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  1. Sorry for the delayed reply, I've been caught up on other projects...anyway @DavidAM yes the data SHOULD be formatted like that unfortunately the existing data isn't and I am not able to change it. @corbin thanks for the suggestion I will look into number_format and see what I can do.
  2. I have some numbers such as 44.1, 44.2, 44.3,.....,44.10, 44.11 where I need to keep the last zero in the 44.10. My trouble is that if I set the data type as a decimal with 2 decimal places 44.1 becomes 44.10 which I don't want and if I save the data type as float then my 44.10 becomes 44.1. I have been able to retain the trailing zero by saving data as text but then it doesn't sort properly 16.x comes before 2.x. Hopefully someone can make sense of what I am trying to accomplish, thanks in advance for any help provided.
  3. In case anybody is curious this is the code I ended up with after tweaking everything. It probably isn't very good but it does the job. Thanks for all your help! $a=""; $b=""; $c=""; $d=""; //count the number of rows returned $count=mssql_num_rows($SQLresult); //Start form echo "<form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"\">"; $groupnum = 1; //Build table with SQL data while($row2=mssql_fetch_array($SQLresult)) { //find the competency level $complevel = $row2[CompetencyLevel]; if($complevel=="1") $a="checked"; if($complevel=="2") $b="checked"; if($complevel=="3") $c="checked"; if($complevel=="4") $d="checked"; //build the table echo "<tr class=\"\"><td>".$row2[CompetencyID]."</td><td>".$row2[Category]."</td>"; echo "<td>".$row2[CompetencyName]."</td>"; echo "<td class=\"lft\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"".$groupnum."\" value=\"1\"".$a."> 1"; echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"".$groupnum."\" value=\"2\"".$b."> 2"; echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"".$groupnum."\" value=\"3\"".$c."> 3"; echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"".$groupnum."\" value=\"4\"".$d."> 4"; $idarray[$groupnum]=$row2[CompetencyGUID]; echo "</td></tr>"; $groupnum++; //clear the variables $a=""; $b=""; $c=""; $d=""; } echo "</tbody><input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Submit\">"; echo "</form>"; echo "</table>"; if($_POST['Submit']) { $i=1; foreach($_POST as $k=>$v) { if($k!="Submit") { $sqlUpdate = "UPDATE DATA SET COMPETENCYLEVEL = '".$v."' WHERE COMPETENCYGUID = '".$idarray[$i]."' AND STUDENTGUID = '".$guid."' "; $resultUpdate = mssql_query($sqlUpdate); $i++; } } } if($resultUpdate) { echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=InstructorHome.php\">"; } else { echo "Update your records if needed."; }
  4. Ok, I found another piece of code that did the trick <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="0;URL=InstructorHome.php">
  5. Well I am partially there, the database is updating with the proper values. I had to remove the sort feature for now. The one thing I want to do is refresh the page with the new info after it is submitted right now after you press submit it reverts the button back to the location it was in before it was changed. If I go back and load the page again then the update shows the proper button selected. I thought the code below would do it but it doesn't work. It echos Success at the bottom of the page after you hit submit but it doesn't take you to the page I specified in the Header field. if($resultUpdate) { echo "Success"; Header("Location:InstructorHome.php"); } else { echo "Update your records if needed."; }
  6. I figured out part of my problem. I am using some javascript I found that allows you to sort the table, when you sort the table then it seems to break the form as no values are returned when i print_r($_POST). If I don't change the sort order print_r($_POST) works fine.
  7. Yes, ComptetencyGUID is the id for each of the questions, so I need to keep that ID matched with the value of the of the radio button so that I can put it into the database.
  8. I think it needs to be an array as there are a lot of values that I need it to store. I could be wrong, I'm not much of a programmer, I just kind of got roped into the project because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  9. Essentially I build a table from values in a database with 4 radio buttons for each row. This allows a rating of 1 - 4, it shows the current rating based on what is in the database. If there is no rating it is blank and I want to update the rating based on the value selected. So far everything works except I need way to match the ID of the row with the rating that was selected. I've attached a screen shot of the end result if it helps make sense of what I am trying to accomplish. Thanks for your help so far, atleast I know I am on the right track. [attachment deleted by admin]
  10. That outputs the appropriate information as well but thinking about it I am not sure it would work for me doing it the way I am doing it anyway. I think it might work better for me if I put the $row2[CompetencyGUID]; into a hidden input field so that the radio buttons and the hidden field are matched up approprately. Right now there isn't anything that matches a row number with the idarray. If I did that though, I'm not sure how I would get that information from the hidden field into the sql statment. Or would you recommend another way to accomplish this?
  11. That part seems to work ok, all of the results were returned. At the end where it checks the results in the IF ELSE statement it is displaying the information in the ELSE section which means the query didn't work, and it is displaying UPDATE DATA SET COMPETENCYLEVEL = '4' WHERE COMPETENCYGUID = 'Array' AND STUDENGUID = '32A0EF05-EECB-4E5A-A4D0-F0ED1EFD35F6' So it looks like everything is working except for the idarry variable.
