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Posts posted by gristoi

  1. IMHO, if they have used the credentials of another user to accept your sites app then that is an issue between the owner of the account, the person who used their account to log in an accept your terms on their behalf and the courts. How are you to know if it was their account, they would have to take it up with facebook, the only thing you could due for a bit of due diligence is log the ip of the person signing in or up, would at least go some way to show your security concious

  2. at a glance it looks loike you are not closing off your form after the else satement, but you are closing it off before:

    		} else {

    so your last part of the code should be

    <label><input name=\"ChaAv\" type=\"Submit\" id=\"ChaAv\" value=\"Change Availability\"></label></td>";
    //changed to this
    <label><input name=\"ChaAv\" type=\"Submit\" id=\"ChaAv\" value=\"Change Availability\"></label></form></td>";
  3. i mean, correct - you do have an error there. If you would like someone to comment on how to fix it then please make sure you put a bit more information in your post as to what the problem is and what you have done to solve the issue so far. To start you off, ensure 


    is not returning something that is causing the string to escape

  4. my response is as helpful as your request is general. If you expect help on the forum then please at least explain what you have tried to do to get this working. You will not get a lot of help from the forum users if you have not at least tried to get it working. the people here are here to help people with php issues, NOT to complete code that they cannot be bothered to do themselves, or finish their homework for them. If you don't want to do it yourself then post this in the freelance section and pay someone for their time.

  5. are you running this from your local machine or from a web server. if you are running it from your local machine then you need to make sure your mail client is configured correctly

  6. ok, so lets presume you are outputting the dialogues from an array ( could be db, principle is the same):

    $i = 0;
    $messages = array(
        array('name'=> 'jack', 'message'=>'Lorem Ipsum'),
        array('name'=> 'jill', 'message'=>'Lorem Ipsum')
        array('name'=> 'jack', 'message'=>'Lorem Ipsum')
        array('name'=> 'jill', 'message'=>'Lorem Ipsum')
        array('name'=> 'jack', 'message'=>'Lorem Ipsum')
    foreach($messages as $message)
    if ($i % 2 != 0) # An odd row 
        $person = "person_1"; 
        $spk = "spk_1";
      else # An even row 
        $person = "person"; 
        $spk = "spk";
    print '<div class="dlg">
               <div class="'.$person.'">'. $message['name'].'</div>
               <div class="'.$spk.'">'. $message['message'].'</div>
    $i ++;
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