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  1. I have a drop down menu where the user can select the date, when the user save the data, into phpmyadmin it saves the date as 0000-00-00, any ideas why it saves the date like this. Do i need to convert from a string to a date.
  2. Is there anyway of saving data to phpmyadmin, and linking it to another page with one button. I can do it separately but I can't seem to do it using one button. Does anyone has any ideas!
  3. No i do not get an error This is all my code <script language="javascript"> function addNumbers() { var val1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("value1").value ); var num1 = (val1 *2.50); var val2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("value2").value); var num2 = (val2 * 4.25); var val3 = parseInt(document.getElementById("value3").value); var num3 = (val3 * 6.50); var val4 = parseInt(document.getElementById("value4").value); var num4= (val4 * 7.50); var val5 = parseInt(document.getElementById("value5").value); var num5 = (val5 * 8.50); var val6 = parseInt(document.getElementById("value6").value); var num6= (val6 * 15.00); var sub= document.getElementById("subtotal"); sub.value = (num1+num2+num3+num4+num5+num6).toFixed(2); var VAT = document.getElementById("VAT"); VAT.value = (sub.value * .2).toFixed(2); var total = document.getElementById("total"); total.value = (parseFloat(sub.value)+parseFloat(VAT.value)).toFixed(2); var deposit = document.getElementById("deposit"); deposit.value = (total.value * .2).toFixed(2); var balance = document.getElementById("balance"); balance.value = (total.value-deposit.value).toFixed(2); } function validate() { var value1=document.getElementById("value1").value; submitOK="true"; if (isNaN(value1)|| value1<0) { alert("You Must Enter a Postive Number of Sandwich Platters"); submitOK="false"; } var value2=document.getElementById("value2").value; submitOK="true"; if (isNaN(value2)||value2<0) { alert("You Must Enter a Postive Number of Light Finger Buffet"); submitOK="false"; } var value3=document.getElementById("value3").value; submitOK="true"; if (isNaN(value3)||value3<0) { alert("You Must Enter a Postive Number of Classic Finger Buffet"); submitOK="false"; } var value4=document.getElementById("value4").value; submitOK="true"; if (isNaN(value4)||value4<0) { alert("You Must Enter a Postive Number of Deluxe Finger Buffet"); submitOK="false"; } var value5=document.getElementById("value5").value; submitOK="true"; if (isNaN(value5)||value5<0) { alert("You Must Enter a Postive Number of Executive Finger Buffet"); submitOK="false"; } var value6=document.getElementById("value6").value; submitOK="true"; if (isNaN(value6)||value6<0) { alert("You Must Enter a Postive Number of Fork Buffet"); submitOK="false"; } if ((value1 >250)||(value2>250)||(value3>250)||(value4>250)||(value5>250)||(value6>250)) { alert("Order exceed 250 Contact Us"); submitOK="false"; } if (!value1.match(/^\d+$|^\d+\.\d{0}$/)||!value2.match(/^\d+$|^\d+\.\d{0}$/)||!value3.match(/^\d+$|^\d+\.\d{0}$/)|| !value4.match(/^\d+$|^\d+\.\d{0}$/)||!value5.match(/^\d+$|^\d+\.\d{0}$/)||!value6.match(/^\d+$|^\d+\.\d{0}$/)) { alert("You Must Enter a whole Number"); submitok="false"; } } </script> <?php $value1 = $_GET['value1']; $value2 = $_GET['value2']; $value3 = $_GET['value3']; $value4 = $_GET['value4']; $value5 = $_GET['value5']; $value6 = $_GET['value6']; $subtotal = $_GET['subtotal']; $VAT = $_GET['VAT']; $total = $_GET['total']; $deposit = $_GET['deposit']; $balance = $_GET['balance']; if(!$_GET) { ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['php_self']?>" method="get" position="centre" onSubmit="return validate()"> Sandwich Platters <input type="text" id="value1" name="value1" value="0"/> <name="Sumbit" onmouseout="javascript:addNumbers()"/> <br/> Light Finger Buffet <input type="text" id="value2" name="value2" value="0"/> <br/> <name="Sumbit" onmouseout="javascript:addNumbers()"/> Classic Finger Buffet <input type="text" id="value3" name="value3" value="0"/> <br/> <name="Sumbit" onmouseout="javascript:addNumbers()"/> Deluxe Finger Buffet <input type="text" id="value4" name="value4" value="0"/> <br/> <name="Sumbit" onmouseout="javascript:addNumbers()"/> Executive Finger Buffet <input type="text" id="value5" name="value5" value="0"/> <br/> <name="Sumbit" onmouseout="javascript:addNumbers()"/> Fork Buffet <input type="text" id="value6" name="value6" value="0"/> <br/> <name="Sumbit" onmouseout="javascript:addNumbers()"/> Subtotal <input type="text" id="subtotal" name="subtotal" value="" onFocus="blur();" /> <br/> VAT <input type="text" id="VAT" name="VAT" value="" onFocus="blur();"/> <br/> Total <input type="text" id="total" name="total" value="" onFocus="blur();"/> <br/> Deposit on Order <input