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Everything posted by sleepingpeace

  1. Excellent response and just what I needed. With a few adjustments to your rough draft it worked perfectly. Thank God for forums and intelligent people.
  2. If I have a variable and a hard coded select dropdown, what is the easiest way to compare the variable with the value and set that particular option's selected attributed to selected?
  3. I'm retrieving a height value from a database as a string that is valued as 5'6", 6'11", etc... My code is this $('select[name=height] option').each(function () { if ($(this).val() == '<?php echo $height ?>') $(this).attr('selected', 'selected'); }); What I'm doing here is going through each option in a select dropdown and comparing the retrieved value from the database to the option's value and auto-selecting that option when the match is found. The issue is that the height value, say 5'6", contains a single and double quote which terminates the string in the evaluation prematurely. What is the best option to fix this?
  4. Nevermind, just going with varchar. I guess numbers in an enum data type isn't the greatest idea.
  5. I'm trying to use MySQL to insert some values for an enum column. The values contain height measured in feet and inches such as 6'2". Problem is that it contains the single and double quotes and doesn't quite work the way I'd like. So I tried entering a value of '6''2"' or '6\'2\"' and neither work... Who's got the answer to this one?
  6. Test Name here haha. Just checked out a lotta' features on your site and as I already told you, I'm simply blown away. Rock on man.
  7. Good day folks, My class created a DAL with what the instructor gave us but I feel it to be a bit limited. Is there any other ones around that someone can recommend? It has to be able to cover all possible SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE variations including adding a WHERE clause such as WHERE 'X' = 'X' AND 1 = 1. The one I have allows only for WHERE 'X' = 'X', and I can't add the AND to it, which limits everything I need to do. Thanks
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