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Posts posted by denno020

  1. Nothing can be written better with globals.


    I need main_folder().'filepath';  to be changed to fork_folder().'filepath'whenever main_folder() is called in the code which is outside the folders.


    Does this mean that if main_folder() is called in a php file that is not inside a fork_folder directory, you want main_folder() to be replaced with fork_folder()?


    If that's the case, then you could use __DIR__ to find out the absolute path of the current PHP file, then search the path for a folder that you would expect to find in a fork_folder file, if it's not there, then that mean's you're not currently in one of the fork_folders, so switch main_folder() to fork_folder(), like:

    $currentDir = __DIR__;
    if (preg_match("/fork_folder_name/", $currentDir)) {
    } else {
  2. If you want to do it using an array, and provided your mysql results array looks like this

    $results = array(
        "blog_id" => "2",
        "content" => "Blog2Text",
        "comment_id" => "4",
        "comment_text" => "comment4text",
        "blog_id" => "2",
        "content" => "Blog2Text",
        "comment_id" => "7",
        "comment_text" => "comment7text",

    Then you can create your array like this:

    $outputArr = array();
    foreach ($results as $result) {
      //Initialise array for the blog ID of the current $result, if it's not already done so
      if (!isset($outputArr[$result['blog_id']])) {
        $outputArr[$result['blog_id']] = array();
      //Append the comment_text for this result to the array for this blog_id
      $outputArr[$result['blog_id']][] = $result['comment_text'];
    $output = json_encode($outputArr);

    Which will result in an output array looking like this:

    $outputArr = array(
      2 => array(

    Hopefully that helps you out.


  3. The first thing I notice is that the if statement doesn't seem to have it's closing curly brace?


    Apart from fixing that, there are 3 things I would check:

    1. var_dump() as the very first thing in the constructor, this will tell you if the object is being instantiated or not (speaking of which, can you show us the code where you create a new validation class)

    2. var_dump() is_store_closed() outside of the if statement, to make sure that's returning true.

    3. var_dump() the $_SESSION variable, even though doing a var_dump of $this->store_name should display null.


    I think you problem is either you haven't created a new class properly (you can't just include the script, you actually have to call $validation = new validation() ), or you is_store_closed() function is returning false.


    Hope that helps.


  4. Seeing as though $attr is being treated as an array (it's the variable used in the foreach), then you should initialise it to be an empty array, not an empty string. Also, you should indicate that the parameter has to be an array by adding 'array' before it:

    public function table_rows_and_columns(array $attr=array(),$data_name="",$data="") {

    Next, if $attr isn't always required, then you need to make it the last parameter in the function signature.

    These two calls:

    echo $table->table_rows_and_columns("Name:","<input type='text' name='name' id='name'>"); //First call
    echo $table->table_rows_and_columns("Phone:","<input type='number' name='phone' id='phone'>"); //Second call

    effectively do this:

    $attr = "Name:"; $data_name = "<input type='text' name='name' id='name'>"; $data = "" //First
    $attr = "Phone:"; $data_name = "<input type='number' name='phone' id='phone'>"; $data = "" //Second

    So as you can see, you're getting the error because the second two calls to your function don't pass an array as the first parameter.


    Have a crack at fixing the problem and let us know how you go. Then we can help you further if you need it.




    Edit: oh and your line

    $row = "<tr><td{$key.'='.$value}>{$data_name} </td> <td>{$data}</td></tr>";

    isn't in the foreach, so it won't use the $key and $value variables..

  5. Firstly, I like the message to the user if they're already in the database, but please, update "Your" to be "You're"..


    Anyway, to your problem.


    If you var_dump $query2, you'll see that it is actually false, which means you're doing count(false). which gives 1.


    Therefore, your if condition should be as such

    if ($query2 !== false) {
    if (!$query2) {

    Hope that helps.


  6. So I figured out what the problem was, in case anyone was wondering.


    I had a temporary URL, as I'm moving the website to a different hosting company, and it turns out that when I was reading the http_host in my php file, it was only pulling the ip address in, it wasn't also pulling in the my username which corresponded to my folder on their server.


    Anyway, that probably doesn't explain it very well, but it's all fixed now, so that's the main thing.

  7. I've been using htaccess in my web projects for a little while now, both at home and at work. I'm currently working on a website for a friend, which is a wordpress one, and I'm trying to set up my htaccess in the root of my website which will handle old links, and forward people on the the new location (they previously had presta shop, which uses a different link structure).


    Anyway, I've got my public folder on my host, which has my htaccess, an index.php file, and a wordpress folder, which has all of the wordpress stuff.

    The plan was to capture links that weren't already going to a wordpress subdirectory, pass them to the index.php file, and then that will work out where the user should be redirected to.


    Sounds simple enough, but for whatever reason, it's just not working and I can't for the life of me figure out why.


    The following is my htaccess file:

    # Use PHP5.4 Single php.ini as default
    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php54s .php
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
    RewriteRule ^((?!wordpress).)*$   index.php?url=$0 [QSA,L]

    So as you can see, it's very simple. The first few lines before RewriteEngine are specific for my host.


    Anyway, this works perfectly on my local server (wamp), however running it on my live server, I continually get "404:File Not Found". The index file is in the exact same location as the htaccess file, so there isn't any problem with that.

    I've also tried putting junk into my htaccess, to see if it's actually being used, and it is. If I put "some junk" (literally that string) into my htaccess just before the RewriteEngine on directive, I get this message:

    [an error occurred while processing this directive]

    So I know my htaccess is being read..


    Can anyone see something that I'm missing?




  8. Are you sure you're actually getting results from your SQL query?


    Have you got phpmyadmin or something similar that you can use to test your query?


    Also, can you post your code inside [ code ] tags, makes it much easier to read

  9. Try this then:

    echo "<input id='FirstName' type='text' maxlength='20' name='FirstName' value='".$row['FirstName']."' pattern='^[a-zA-Z]{2,20}$' required /><br>";

    Oh and don't change all of your input fields, just change one, until you get that one working, then apply the same changes to the rest. Will save you a tonne of time debugging


  10. The way you are trying to print the value from $row is like this:



    It needs to be like this:




    Notice the quotes. Easy to miss that because you have a tonne of single and double quotes going on in your code.


    Give that a try and see if it helps.



  11. When you hit enter whilst entering text in an input field in a form, that form will submit..


    The input field needs to be surround by a <form> for this to work.


    If you don't have <form> tags around your input, then you can use this code that I found from a Google search at stackoverflow:

    $(document).keypress(function(e) {
      if(e.which == 13) {
        alert('You pressed enter!');

    And put into practice here: http://jsfiddle.net/Gehtf/1/


    Hope that helps


  12. Can you show me an example outline of the code that you would like to end up with?


    In your PHPFiddle, the $content variable already has <p> tags.. I don't quite understand where you want them to be.. If you can show me the outline that you want to achieve, I'm sure I'll be able to help you with your loop.



  13. The & means it's passing a reference to that variable.


    Without it, the foreach would need to look like this:

    foreach($test_array as $index => $value) {
        if ($value['item'] == '2') {
            $test_array[$index]['qty'] = 5;
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