type="text" id="deposit" name="deposit" value="" onFocus="blur();"/> <br/> Balance to Pay <input type="text" id="balance" name="balance" value="" onFocus="blur();"/> <br/> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/> <?php } else { echo "<table border='0'> "; echo "<tr><td>Sandwich Platters</td><td>{$value1}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Light Finger Buffet</td><td> {$value2}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Classic Finger Buffet</td><td>{$value3}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Deluxe Finger Buffet</td><td>{$value4}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Executive Finger Buffet </td><td> {$value5}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Fork Buffet </td><td> {$value6}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Subtotal </td><td> £{$subtotal}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>VAT </td><td> £{$VAT}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Total </td><td> £{$total}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Deposit on Order </td><td>£{$deposit}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Balance to Pay </td><td> £{$balance}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "</table>"; echo '<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">go back</a>'; echo ' <a href="https://www.paypal.com">Submit</a>'; } ?> </form>
  4. why does my page display half way down the page if(!$_GET) { ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['php_self']?>" method="get" class="h2" position="centre" onSubmit="return validate()"> <p>Sandwich Platters </t> <input type="text" id="value1" name="value1" value="0"/> <name="Sumbit" onmouseout="javascript:addNumbers()"/> <br/> Light Finger Buffet <input type="text" id="value2" name="value2" value="0"/> <br/> <name="Sumbit" onmouseout="javascript:addNumbers()"/> Classic Finger Buffet <input type="text" id="value3" name="value3" value="0"/> <br/> <name="Sumbit" onmouseout="javascript:addNumbers()"/> Deluxe Finger Buffet <input type="text" id="value4" name="value4" value="0"/> <br/> <name="Sumbit" onmouseout="javascript:addNumbers()"/> Executive Finger Buffet <input type="text" id="value5" name="value5" value="0"/> <br/> <name="Sumbit" onmouseout="javascript:addNumbers()"/> Fork Buffet <input type="text" id="value6" name="value6" value="0"/> <br/> <name="Sumbit" onmouseout="javascript:addNumbers()"/> Subtotal <input type="text" id="subtotal" name="subtotal" value="" onFocus="blur();" /> <br/> VAT <input type="text" id="VAT" name="VAT" value="" onFocus="blur();"/> <br/> Total <input type="text" id="total" name="total" value="" onFocus="blur();"/> <br/> Deposit on Order <input type="text" id="deposit" name="deposit" value="" onFocus="blur();"/> <br/> Balance to Pay <input type="text" id="balance" name="balance" value="" onFocus="blur();"/> <br/> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </p> </form> <?php } else { echo "<table border='0'>"; echo "<tr><td>Sandwich Platters</td><td>{$value1}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Light Finger Buffet</td><td> {$value2}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Classic Finger Buffet</td><td>{$value3}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Deluxe Finger Buffet</td><td>{$value4}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Executive Finger Buffet </td><td> {$value5}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Fork Buffet </td><td> {$value6}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Subtotal </td><td> £{$subtotal}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>VAT </td><td> £{$VAT}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Total </td><td> £{$total}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Deposit on Order </td><td>£{$deposit}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "<tr><td>Balance to Pay </td><td> £{$balance}</td></tr><br/>"; echo "</table>"; } ?> </body>
  5. In PHP when you post a form the default font is Times New Roman how do I changes the font to arial
  6. I am trying to delete a row of data in the data base, but in this table the primary key is a composite key, (SID, CID). How can i delete a row of data below shows the code that I have done function delete_studentcourse($SID, $CID) { $esc_SID = mysql_real_escape_string($SID, $this->conn); $esc_CID = mysql_real_escape_string($CID, $this->conn); $sql = "DELETE FROM studentcourses where SID && CID='($SID, $CID, $grade, $comments)'"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); if (!$result) die("SQL Error: " . mysql_error()); else { $numofrows = mysql_affected_rows($this->conn); return $numofrows; } } <?php include 'db_studentcourse.php'; //import the class in this web page ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Delete Student-course</title> </head> <body> <?php if (!$_POST) { //page loads for the first time ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="post"> Enter the student id you want to delete:<input type="text" name="SID" /><br /> Enter the course id you want to delete:<input type="text" name="CID" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Save" /> </form> <?php } else { $db1 = new db_studentcourse(); $db1->openDB(); $numofrows = $db1->delete_studentcourse($SID); $numofrows = $db1->delete_studentcourse($CID); echo "Success. Number of rows affected:<strong>{$numofrows}<strong>"; $db1->closeDB(); } ?> </body> </html>
