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  1. Hi all i wrote an .htaccess file for my website, for clean urls but it works only for first dynamic parameter and skips other ones. my code is RewriteRule (.*)~(.*) /detail.php?city_name=$1&prop_url=$2 [NC] RewriteRule (.*)-flats /all.php?city_name=$1 [NC] RewriteRule (.*)-flats-(.*) /all.php?city_name=$1&status=$2 [NC] RewriteRule (.*)-flats-page-(.*) /all.php?city_name=$1&page=$2 [NC] RewriteRule (.*)-flats-(.*)-page-(.*) /all.php?city_name=$1&status=$2&page=$3 [NC] RewriteRule services\.html /services.php [NC] RewriteRule contact_us\.html /contact_us.php [NC] RewriteRule about_us\.html /about_us.php [NC] RewriteRule blog/(.*) /blog/(.*) [NC]
  2. solved problem arised because of additional white space in url $urlval = str_replace("href=","",$urlval); $urlval = trim(str_replace("'","",$urlval)); echo $urlval.'<br>'; pager($urlval);
  3. Hi all i am trying to use curl function recursively but when the function first execute it get the content but next time it give the following error Protocol http not supported or disabled in libcurl $url = "http://www.example.com"; pager($url); function pager($url){ $urlArray = array(); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $result = curl_exec($ch); echo curl_error($ch); // code to get url from result // i get an array here $urlArray curl_close($ch); foreach($urlArray as $value){ $urlval = urlget($value); if($urlval) { $urlval = str_replace("href=","",$urlval); $urlval = str_replace("'","",$urlval); echo $urlval.'<br>'; pager($urlval); } } }
  4. Hi all, i have two websites hosted on the same linux server and same database and hence image folder is also same. website1.com and website2.com image folder is in website1.com directory so the image url is www.website1.com/images/image1.jpg. but problem arise when i want to use website1.com's image folder in website2 then image path becomes www.website1.com/image/1.jpg is there any way to rewrite www.website1.com/image/1.jpg to www.website2.com/image/1.jpg but image comes from www.website1.com/image/1.jpg thanks in advance
  5. Hi all, i am facing very strange issue, i used 301 redirection in my website like this Redirect 301 /text/text2 http://www.testing.com/text/text2-extra-text it redirects user coming from http://www.testing.com/text/text2 to http://www.testing.com/text/text2-extra-text but it appends ?/text/text2 at the end i.e url is http://www.testing.com/text/text2-extra-text ?/text/text2 please help thanks in advance
  6. Thanks The Little Guy it is very helpful
  7. Hi all, i have a very large xml file containing 2000 child nodes. i am using DOMDocument to read xml data but it shows whole data at once, i want to fetch first 20 or 30 nodes first time and then rest leave for pagination. is there any way to do so. to read only first few records from xml file. Thanks in advance...
  8. Hi all I have a table named `location` and have two fields `location_name` and `location_code`. engine MYISAM, mysql version 5.5.8 location_name varchar(50), location_code varchar(100) i want to store multiple location_code with comma separated values like this INSERT INTO `location` VALUES ('first location','01,05,08') , ('second location','02,04,07') now if i want to search for all `location_name` where `location_code` are 01, 02, and any other code. is there any way to search using in(), match against, any other but without using LIKE add any index accordingly Thanks
  9. hi all, i am new to codeigniter, i want to connect to a model by using a webservice but when i call model's method to insert data it give me error Did not receive a '200 OK' response from remote server. (HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error) what should i do?? thanks
  10. Hi all, is it possible to force download a file as an attachment using ajax? Thanks
  11. Hi every body, i am using wordpress boldy theme and whenever any user go to contact us page, fill up the form and press submit button , the user redirected to sendmail.php page and did not come back to contact us page , and mail is transferred successfully. how do i redirect user to contactus page???
  12. Hi all am trying to communicate with flash files using externalinterface.addcallback method i am using the following javascript functions function thisMovie(movieName) { var isIE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1; return (isIE) ? window[movieName] : document[movieName]; } function formSend() { var text = document.htmlForm.sendField.value; thisMovie("ExternalInterfaceExample").sendTextToFlash(text); } function getTextFromFlash(str) { document.htmlForm.receivedField.value = "From Flash: " + str; return str + " received"; } the code is working in IE but not in crome and netscape navigator. showing an error thisMovie("ExternalInterfaceExample").sendTextToFlash is not a function please healp
  13. Redirect 301 /books.php?class=sales http://www.example.com/sales-books.php is not working
  14. Hi everybody, I am facing "Too many connections" problem on my site. in fact the server is moved from one location to,another and after the movement this problem arise... Pls help. Thanks
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