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Posts posted by zq29

  1. You don't notice the red dotted underlines?

    Would you be refering to the lines that appear in Chrome and Safari, but not in the far more popular Firefox or IE?

    I get them in FireFox...

  2. I'm on the fence with Clapton, his studio stuff generally sounds dated but his live bluesier stuff is excellent, such as his collaborations at the Crossroads festivals, and John Mayall and the Blues-breakers album.

  3. I'm mainly a fan of Classic Rock (Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, etc.), Blues (Buddy Guy, Stevie Ray Vaughan, John Mayer, etc.) and a bit of modern rock (Raconteurs, White Stripes, Black Keys, etc.)

  4. I very rarely go to the cinema, the last thing I saw at one was Star Wars Ep.III - I find the picture quality poor, the sound quality poor and the people in there annoying. I just wait for shit to come out on BluRay. It could just be that both my local cinemas are crap though!


    I don't know that much about Paranormal Activity, is it Blair Witch style or something?

  5. I'm not sure what's up woth your fonts, but you could attempt to upgrade via the command line, and hope it sorts itself out...


    $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
    $ sudo do-release-upgrade


    I'm not sure if 5.10 or 6.06 have do-release-upgrade though (haven't used them for 4/3.5 years respectively) , if not, try...


    $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

  6. I'll tell you two things that are more dangerous than drink driving. Drinking. Driving. Do you know how many people died last year as a direct result of alcohol abuse? 35,000. Do you know how many people died last year as a direct result of driving a car? 22,000. Do you know how many died as a direct result of drinking AND driving. 500. I'm not taking any chances!

    Hah! I was about to write exactly the same thing! Was that Lee Mack?

  7. Yeah, I didn't like the Robin Williams one, I found him really annoying. "Sound Effects" is brilliant, how they always prompt them to make loud noises, and get absolutely nothing (have they not seen the show before?!), their reactions to the lack of sound effects is hilarious! I wish they'd release all of the seasons on DVD, I think they have only done seasons 1 - 3 of the Drew Carey ones on DVD so far, I believe there are 8 seasons...

  8. Which kind of HDD was it? IDE or SATA.  I ask because IDE have an RPM (rotations per minute) rate.  And the typical RPM for an IDE HDD is 7,200.  So you could just imagine the liabilities involved there.  Just bumping your laptop the wrong way could essentially "break" something.  Seeing as how that's really GD fast, I'd say that spinning disc has enough momentum to break anything.  Even it is wasn't 7200 RPM it would have been at least 5400.. which is still, beyond human abilities.  So that would be your answer assuming your HDD was IDE.


    If it was SATA then perhaps some dust got in there or the drive was faulty to begin with.  I can't exactly pull an explanation for something breaking in an SATA drive out of my ass.  That's pretty odd.  Those are solid state drives.  Much like a USB Flash drive.  So just imagine ways in which a flash drive could tear up and that's probably what happened to your SATA Hard drive (assuming it was SATA)


    SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment) is the interface, you're thinking of SSD - Solid State Disk.

  9. Q.E.D.

    I have absolutely no idea what that means. I don't care. It's 5:30. I'm going home to get drunk. Goodbye. Gone.

    quod erat demonstrandum


    Go forth, and get shit-faced. I'm here for another 30 mins...

  10. Yea, I did not even know it was an older show! The only ones I have seen are the Drew Carey ones.


    But Ryan, Collin and Wayne all rock the show, the 4th person is kinda alright depending on which it was. But Wayne does some crazy creative thinking with the songs he creates, it is just crazy!

    I think "Three Headed Broadway Star" game is one of the funniest ones, especially when they sung that "Butterstick" song... YouTube Link

  11. Absolutely. The working week should be Tuesday to Thursday. Mondays are a nightmare and nobody feels like doing anything on a Friday.

    And at that point, Tuesday becomes the nightmare that Monday used to be, and no-one will be bothered to do anything on a Thursday. So, in conclusion, we should only work on Wednesdays.

  12. I love "Whose Line...", Colin and Ryan crack me up - I too, can't quite believe how they come up with this stuff on the spot, very clever guys (and girls)!


    I think I prefer the ones where Drew Carey is the host though, I like Clive Anderson better as a presenter, but I feel the performers were better on the newer ones. That, and the Clive Anderson ones are SO old, the picture/sound quality on them is appalling.

  13. IE8 is pretty good in comparison to previous releases, I very rarely have to tweak CSS to work specifically with IE8. However I do with IE7, but no where near as much as I used to with IE6, I pretty much used to have a separate ie6.css file to overwrite the majority of the CSS that catered to every other browser...

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