  7. <?php require("db_config.php"); class db_studentcourse { private $conn; function getResult($sql) { $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); if($result) { return $result; } else { die("SQL Retrieve Error: ".mysql_error()); } } function insert_studentcourse($SID, $CID, $grade, $comments) { $esc_SID = mysql_real_escape_string($SID, $this->conn); $esc_CID = mysql_real_escape_string($CID, $this->conn); $esc_grade = mysql_real_escape_string($grade, $this->conn); $esc_comments = mysql_real_escape_string($comments, $this->conn); $sql = "INSERT INTO studentcourses(SID, CID, grade, comments) VALUES ('{$esc_SID}', '{$esc_CID}', '{$esc_grade}', '{$esc_comments}')"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); if (!$result) { die("SQL Insertion error: " . mysql_error()); } else { $numofrows = mysql_affected_rows($this->conn); return $numofrows; } } function insert_student($sid, $sname, $address, $post_code) { $esc_sname = mysql_real_escape_string($name, $this->conn); $esc_address = mysql_real_escape_string($address, $this->conn); $esc_post_code = mysql_real_escape_string($post_code, $this->conn); $sql = "INSERT INTO students (sid , sname, address, post_code) VALUES ('{$sid}', '{$sname}', '{$address}', '{$post_code}')"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); if (!$result) { die("SQL Insertion error: " . mysql_error()); } else { $numofrows = mysql_affected_rows($this->conn); return $numofrows; } } function openDB() { $this->conn = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); { if (!$this->conn) die("SQL Connection error: " . mysql_error()); } $db_selected = mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $this->conn); if (!$db_selected) { die("SQL Selection error: " . mysql_error()); } } function delete_studentcourse($sid,$cid) { $esc_sid= mysql_real_escape_string($sid, $this->conn); $esc_cid= mysql_real_escape_string($cid, $this->conn); $sql = "DELETE FROM studentcourses where SID='{$sid}' && where CID='{$cid}'"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); if (!$result) die("SQL Error: " . mysql_error()); else { $numofrows = mysql_affected_rows($this->conn); return $numofrows; } } function closeDB() { mysql_close($this->conn); } } ?> <?php if($_POST) { $errorID=0; $sid=$_POST['sid']; $cid=$_POST['cid']; $grade = $_POST['grade']; $comments = $_POST['comments']; if($grade<0 && $grade>100 || !is_numeric($grade)) { $errorID=1; $errorMsg="Grade must be a number between 0 and 100"; } } ?> <?php include 'db_studentcourse.php'; //import the class in this web page ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Student-Course Insert new Record</title> </head> <body> <?php $db1 = new db_studentcourse(); $db1->openDB(); $sql = "SELECT SID FROM STUDENTS"; $result = $db1->getResult($sql); $sql = "SELECT CID FROM COURSES"; $result1 = $db1->getResult($sql); if (!$_POST) { ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="post"> Select student ID: <select name = "SID"> <option value="default">Select a Student ID</option> <?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) echo "<option value='{$row['SID']}'>{$row['SID']}</option>"; ?> </select><br/> Select course ID: <select name = "CID"> <option value="default">Select a Course ID</option> <?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)) echo "<option value ='{$row['CID']}'>{$row['CID']} </option>"; ?> </select><br/> Enter grade:<input type="text" name="grade" value="<?php echo $grade; ?>"/> <?php if($errorID==1) echo "* $errorMsg";?> <br /> Enter comment:<input type="text" name="comments" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Save" /> <input type="reset" value="Reset" name="reset"/> <input type="button" value="Cancel"/> </form> <?php } else { $sid = $_POST['sid']; $cid = $_POST['cid']; $grade = $_POST['grade']; $comments = $_POST['comments']; $db1 = new db_studentcourse(); $db1->openDB(); $numofrows = $db1->insert_studentcourse($sid, $cid, $grade, $comments); echo "Success. Number of rows affected: <strong>{$numofrows}<strong>"; $db1->closeDB(); } ?> </body> </html>