  12. I'm not much of a PHP programmer so please excuse the mess but I'm having a problem with some code. I am able to successfully build a table and assign values to radio buttons based one information in a database. The problem comes when I want to update the database when someone changes a radio button. Everthing works up until the foreach statment. Nothing in the database is being updated, if I replace the sql statement with echo $v; all I get is the word Submit so it's like the rest of the values aren't being included in the form. <link href="css/demo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <?php session_start(); // dBase file include "dbconfig.php"; if (!$_SESSION["valid_user"]) { // User not logged in, redirect to login page Header("Location: index.php"); } //Grab GUID passed in the URL $guid=$_GET['guid']; // Create query for student name $sql = "SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Students where GUID ='". $guid . "'"; // Run query $result = mssql_query($sql); $row= mssql_fetch_assoc($result); // Member only content //Title and main page information echo "<div align=\"center\"><p><img src=\"images/EFCTS Logo.jpg\" width=\"600\" height=\"144\" /></p><h1>OCAP DATABASE</h1></div>"; echo "<p><a href=\"logout.php\">Logout</a></p>"; //Build sortable table of student data. echo "<table id=\"test1\" class=\"sortable-onload-3-reverse rowstyle-alt no-arrow\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">"; //query database for table information $SQLcommand = "SELECT convert(varchar(36), StudentGUID) as StudentGUID, CompetencyLevel, CompetencyName, CompetencyID, Category, convert(varchar(36), CompetencyGUID) as CompetencyGUID FROM VW_StudentSkills WHERE StudentGUID ='". $guid ."'"; $SQLresult = MsSQL_QUERY($SQLcommand); //Continue building table echo "<caption>".$row[FirstName]." ".$row[LastName]."</caption>"; echo "<th style=\"-moz-user-select: none;\" class=\"sortable-numeric fd-column-0\"><a title=\"Sort on \"Competency ID\"\" href=\"#\">Competency ID</a></th>"; echo "<th style=\"-moz-user-select: none;\" class=\"fd-column-1 sortable-text reverseSort\"><a title=\"Sort on \"Catagory\"\" href=\"#\">Catagory</a></th>"; echo "<th style=\"-moz-user-select: none;\" class=\"fd-column-2 sortable-text reverseSort\"><a title=\"Sort on \"Competency Name\"\" href=\"#\">Competency Name</a></th>"; echo "<th style=\"-moz-user-select: none;\" class=\"sortable-numeric fd-column-3\"><a title=\"Sort on \"Competency Level\"\" href=\"#\">Competency Level</a></th>"; echo "</tr></thead>"; //Set variables for radio buttons $a=""; $b=""; $c=""; $d=""; //count the number of rows returned $count=mysql_num_rows($SQLresult); //Start form echo "<form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\">"; $groupnum = 0; //Build table with SQL data while($row2=mssql_fetch_array($SQLresult)) { //find the competency level $complevel = $row2[CompetencyLevel]; if($complevel=="1") $a="checked"; if($complevel=="2") $b="checked"; if($complevel=="3") $c="checked"; if($complevel=="4") $d="checked"; //build the table echo "<tr class=\"\"><td>".$row2[CompetencyID]."</td><td>".$row2[Category]."</td>"; echo "<td>".$row2[CompetencyName]."</td>"; echo "<td class=\"lft\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"".$row2[CompetencyID]."\" value=\"1\"".$a."> 1"; echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"".$row2[CompetencyID]."\" value=\"2\"".$b."> 2"; echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"".$row2[CompetencyID]."\" value=\"3\"".$c."> 3"; echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"".$row2[CompetencyID]."\" value=\"4\"".$d."> 4"; $idarray[]=$row2[CompetencyGUID]; echo "</td></tr>"; $groupnum++; //clear the variables $a=""; $b=""; $c=""; $d=""; } echo "</tbody>"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Submit\">"; echo "</form></table>"; echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"javascript/tablesort.js\"></script>"; if($_POST['Submit']) { echo"submit button detected"; foreach($_POST as $k=>$v) { if($k!="Submit") { $sqlUpdate = "UPDATE DATA SET COMPETENCYLEVEL = '".$v."' WHERE COMPETENCYGUID = '".$idarray."' AND STUDENGUID = '".$guid."' "; $resultUpdate = mssql_query($sqlUpdate); } } } if($resultUpdate) { print_r ($_POST); echo $resultUpdate; echo $sqlUpdate; } else { echo "Your entry is not completed at this time............."; echo $sqlUpdate; echo $resultUpdate; } // Display Member information //echo "<p>User ID: " . $_SESSION["valid_id"]; //echo "<p>Username: " . $_SESSION["valid_user"]; //echo "<p>Logged in: " . date("m/d/Y", $_SESSION["valid_time"]); ?>
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