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Posts posted by zq29

  1. Since he is obviously learning it from scratch, why not point him to the correct up-to-date way of connecting to a mysql database which is mysqli?


    He hasn't mentioned which version of MySQL or PHP he is using, so I chose the more compatible functions. Realist, if you're using MySQL 4.1.3+ and PHP 5.0.0+ it is recommended (though not required) to use mysqli_* over mysql_*.

  2. We'll have to assume a number of things here, as you have not posted enough of your code to be sure about anything. Assuming your get_results() function returns false if it doesn't have anything to display, you could do this:

    $r = get_results($page);
    if($r) {
        //Loop and display
    } else {
        echo "No results";


    As for your pagination, without seeing what get_results() and multipage() do, it's kinda hard to say...


    EDIT: OP posted the rest of the code while I was writing this.

  3. How would comments and questions posted in an internet forum fall under copyright law? Copying facts is legal. So lets say I scraped the PHP help forum here - someone asked a question and then 3 people answered. That couldn't be protected under copyright law...right?

    As far as I'm aware, any and all content can, and is by default, copy-written by it's author. In our case, by joining and contributing to our forums, you have agreed to transfer ownership to us.

  4. I've heard of it, I know of the light cycle, I can pick up on references to it and have seen clips from the original movie. But I have never watched the whole thing, or know what the hell it's about.

  5. I think the Bing engine is pretty good, but the thing I don't like about it is that all of it's other services are "out-sourced" and not integrated. For example, the maps and the shopping. Two things I use Google for along with their search, it's just nice having it all integrated and feeling the same.


    This partnership should be interesting though.

  6. Hmm. I know very little about Tron, but that trailer in HD looked pretty cool but not something I'd go see. Though Olivia Wilde is in it, and she's pretty hot, so... Looks like you can't cross the streams in Tron-land either.

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