  8. im am getting the same error, what do you mean by echoing the sql like this, function insert_studentcourse($sid, $cid, $grade, $comments) { $esc_sid = mysql_real_escape_string($sid, $this->conn); $esc_cid = mysql_real_escape_string($cid, $this->conn); $esc_grade = mysql_real_escape_string($grade, $this->conn); $esc_comments = mysql_real_escape_string($comments, $this->conn); echo "INSERT INTO studentcourses(sid, cid, grade, comments) VALUES ('{$sid}', '{$cid}', '{$grade}', '{$comments}')"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); if (!$result) { die("SQL Insertion error: " . mysql_error()); } else { $numofrows = mysql_affected_rows($this->conn); return $numofrows; } }
  9. I have a form where it ask the user to select the student ID, course ID, enter the grades and comments. The Student ID and CourseID is selected from a drop down menu, but when the data is sent to PHPMYADMIN it enters a 0 into the SID and CID How to I get it save the numbers which has been selected
  10. I am trying to insert data via a separate web form, but when I want to insert the data i get this error. SQL Insertion error: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`ang_tania`.`studentcourses`, CONSTRAINT `studentcourses_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`SID`) REFERENCES `students` (`SID`)) Below shows the sql table that I have created create table if not exists Studentcourses( SID int(4) not null, CID int(4) not null, Grade float(4) not null, comments varchar(200) not null, key SID(SID), key CID(CID), PRIMARY KEY (SID, CID), foreign key(SID) references students(SID), foreign key (CID) references courses(CID) )ENGINE=InnoDB; this is the php bit <?php require("db_config.php"); class db_studentcourse { private $conn; function getResult($sql) { $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); if($result) { return $result; } else { die("SQL Retrieve Error: ".mysql_error()); } } function insert_studentcourse($sid, $cid, $grade, $comments) { $esc_sid = mysql_real_escape_string($sid, $this->conn); $esc_cid = mysql_real_escape_string($cid, $this->conn); $esc_grade = mysql_real_escape_string($grade, $this->conn); $esc_comments = mysql_real_escape_string($comments, $this->conn); $sql = "INSERT INTO studentcourses(sid, cid, grade, comments) VALUES ('{$sid}', '{$cid}', '{$grade}', '{$comments}')"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); $sql = "SELECT SID FROM STUDENTS"; if (!$result) { die("SQL Insertion error: " . mysql_error()); } else { $numofrows = mysql_affected_rows($this->conn); return $numofrows; } } function openDB() { $this->conn = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); { if (!$this->conn) die("SQL Connection error: " . mysql_error()); } $db_selected = mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $this->conn); if (!$db_selected) { die("SQL Selection error: " . mysql_error()); } } function delete_studentcourse($sid,$cid) { $esc_sid= mysql_real_escape_string($sid, $this->conn); $esc_cid= mysql_real_escape_string($cid, $this->conn); $sql = "DELETE FROM studentcourses where SID='{$sid}' && where CID='{$cid}'"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); if (!$result) die("SQL Error: " . mysql_error()); else { $numofrows = mysql_affected_rows($this->conn); return $numofrows; } } function closeDB() { mysql_close($this->conn); } } ?> <?php include 'db_studentcourse.php'; //import the class in this web page ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Student-Course Insert new Record</title> </head> <body> <?php $db1 = new db_studentcourse(); $db1->openDB(); $sql = "SELECT SID FROM STUDENTS"; $result = $db1->getResult($sql); $sql = "SELECT CID FROM COURSES"; $result1 = $db1->getResult($sql); if (!$_POST) { ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="post"> Select student ID: <select name = "SID"> <?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) echo "<option value='{$row['SID']}'>{$row['SID']}</option>"; ?> </select><br/> Select course ID: <select name = "CID"> <?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)) echo "<option value ='{$row['CID']}'>{$row['CID']} </option>"; ?> </select><br/> Enter grade:<input type="text" name="grade" /><br /> Enter comment:<input type="text" name="comments" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Save" /> <input type="reset" value="Reset" name="reset"/> <input type="button" value="Cancel"/> </form> <?php } else { $sid = $_POST['sid']; $cid = $_POST['cid']; $grade = $_POST['grade']; $comments = $_POST['comments']; $db1 = new db_studentcourse(); $db1->openDB(); $numofrows = $db1->insert_studentcourse($sid, $cid, $grade, $comments); echo "Success. Number of rows affected: <strong>{$numofrows}<strong>"; $db1->closeDB(); } ?> </body> </html> Any help to solve this problem will be greatly appreciative
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