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  1. Thanks. Here it is: // Show the images: $i = 0; $dir = opendir("../images"); while (($image = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if ($image != "." && $image != "..") { $i++; image_table_row($image, $i); } } // Here is the function: function image_table_row($image, $i) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td style=\"width:150px;\"><img src=\"http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/images/".$image."\" style=\"width:100px;height:100px;\" /></td>"; echo "<td style=\"width:150px;\"><input type=\"text\" maxlength=\"65\" name=\"desc-".$i."\" /></td>"; echo "<td><select name=\"order-".$i."\" style=\"width:60px;\"> <option value=\"0\" selected=\"selected\">-</option>"; for ($i2 = 1; $i2 <= 20; $i2++) { echo "<option value=\"".$i2."\">".$i2."</option>"; } echo "</select></td></tr>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"".$image."\" name=\"img-".$i."\" />"; } // Code when submitting the form: // HOW DO I GET THE SORTING CORRECT IN HERE? if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $html = ""; for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++) { if(isset($_POST["order-".$i.""]) && $_POST["order-".$i.""] > "0") { $html .= "\n<div class=\"image-gallery\"><a href=\"http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/images/".$user."/".$_POST["img-".$i.""]."\" rel=\"lightbox[1]\""; if($_POST["desc-".$i.""] != "") { $_POST["desc-".$i.""] = str_replace("<?", "<?", $_POST["desc-".$i.""]); $_POST["desc-".$i.""] = str_replace("?>", "?>", $_POST["desc-".$i.""]); $html .= " title=\"".$_POST["desc-".$i.""]."\" "; } $html .= "><img src=\"http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/images/".$user."/mini-".$_POST["img-".$i.""]."\" /></a>"; if($_POST["desc-".$i.""] != "") { $html .= "<div>".$_POST["desc-".$i.""]."</div>"; } $html .= "</div>\n"; } } $html .= "\n<div style=\"clear:both;height:0;\"> </div>"; echo "<textarea style=\"width:500px;height:300px;\">".htmlspecialchars($html)."</textarea>"; }
  2. Hello guys. I have a form with 20 images. My user have to write a description for each image and when submitting the form the user will get an HTML code which will display an album. My problem is that my users want to choose a sequence of the images in the album. How do I solve that? I tried with making a select with 20 options (number 1-20) for each image and a desription for the user to place them in a correct sequence but I don't know how to do it. And another problem is when a user chooses the same number for more than one image. Thanks
  3. Hello! I've managed to solve that the content is shown AFTER 6 hours when added to the SQL. But I want to add many things on the same (current time) but I don't want everything to pop up after 6 hours. I want a 6 hour delay on EACH content I add. How do I solve this? Here is my code: $six_hours_ago = time() - 21600; $sql = "SELECT * FROM Trailers WHERE Genre LIKE '%".$_GET['show']."%' AND time < '".$six_hours_ago."' ORDER BY `Trailers`.`sort` DESC"; insert.php $sql="INSERT INTO Trailers (Poster, Title, Year, Genre, IMDB, Actors, Plot, Youtube, time) VALUES ('".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Poster'])."','".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Title'])."','".$_POST['Year']."','".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Genre'])."','".$_POST['IMDB']."','".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Actors'])."','".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Plot'])."','".$_POST['Youtube']."', '".time()."')"; Thanks!
