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Posts posted by zq29

  1. Adding a second monitor will put more strain on the GPU, as previously stated above. I guess if you have a low-end GPU it might hand some of the processing off to the CPU, but I'm not sure about that.


    I have three monitors over two 9600GTs, the one running a single monitor is sitting at 37c at a speed of 450/750MHz (NV Clock / Mem Clock). The one running two monitors is sitting at 46c at a speed of 650/900MHz. These cards have two performance levels and switch when they need it. I'm guessing it's a power saving feature or something.

  2. I dont think it matters if you can clone a site, in x days, all that matters if your one of the 1st people in the niche with the application. Most people are very, whats the word.. prone to visitor loyalty. If your the first one there and your sites get popular and goes to 2,000 Alexa rank. Your pretty much set.  Have you ever made an application in the niche that was saturated? Your application is more clean maby better, but that bad looking one that was there first, still is rocking? And your sites is still make one 1 cent a day? Yeah thats the logic there. Your screwed, unless you spend a 100K on adveristing to say to users. HEY HERE IS MY NEW SITE. Becuase your going to have to get their attention(!). Its not worth your time to even enter a niche like that.


    I don't think that's necessarily true. Take social networking for example - Everyone joins Friendster, then when Bebo comes along they jump onto that, then MySpace, oh look, there's Facebook! Lets go there instead! Visitor loyalty is short lived, especially if you're not giving them what they want, and someone else can.


    Anyways who want to manage 100 or 1000 sites? I'm talking about making that web application that hits in the top 10,000 websites on the internet. That whats you want to aim for. Thats where the real money is. To do that you have to be programmer. Becuase your crating something that doesn't exist, Its not something you can download "premade", and if there is, its means your already too late to get in the door.


    I don't think you need to be a programmer at all, really. You can take your idea to a development house and have it built for you. You're just investing cash rather than time.

  3. Why reinvent the wheel? If you need to throw up a website that just needs a bunch of pages of unique content and a couple of ads - What's wrong with installing Wordpress, dropping in some content and some banners? It's a hell of a lot quicker for the same result.


    I'm a full time developer, and I have done exactly that. Create a bunch of Wordpress installs, add content and advertisements, make some money. Repeat, make some more money. If you can keep repeating and making more money - Why not?


    On the other hand, I have built completely bespoke projects where an OS package would have done a basic job, but not to the level I required, so it was easier to build than modify. These projects tend to make considerably more money though - Which I guess reinforces your point. Although, the larger more bespoke projects tend to require more maintenance and support so I guess it justifies the returns, where as the one-off Wordpress installs are generally built and never touched again.


    Short build time and little maintenance - small residual returns.

    Long build time and more maintenance - larger residual returns.


    In the time it takes to do a large one, how many small ones could be built - are the many small ones making more than the single large one?


    I think there are pros and cons to both directions.


    I've developing a web application where There is only few competitors I've come across.There is no Clone script available. So barrier to entry is high.

    The programming task is moderately difficult. But nothing I can't handle.  ;)


    I could be running a clone of your site in a week or two by paying a group of Indian developers $100.

  4. Pardon my ignorance, in advance...


    The thing I don't understand with companies like Microsoft, is, they have a shit ton of money and they can't produce a browser that's up to standard... Just hire some kick-ass developers, and pay them until it's brilliant. Likewise with Google, spend some of your billions on some decent graphic/UI designers...


    How is revenue generated in the browser market? Do they make any money? What's keeping Microsoft playing the browser game? Can't they just drop IE and ship FireFox with Windows or something?

  5. Other - Geany. Have been using it for the past year or two and does everything I need.


    I have heard people raving about vi(m) too. If nano is not available, I know how to use it on a (very) basic level for quick changes, I just haven't had the time to sit down and see what all of the fuss is about, because initially it appears to be so long winded to use...

  6. What is mac exactly? Is it an OS or different hardware? or maby both..

    I'm for keeping things universal. If Mac is using different hardware, then I would be against it.

    Can you install mac on a PC? I never really understood it.  Someone enlighten me.  :psychic:

    Technically, "a Mac" is the hardware - It derives from their original Macintosh. If you install Windows on the machine, it's still a Mac. OS X is the OS.

  7. I have a couple of Macs, generally just for testing stuff on, and I do like OS X over any flavour of Windows - I couldn't care less about how the machine looks, if I'm really honest, I don't like the white plasticy-ness of my MacBooks, though the newer aluminium ones look a lot better. But that's not why I buy a computer.


    I personally think that Macs are better for the average computer user, they are easier to use, they do "just work", and in the 5 years that I have had at least one sitting around, I can count on one hand how many times it has crashed, with fingers to spare. I'm forever swearing at the two Windows machines in my office - They'd be wiped off if I didn't need it for running Quickbooks and IE.


    Note: I use GNU/Linux day-to-day.

  8. I bought it for the PS3, as that's what all my mates bought it on. Have only played the single player campaign for about an hour and a half so far - Good fun! Not got around to playing online yet, probably will at the weekend. So far, so good.

  9. I generally have about three or four instances of FireFox open, each with 4 - 8 tabs. Mainly for splitting up my browsing into relevant groups, for example, keeping everything related to a single project in it's own instance:


    Instance 1

    • Trac
    • Project 1: Public facing
    • Project 1: Admin facing
    • PHP Manual
    • RegEx Reference
    • Google


    Instance 2

    • Trac
    • Project 2: Public facing
    • Project 2: Admin facing
    • jQuery Manual
    • MySQL Manual
    • Some resource as a result of researching


    The above two would generally be sitting on my left hand monitor (of 3) and the instance below on the right hand monitor, with my IDE in the middle.


    Instance 3

    • phpMyAdmin


    Then I have another instance sitting somewhere on another workspace...


    Instance 4

    • PHPFreaks
    • Ubuntu Forums
    • eBay
    • Google
    • Other random sites I shouldn't be reading when I should be working


    3 monitors, and 3 workspaces FTW. I've always got 9 "screens" of stuff open, and I still find myself minimizing crap...

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