js script. It actually submits the form but with the empty field value <form id=my_form name=Form size=30 action=/search.php method=post> <div id="suggest"><br /> <input id=country maxlength=30 type=text name=key value="" onkeyup="suggest(this.value);" onblur="fill();" class=""> <div class="suggestionsBox" id="suggestions" style="display: none;"> <div class="suggestionList" id="suggestionsList"> </div> </div> </div> <input type=submit value='Search'> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> function suggest(inputString){ if(inputString.length == 0) { $('#suggestions').fadeOut(); } else { $('#country').addClass('load'); $.post("autosuggest.php", {queryString: ""+inputString+""}, function(data){ if(data.length >0) { $('#suggestions').fadeIn(); $('#suggestionsList').html(data); $('#country').removeClass('load'); } }); } } function fill(thisValue) { $('#country').val(thisValue); setTimeout("$('#suggestions').fadeOut();",100); $('#my_form').submit(); } </script>
  5. I been working on search auto suggestion box which has one of function below. The function will fill the suggested result to search form field and submit the search but it will never submit the search. It really scratch my head on this issue, please help function fill(thisValue) { $('#country').val(thisValue); setTimeout("$('#suggestions').fadeOut();",100); $('#my_form').submit(); }
  6. Hi guys I got the js script below which loops through all form inputs , then check if the field value changes to other value rather than the default but for some reasons the if condition does not work, no error showed. Really need someone to shed a light on it. Maybe give me some other solutions to fulfil this task $(document).ready(function() { $("select").change(function(){ $("form").find("input").each(function(i) { if (this.value != this.defaulValue) { alert(this.value); } else { alert("no update"); } }); });
  7. function fill(thisValue) { $('#country').val(thisValue); setTimeout("$('#suggestions').fadeOut();", 600); $("#my_form").trigger('submit'); } the above function is supposed to fill the search string from the suggestion box and trigger the automatic search but it does not work. If I comment the "my_form" line , the field is filled in just fine but of couse it does not trigger the search. So what I m trying to achieve here is fill in the field and trigger the search right away like google search.
  8. dang, i was trying to put $1 before but did not work. Anyway, it worked this time. Thanks a lot
  9. I got a rewrite rule like below , for some reasons , the variable $2 does not pass. The redirected page is blank. I have a pretty much same rule , it works fine RewriteRule ^logger/(.*)/$ index.php?adm=logger&id=$2
  10. great ,thanks I never used the tildle.
  11. $html = "<p>test</p> <p>test1</p> <p>test2</p>"; my expected result is array(0=>"<p>test</p>",1=>"<p>test1</p>",2=>"<p>test2</p>") what is regular expression for it ? thanks
  12. hi guys I just could not find the answer on forum. I have a url like this http://www.example.com/deal.php?id=367 and my question is : how can i use curl function to get the html and the id value which is 367 thanks
  13. hi guys I just could not find the answer on forum. I have a url like this http://www.example.com/deal.php?id=367 and my question is : how can i use curl function to get the html and the id value which is 367 thanks
  14. yes, that fixed the problem but I have used html attributes for a while without quotes , seems to be no problems at all . What did this happen?
  15. try this INSERT INTO joom_stories (votes1) SELECT (total_value/total_votes) FROM joom_ratings,joom_stories WHERE joom_stories.id=joom_ratings.id
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