  4. Thank you sooooo much!! I replaced all "&" with "?" in paginate_one.php and that did the trick! And you made my day!
  5. Hello everyone! I'm completely new to PHP and Databases. I've managed to do some nice work by reading, but now I've encountered a problem I can't solve. I made a site with trailers and got tierd of adding them manually. So I created a form which sends the trailer info to my database. There's now trailers in specific organized genres. But the list is beginning to get really big so I wanted to show just 10 trailers per page. And so I found out I could use a paging system which I ALMOST got working. Just one last thing that needs to be fixed and that is when I click on next page "http://www.xxxxxxxx.com/test.php&page=2" it doesn't show the content. While "http://www.xxxxxxxx.com/test.php" does. So I just need that next button to work, I don't know if theres something missing or what it is... Note: I'm new to all this so please excuse my very very bad coding. Here is my code: test.php <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.n.nu/createdfiles/trailers/style-twentyten.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/paginate.css" /> <?php $rpp = 10; // results per page $adjacents = 4; $page = intval($_GET["page"]); if(!$page) $page = 1; $reload = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; // connect to your DB: $link_id = mysql_connect("server","username","my password"); mysql_select_db("database"); // select appropriate results from DB: $sql = "SELECT * FROM blablabla WHERE Genre LIKE '%Drama%' ORDER BY `blablabla`.`sort` DESC LIMIT 0, 9999"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $link_id); // count total number of appropriate listings: $tcount = mysql_num_rows($result); // count number of pages: $tpages = ($tcount) ? ceil($tcount/$rpp) : 1; // total pages, last page number $count = 0; $i = ($page-1)*$rpp; while(($count<$rpp) && ($i<$tcount)) { mysql_data_seek($result,$i); $query = mysql_fetch_array($result); // output each row: echo "<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br />"; ?><strong> <img src=" <?php echo $query['Poster'];?>" /><?php echo "<br /> <br />"; ////////////////////////////// //SHOW TITLE, YEAR AND GENRE// ////////////////////////////// echo "<H1>"; echo $query['Title']; echo "<br /> <br />"; echo "</h1>"; ?></strong> <?php echo "<H2>"; echo $query['Year']; echo "</H2>"; echo "<br />"; echo "<H3>"; echo $query['Genre']; echo "</H3>"; ?> <a href=" <?php ////////////////////////////// //SHOW IMDB, ACTORS AND PLOT// ////////////////////////////// echo $query['IMDB']; ?> " target="_self">Link to IMDb</a> <?php echo "<br /> <br />"; echo "<H2>Stars:</H2>"; echo "<br />"; echo "<H3>"; echo $query['Actors']; echo "</H3>"; echo "<br />"; echo "<H2>Plot:</H2>"; echo "<br />"; echo "<H3>"; echo $query['Plot']; echo "</H3>"; echo "<br /> <br />"; echo "<H2>"; //////////////// //SHOW TRAILER// //////////////// ?> <div id="<?php echo $query['ID'];?>" style="display: none;"> <?php echo $query['Youtube']; echo "</div>"; ?> <a href="javascript:ReverseDisplay('<?php echo $query['ID'];?>')">Click to show/hide trailer.</a> <?php echo "</H2>"; echo "<br /> <br />"; $i++; $count++; } // call pagination function: include("paginate_one.php"); echo paginate_one($reload, $page, $tpages); ?> <?php //////////////////////////////// //SCRIPT FOR SHOW/HIDE TRAILER// //////////////////////////////// ?> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"><!-- function HideContent(d) { document.getElementById(d).style.display = "none"; } function ShowContent(d) { document.getElementById(d).style.display = "block"; } function ReverseDisplay(d) { if(document.getElementById(d).style.display == "none") { document.getElementById(d).style.display = "block"; } else { document.getElementById(d).style.display = "none"; } } //--></script> paginate_one.php <?php /************************************************************************* php easy :: pagination scripts set - Version One ========================================================================== Author: php easy code, www.phpeasycode.com Web Site: http://www.phpeasycode.com Contact: webmaster@phpeasycode.com *************************************************************************/ function paginate_one($reload, $page, $tpages) { $firstlabel = "First"; $prevlabel = "Prev"; $nextlabel = "Next"; $lastlabel = "Last"; $out = "<div class=\"pagin\">\n"; // first if($page>1) { $out.= "<a href=\"" . $reload . "\">" . $firstlabel . "</a>\n"; } else { $out.= "<span>" . $firstlabel . "</span>\n"; } // previous if($page==1) { $out.= "<span>" . $prevlabel . "</span>\n"; } elseif($page==2) { $out.= "<a href=\"" . $reload . "\">" . $prevlabel . "</a>\n"; } else { $out.= "<a href=\"" . $reload . "&page=" . ($page-1) . "\">" . $prevlabel . "</a>\n"; } // current $out.= "<span class=\"current\">Page " . $page . " of " . $tpages . "</span>\n"; // next if($page<$tpages) { $out.= "<a href=\"" . $reload . "&page=" .($page+1) . "\">" . $nextlabel . "</a>\n"; } else { $out.= "<span>" . $nextlabel . "</span>\n"; } // last if($page<$tpages) { $out.= "<a href=\"" . $reload . "&page=" . $tpages . "\">" . $lastlabel . "</a>\n"; } else { $out.= "<span>" . $lastlabel . "</span>\n"; } $out.= "</div>"; return $out; } ?> Here you can view a test of it all in action: http://www.mansgullberg.com/test.php please dont hack my site I'm thankfull for all of your answers! Really nice forum this! /kvickan
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