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Posts posted by zq29

  1. Call me cynical, but it sounds to me like you're hoping to scrape our content, change it enough so that it is recognised as unique by the search engines to gain traffic to your own site. Like Daniel, I can't see the obvious benefit to us, bar the inbound links - But that doesn't weigh up in my opinion.

  2. It has nothing to do with security, as only (almost all) non-alphanumeric characters are encoded, such as spaces, brackets, etc.


    This function is convenient when encoding a string to be used in a query part of a URL, as a convenient way to pass variables to the next page.
  3. As far as I'm aware, you can't call functions from the query string. To do what you're trying to do, you'll need to do something like this in your functions.php file:


    switch(@$action) {
        case "addlink": addLink(); break;
        case "foo": foo(); break;
        case "bar": bar(); break;
        default: echo "No function called."; break;


    I must say, it's an odd approach...

  4. Based on a basic overview of a project we provide a basic estimate, based on previous experience and assumed functionality - If that figure is within their ballpark of what they want to spend and they choose to go with us, we write up a full specification that goes into plenty of details, from this it is fairly easy (though sometimes time-consuming) to attribute an amount of hours to each module/feature. We then just times those hours by our hourly rate, then add a percentage on top to cover any minor things we have missed and small changes along the way, then give them this figure as the all-in project cost. We then tweak from there if they have more/less budget available.

  5. My dev box runs on 3 x 17" TFTs, aligned in a slight arc. Have had it this way for years, could never go back to a single (or even two) screens, it's just so much easier and quicker to get stuff done. Plus, when ever someone new visits my office, they always comment on it and how it is the best thing ever, quite funny. "Wow! You can drag windows between all of those screens?!"


    I normally have my editor open in the central screen, phpMyAdmin open on the right screen and a browser open on the left for testing the code, with a bunch of terminals sprinkled around all over the place for SSH and SVN. Also, in Ubuntu you can have multiple workspaces, and I generally have three of them full with stuff, so essentially, I have 9 screens.


    I normally have a second workspace with GIMP open across all three screens, image editors are great with this setup - Plenty of space for the tool panels, and even more space for your working area. My third workspace generally has IRC, and a couple of VMs running (testing in IE etc.).

  6. There is a section in the manual that covers this nicely: PHP: Handling file uploads


    As far as modifying your html files, you could use the following functions:


    You'll need to use a Regular Expression with preg_replace, regular-expressions.info is a great resource for this. Although, I would suggest you look into how you could achieve the desired result with the use of a database, rather than updating your HTML files.

  7. a lot off web sites with models getting down on it do this with web cams the earn a fortune around £160 a hour, unreal


    with them , you buy credit and then you can have a one to one the credit let you in to see them live on a cam then you request what ever as your watching(playing)) your credit goes...


    eventually you get kicked out credit goes..


    some people got a addiction so badly even there home are under court order due to funds ....


    Talking from experience?

  8. I've used FPDF before, and although it does the job, it's a pain in the arse I think. Although, I haven't come across a straight forward one - They're all a case of messing with boxes and coordinates from what I can gather.


    These days, I do all of my dynamic PDF generation with Perl, using the PDF::API2 module - I find it a lot easier than pissing around in PHP.

  9. Advanced "you're welcome".


    As far as I'm concerned, AJAX isn't a language and JavaScript is neither insecure or crap. Security is generally down the implementation of the language. I also don't understand how you think that it is difficult to remember the spelling of the "functions" when PHP is know for it's inconsistency in function naming and parameter ordering.


    Ideally, you should learn the core language and theory behind the AJAX technique, but in answer to your question - I use jQuery.

  10. As for games, I am into racing games (think along the lines of Project Gotham Racing and Forza Motor Sport)


    I'm looking forward to Forza 3 - Looks amazing. Plus I have the wheel/pedals mounted to one of those racing seats! I normally play COD4 on the PS3 with my mates online, I only really else use it for a BluRay player.

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