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Everything posted by selbekk

  1. Hey again, did some quite radical changes on the site.. Any feedback?
  2. eKunKbad, thanks for the feedback. Sorry about the offensive language, what I mean is people abusing drugs in a way that interacts with their lifes so much that a life on the streets of icy Norway is more appealing than kicking the habit.
  3. Hey there.. I am making a web page (a student project, really), which is all about drug addicts, homeless people and other people of that nature. The page is for the general public, however, and it needs to appeal to the regular joe, so that they might be tempted to either volunteer, change their general perception towards this exposed group of people, or give us some money to help them out. Now, I think the design is... oh, let's be honest - horrible. At least to some degree. I need it to be easily readable for all people, even with lowered eye-sight-capabilities (hence the extra alternate stylesheet). So, what do you think I should do? I am thinking colors, general design layout and so forth. The page is in Norwegian, btw, so don't be thrown by that. It's a real language and all. :-) Thanks in advance, Kris Edit: oh, the page is at www.outcasts.no/preview
  4. okay, UPDATE time! I've made mockup pages for the rest of the page as well. I've also made some nice little changes here and there... Now, I am just wondering how the general impression is? The one page I want you look ignore is "nysgjerrig.html", as it's not styled yet. Also, please ignore the huge loading time on galleri.html, it's supposed to be automatically generated thumbnails. http://www.sweetwater.no/test/grav2/
  5. okay, centered it and gave it a tahoma font face, as well as increased the font size by 15 per cent... any better now? :-) http://sweetwater.no/test/grav2/
  6. hey! thanks for the feedback, I'll try centering it, as well as looking into the spacing issue. How should I use more than two fonts in this layout though? I've already used two different ones (bell gothic std (bold & black) and verdana). Talking about spacing, what did you mean with the gap between the top of the page and the header? it's a 100px gap, but I guess I can change that over to em-s or something, to make it more dynamic. Anything else, a rebuttal or anything? thanks for the link, by the way, that gave me a lot of stuff to process.
  7. hey and thanks for the quick feedback.. about the fonts, I've always heard you should stick to one or max 2 fonts, and I've done the latter here. Bell Gothic was used for the navigation (fallback to arial if not installed), picture texts and logo, while verdana was picked for the text in general. I have thought of centering the page, but I like it as it is on the left side. I'll see if I can find an appropriate picture to put on the far right, as I am not sure whether a pattern would be suiting.. Any other thoughts? Thanks =)
  8. Hey there! The URL is www.sweetwater.no/test/grav2/index.html It's only a front page design, but valid, got some nice CSS and jQuery touches to it, and looks pretty good in my mind. Now I have a tendency to fall in love with my own ideas. So are there any of you who wants to give me some constructive criticism on how I can make this page better looking, more user friendly or something at all? The page is made for a very small electric company, who makes electricity through huge hydro-power generators (read: water-turbines). Their target group are large companies who want to buy and redistribute their power supply, and curious locals. All other visitors are not really that important to them (that's what they told me).
  9. selbekk

    MSIE 6.0 bug

    bump, anybody? I am seriously bummed out, I can't get it to work for my bare life!
  10. selbekk

    MSIE 6.0 bug

    well, I have tried a few tweaks now, but I still can't seem to: a) center the page in IE6.0 b) get the footer border-top to connect to the content border-left. Any ideas on either of these? the url is: http://www.tonedietrichson.com/ If you spot any other quirks, please let me know. I am sitting on a mac osx system, and I can't afford buying a winxp licence, nor will I pirate it. I hope you could throw me a few tips.
  11. selbekk

    MSIE 6.0 bug

    How would I do that? Ive never understood how conditional statements work in CSS. Also, what should I do with the statements so that the page will render correctly? Thanks in advance!
  12. selbekk

    MSIE 6.0 bug

    Hey, I am wondering why the URL http://www.tonedietrichson.com/?p=3&pid=1&show=gallery is shown like this in MSIE 6.0: and how can I fix it?
  13. TheFilmGod - I wasn't the responsible coder on that project, so I can't really give you a straight answer on that one.. (I presume you mean www.sweetwater.no). but yeah, what I want is that the footer expands horizontally, but keeps a fixed height, and sticks to the bottom of the page when the page is viewed on a larger screen.. if you look at these screen caps, you'll understand a bit better: What I want (and I got, when the resolution is small enough or the text size is large enough): What I got when the text size is reduced or the resolution gets larger: What I get when I reduce the window size horizontally / width wise (notice the hor. scrollbar): I want the scrollbar to go away and the footer to stay the height it's in the top picture, but located at the bottom. Anyone?
  14. that wouldn't help the stretch at all, as far as I can understand?
  15. Hey there, Please look at the site http://sweetwater.no/test/grav/index_v2.html (css: http://sweetwater.no/test/grav/styles_v2.css when you view the site on a larger monitor, or make the text size smaller (i'm on safari 4), the footer expands, instead of being tiny and cute, as it should be. Now, I've tried a few different methods, but what I want is that the footer is a fixed size, and expands horizontally over the entire page. Pretty much how it looks like when the browser window fits right around the site (but with more space between the content and footer divs). Also, if you can please tell me why a horizontal scroll bar is being shown before the content div is encountered, I'd love it! Kris www.sweetwater.no
  16. how do I handle that then? I don't get it :/
  17. but it works everywhere else through php
  18. hey there.. i am making a mail script, and for some reason, I can't seem to show æ, ø and å (nordic letters) in my mails.. it just shows up as ø or Ã¥ and what not. I have some headers that makes it a html mail (see code for reference). It works in the subject field, but not in the message. I just want it to work <?php $mail = stripslashes($_POST['mail']); $name = stripslashes($_POST['name']); $msg = stripslashes($_POST['message']); $order = $_POST['order']; $sentMsg = $order ."<br /> Melding: ". $msg; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; \r\n"; $headers .= "From: $name <$mail>" . "\r\n"; $send_the_mail = @mail("kris@smithstudios.no", "Prisforespørsel fra Proffkort.no", $sentMsg, $headers) or die ("Kan ikke sende mail!"); echo $send_the_mail ? "Mail er sendt! <br />" : "Mail ble ikke sendt! <br />"; echo '<p><a href="javascript:window.opener=\'x\';window.close();">Klikk her for å lukke vinduet</a></p></body></html>'; ?>
  19. thanks people! ima work with the headers, and try the background attachment thing for a sec :-) anything else?
  20. Hey... just updated my web page.. wondered if ya liked it.. The links-part isnt done yet, but other than that, most of the site should be bug free and what not.. http://www.kristoferselbekk.com/ love!
  21. anyone??? please, i would love some feedback
  22. the site is done, check it out http://www.kristoferselbekk.com
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