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Everything posted by mikhl

  1. Thanks Psycho, That's what I was thinking. Just because someone made a chair doesn't mean that nobody else can make a chair, though I know some companies that would disagree *cough* and would patent anything *cough* I am doing some research into the website now, Both to protect myself and as a way to better my website. Where has the current website gone wrong and where can I improve, how can I make my website different? - A few questions I'm keeping in mind.
  2. Hi guys, I recently had a great idea (well I think it's a great idea) for a website which I have created basic designs for and started developing on my own. I really thought this idea was going to be new. However, after more research, I have found that there is a strikingly similar website already out there. Same basic idea and concept, though I am not developing a clone of the website. I was just wondering if there were any opinions on developing things that have already been done; though the website I am thinking of hasn't been done to death. I was also worried about being accused of copying concept. I am bringing this up purely as I came across the website today and I was hoping for others opinions. I think I could do a great job with the website and I am enjoying the time I have put into it so far. I know this post may seem a bit pointless and jumbled, I'm just looking for some thoughts. Thanks, Michael
  3. Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to make a convincing command line based website. So there would be no graphics and actually no content until the user typed in the neccesary commands. For example, they may type contact and receive contact details. This is only a basic example. If this is possible, how could it be done. Thanks
  4. When using inline CSS make sure you are ending each statement with a semicolon. <a href="#" style="text-decoration:none;color:#000000;">Link</a> However. If you are going to be using the same style on a number of different anchor links and or on a number of pages, it is best to use external style sheets.
  5. Try using styles in the head of your HTML document or put them in a desperate file and link that to your document. In head of file: <style type="text/css"> a { text-decoration:none; color:#cc0000; } </style> Make sure in your CSS your are spelling colour as color. The American way.
  6. Hmm. I agree, if your going to use quotes for multiple classes then you may as well keep to the convention and use them constantly. Seems like a better practice. Kind of like closing the <p> tag in my opinion is a must!!
  7. Hello. This is just a general curiosity question. I am just wondering about peoples preferences with the use of double quotes in HTML5. In XHTML and HTML5 the following is valid: <div id="wrapper"> <div class="someClass"> <p class="important">Some Content Here!</p> </div> </div> However I hear that in HTML5 you can also choose to leave the double quotes out: <div id=wrapper> <div class=someClass> <p class=important>Some Content Here!</p> </div> </div> I think it makes sense that they wouldn't be required. However, for the moment I am still using them to ensure there are no compatibility issues with any older browsers. What do you think about this, do you think its a good idea? What approach do you think we should be using now if we are coding HTML5 pages?
  8. I think that session_start() has to be at the very top of every page that uses it. Make sure it's all lower case too
  9. Try changing your for loop to this while loop while($game = mysql_fetch_assoc($games)) { ...all your code minus the mysql_fatch_array part }
  10. Glad I could help. Make sure you test he app/website properly to ensure all of the functionality works correctly. Especially concerning this part of the code.
  11. You could use hidden input types. Although, as previously stated, the values are easily editable by someone who knows what they are doing.
  12. is incorrect. As per http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_disabled.asp My bad
  13. also properly indenting your code ensures that you can see mistakes ans makes it 100% better for others to read and understand your code. Making it easy for others makes it easy for you.
  14. If you want to send a value with a disabled text field you have to set something to the value attribute. <input type="text" name="name" id="id" value="some value" />
  15. w3schools can be a little outdated sometimes as they have no affiliation with any language, such as PHP. However, it is s good way to learn the basics. Just make sure you check everything, or atleast anything you are having a problem with on php.net. If PHP will be your first programming language, then I definitely suggest a good up-to-date book, using the latest version of PHP. This will teach you all the concepts you need to understand for coding.
  16. change if(isset($query['task']) & $query['task']!=='detailed') to if(isset($query['task']) && $query['task']!=='detailed') and if($query['layout']!='latest.tpl' && $query['layout']!='categories.tpl') { to if(isset($query['layout']) && $query['layout']!='latest.tpl' && $query['layout']!='categories.tpl') { Try the code I have given above and see what the results are. I leave no promises that this is going to fix the problem. The problem is that the keys in the array is not being defined and then is being used. You cannot use an array if you do not first define it. There must be somewhere in the script, a part that you have not posted here, where the array is initially created with the two keys that are creating the problem. Make sure they are being set propperly. Also ensure they will be set to a default value such as NULL even if they are to not be used. I recommend you look on google for some basic PHP tutorials before you making any more major changes to the script. However, I would recommend you be careful where you buy your scripts from.
  17. // we need a menu item. Either the one specified in the query, or the current active one if none specified if (empty($query['Itemid'])) { $menuItem = $menu->getItems('link','index.php?option=com_jomdirectory&view=homepage&layout=categories.tpl&id=',true); $query['Itemid'] = $menuItem->id; // print_r($menuItem); } line 39: if(isset($query['task']) & $query['task']!=='detailed') { if($query['task']=='search' ) { Line43: if($query['layout']!='latest.tpl' && $query['layout']!='categories.tpl') { $segments[] = 'category'; } } else { $segments[] = str_replace(' ', '-', $query['task']); } } unset($query['layout']); unset($query['task']); // if(isset($query['category'])) // { // $segments[] = str_replace(' ', '-', $query['category']); // unset($query['category']); // }
  18. facepalm indeed yes. try putting a space between your closing bracket and your VALUES statement.
  19. Please use the correct tags for displaying code. if(isset($query['task']) & $query['task']!=='detailed') should be if(isset($query['task']) && $query['task']!=='detailed') check that your array keys are being defined before being used
  20. If you are placing code on the forum please place them between the correct tags. You will get more joy from people that way. Try echoing your SQL statement. I think you will see the problem when you do that. echo $sqlStr;
  21. I would have used JS for the calculator. Otherwise, as stated, you are going to have to load the page gain every time a button is pressed.
  22. Hey, I was just wondering what websites you use to host your CV? Thanks
  23. USER_ID || FRIEND_ID ========================= 6 || 1 ========================= 1 || 6 ========================= 6 || 22 ========================= The above is an example of the friend table that has been suggested your create. User 6 and 1 are friends with each other as they both have each other stored as a friend_id. user 6 is not friends with user 22 as user 22 does not have user 6 stored as a friend_id, this could be due to user 22 not hvaing accepted the request yet. A blacklist table would be similar except it would have blacklisted_user_id instead of friend_id.
  24. Try: <link href="css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> Also ensure you are using the right href path. So if the CSS.css file is in a CSS directory you may need to use ../css.css
  25. It would Definently be better to think about recreating the database/table. If you are wanting to black list people for viewing another users content. A similar solution to xyph's friend solution would do the trick. Depending if you are wanting a user wide block or just for certain topics. If you are blacklisting users from viewing all a users content. Past and future. Then the table will just need the users I'd and the blocked users ID. If you are blocking only for individual posts etc, you will need a column for the ID of the post instead of the user who is creating the block. So each table only needs a min of 2 columns.
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