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Posts posted by denno020

  1. The issue you're running in to is one of timing. The fact that you can see the toastr at all is very surprising, and likely because there aren't any other actions being performed on click.. As soon as there are some actions being performed within the click handler, then the toastr likely won't ever be seen! Unless of course, we fix it!

    Essentially we need to tell the browser to stop processing the click event so the page refresh doesn't occur

    Something like this will get you going:

    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(document).ready(function () {
        $('#add').click(function (e) {
          e.preventDefault(); // Stop the browser from redirecting to click target (i.e. the href)
          // Perform actions
          // ...
          // ...
          toastr.success("Folder 2 has been clicked!", "Folder 2", );
          window.setTimeout(function () {
          }, 3000);


  2. I completely agreed with @requinix, this is a situation where jQuery excels, and will save you a lot of time and headache. It's definitely possible to do this with vanilla JS, but it's a lot more code.

    One suggestion I will make is to use a `<template>` element, which can contain the HTML that you will clone. This way you don't have to clone an existing HTML DOM node, which will contain user changes and would require you to go through each field and clear the values of the inputs/textarea before injecting it into the page as a new node. Check out the MDN docs for `template`, they have great example code (which is actually in vanilla JS, so you can see how much is required!)

    Another thing I would suggest is to avoid using a `div` as a button. The New Line "button" has the `btn` class on it, but it's a div. This will be inaccessible to site visitors, so best to use a `button` element, with those same classes.


    P.s. Please excuse the use of back ticks, it appears the forum doesn't support markdown :(

  3. The offending line that is only allowing you to search the first column is this one:

     td = tr[i].getElementsByTagName("td")[0];

    The `[0]` portion of that statement means to literally get the first column only. An easy fix is to add a nested loop, that does essentially the same as the for loop for the `tr` element, but do it for `td`, provided `td` is assigned:

     td = tr[i].getElementsByTagName("td");

    Simply move the if block inside that inner loop, and it should work (some variable names inside that second for loop will need to be updated)

    As for making this work with any table, I feel like the call to the function needs to pass a string. Without the quotes around customerTable, the code is going to assume that's a variable name, so maybe try updating to:

    onkeyup='searchTable("customerTableSearch", "customerTable")'

    These are all suggestions that require a minimal amount of refactoring of the current code, this doesn't mean I endorse that way it's written ;), there's lots of improvements that could be made for this to be much more maintainable in the future, but we'll leave that for another discussion

  4. I have never used Audio previously, but looking at the docs, audio.load() will reload the file, which means you should be able to omit it here.

    Also, the event to listen for is "loadeddata", rather than "load"..

    See how those updates go

  5. You're going to want to make use of setTimeout. The syntax is as follows:

    	setTimeout(function() {
    	  // Execute this code after the timeout of 1000ms
    	}, 1000);

    Keep in mind that this function is asynchronous, which means

    	  setTimeout(function() {
    	    intro('#hello', '#world');
    	  }, 1000);
    	  setTimeout(function() {
    	    intro('#hi', '#all');
    	  }, 1000);
    	  setTimeout(function() {
    	    intro('#hola', '#amigos');
    	  }, 1000);

    Will execute all into functions after 1 second.

    This could be a solution:

    	  setTimeout(function() {
    	    intro('#hello', '#world');
    	  }, 1000);
    	  setTimeout(function() {
    	    intro('#hi', '#all');
    	  }, 2000);
    	  setTimeout(function() {
    	    intro('#hola', '#amigos');
    	  }, 3000);

    However that will quickly fail if the execution of the next function has to be 1 second after the previous function has finished (assuming there might be some delays/user input/processing inside the intro function)

    Hopefully that's enough information to get you on the right track to figuring it out

    • Thanks 1
  6. I'm having trouble figuring out how to import the contents of one JS file into another JS file - a gulpfile.


    I've got my gulp file set up and I would like to store an array of file names in a separate JS file, that the gulpfile will load in and pass as the parameter to the src command. The array in the separate JS file will be sort of like configuration. But it will be something that will change, and I don't like the idea of constantly editing an array inside my gulpfile


    To illustrate what I'm after, this is the folder structure I would have

    //directory root
    // - gulpfile.js
    // - arrayfile.js

    Then my files would look something like this

    var array = [
    import arrayfile.js //This is the part that I need to figure out properly
    gulp.task('javascript', () => {
      gulp.src(array) //where 'array' comes from arrayfile.js
      .pipe() //etc

    As you can see, I'm using ES2015, however I haven't been able to get import to work with gulp.


    What else could I do to be able to use the array defined in arrayfile.js as the src parameter in the gulpfile?


    The versions I'm using:

    Gulp cli: 1.2.1

    Gulp local version: 3.9.1

    Node: 6.2.1




  7. I think your best bet would be to add this to your CSS:

    .hidden_textarea, .hidden_edit_4_session, .hidden_edit_4_friend {
      display: none;

    Then in your javascript, when you actually want to show something, you toggle the class on that element


    That will mean that any dynamically loaded data will be hidden by default, and only show once your code triggers it to be shown.


    However, if you want to keep your implementation, then all you would need to do is add 


    to the end of your $.post(); callback function, like so

    $.post("st&com.php", {load:load},function(data){
  8. You could use CSS to get the same functionality.


    Add the mobile only content to a div, give it a class, and then in your stylesheet, set display: none; on that div, with a style directly after inside a media query, that will set display: inline;




    .mobileOnly {
      display: none;
    @media (max-width: 300px) {
      .mobileOnly {
        display: inline;


    Set the max width to your desired "mobie only" size.



  9. A really crude but easy way is to do the exact same thing that you've done for determining which file to include:

    $page = $_GET['page'];
    <li<?php if($page == "home") { ?> class="active"<?php } ?>>
        <a href="?page=home">Home</a>

    Note where the php tags open and close.


    You'll just do that for each link, with the appropriate checks for each





    Actually I don't know if that would work the way I've written it.. It's been ages since I've done inline php like that.. You may have to do it like this:


    <li<?php if($page == "home") { echo ' class="active"'; } ?>>
  10. I'm assuming that you meant to say "... then second magnific popup should not open till first is open closed."


    One option, when the document is loaded, as well as checking that #myModal exists, also check if the first popup is visible. If it is visible, then attach a click hander to the close button of that first popup, which will trigger the second popup to show.

    That will ensure the second popup will show directly after closing the first.



  11. You're going to have to have 2 array entries for each of your shortcuts, but if you don't want to double up the name for the smiley, you could use a constant


    define("SMILIES__SMILE", "smiley.png");
    $people = array(
      ":d" => SMILIES__SMILE,
      ":D" => SMILIES__SMILE


    That way, you still only have 1 place where you define the actual name for the smiley image.



  12. Whenever I've seen media queries, they've never used the same number as both the min and max, as that would be rather confusing to the browser I would think..

    Try changing the min-width for the desktop version and see what that does.



    @media screen and(max-width: 1024px) {
    @media screen and(min-width: 1025px) {



  13. You need to call session_start() at the top of every script that you wish to be 'login protected', so because of that, yes, you need to include init.php on every page.


    To check if a user is signed in, set a session array value with their username. Then at the start of each of your pages, check the session array, if the username value is set, (optionally) check that that username corresponds to a user in your database, and if so, you can show them the content that only logged in users can see.

  14. Personally, I use a simple math question, and I don't get any spam form submissions any more.


    Sure, it could easily be beaten by a bot that is written to specifically look for it, but for most bots, they don't seem to bother going to the trouble.


    I ask a question of, for example, 4 + nine (making sure one of the numbers is in written form).


    I hate captchas, so there was no way I was ever going to put one on my website.


    Another option that I've considered using is adding another form field, which you hide using CSS. This means normal users won't be able to see it, but a bot will see it, and fill it in. If it's filled in, then you know that it wasn't submitted by a human.


    Seems like a neat idea.

  15. This is fairly straightforward. You'll want to use window.setTimeout() for specifying how long to wait. The function inside of setTimeout will contain your redirect code.

    As for the loading image, just make that the only content on the page.

  16. The problem is because you're creating a new element, and then appending it.


    If you change it to use innerHtml for displaying the error message, then it will only show up once.



    if(document.getElementById('firstName').value == document.getElementById('firstName').defaultValue){
        document.getElementById('output').innerHtml = "Incorrect information.";
  17. Your code doesn't seem to work?


    Anyway, one way you could do it is to add your error message to a container of some sort, either a div or span, and then whenever the form is validated, the first thing you do is clear the content of that container.


    Then the validator will run as per normal, adding the error message to the container again if the form still doesn't validate.


    Something like

      <div id="error-message"></div>
      <input type="text" id="the-input"/>
      <input type="submit" id="the-submit-btn"/>
    document.getElementById('the-submit-btn').onclick = function(){
      document.getElementById("error-message").innerHTML = "";
     //Perform your validation, adding the error message back to the container, if required

    That's obviously some really rough code, but hopefully it will give you the idea of what I'm suggesting.

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