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  1. ChristianF , why do you even reply if you dont know/want to help?? Ignore it and move forward, we are not that smart like you are sorry
  2. Now my button is auto shown after 1min, how i can make it to be visablee after 0min & 41second <body> <button>My button</button> </body> ​ function enableButton() { $("button").prop("disabled", ""); } $(function() { var minutes = 1; // time to be disabled var time = minutes * (1000 * 60); $("button").prop("disabled", "disabled"); // Disable the button onload setTimeout(function() { enableButton(); }, time); });​ Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/RrBKr/9/ Regards
  3. Hello, i need some help from the experts. This is the code where im uploading the image on the server <script type="text/javascript" > $(function(){ var btnUpload=$('#upload'); var status=$('#status'); var uploadingfile; new AjaxUpload(btnUpload, { action: 'lib/image-store.php', name: 'uploadfile', onSubmit: function(file, ext){ if (! (ext && /^(jpg|png|jpeg|gif)$/.test(ext))){ // extension is not allowed alert('Only JPG, PNG or GIF files are allowed'); return false; } status.text('Uploading...'); }, onComplete: function(file, response){ //On completion clear the status alert('Image Uploaded'); //Add uploaded file to list if(response==="success"){ $('<li></li>').appendTo('#files').html('<img src="./uploads/'+file+'" alt="" /><br />'+file).addClass('success'); } else{ $('<li></li>').appendTo('#files').text(file).addClass('error'); } } }); }); </script> Here is the code where i submit the data on the server <script type="text/javascript"> $("#CSubmit").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $form = $("#CForm"), fname = $form.find('input[name="fname"]').val(), sname = $form.find('input[name="sname"]').val(), email = $form.find('input[name="email"]').val(), phone = $form.find('input[name="phone"]').val(), uid = $form.find('input[name="uid"]').val(), description = $form.find('textarea#description').val(), url = $form.attr('action'); $.ajaxSetup({async: false}); $.post('lib/user-store.php', { fname: fname, sname: sname, email: email, phone: phone, description: description, uid: uid }, function(data) { if (data == 'ok') { $('#div1').hide(); $('#div2').show(); alert(uploadingfile); } }); return; }); </script> Both of the are working, what i want to do is when uploading an image (code 1) to get the file name and submit them on mysql like the rest of the data (code 2) Regards
  4. Hello PeoMachine i have news displaying.. and i want to put a bubble next to the date with different css background.
  5. Hello, what im trying to do is display circles with different colors. So i created 2 css (.circle-1 , .circle-2) What i want to do is to start with .circle-1 and on the second post add .circle-2 , on the third .circle-1 and repeat it self. Can anyone show me how i can do that with php? Regards
  6. Hello, What im trying to do is ''Featured Content Slider Using jQuery http://demo.webdeveloperplus.com/featured-content-slider/'' When click on an thumb show in the content. Any help please, i could only make work the thumbs cant make the content <div id="featured"> <ul class="ui-tabs-nav"> <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM tblnews AS tbln ORDER BY tbln.Id DESC LIMIT 4"; $result = mysql_query($query); $tabID = array(1, 2, 3, 4); foreach ($tabID as $id) { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); ?> <li class="ui-tabs-nav-item" id="nav-fragment-<?php echo($id);?>"><a href="#fragment-<?php echo($id);?>"><img src="<?php echo html_entity_decode($row['Thumb']);?>" alt="" /><span><?php echo html_entity_decode($row['Title']);?></span></a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php foreach ($tabID as $id) { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); ?> <div id="fragment-<?php echo($id);?>" class="ui-tabs-panel"> <img src="<?php echo html_entity_decode($row['Thumb']);?>" alt="" /> <div class="info" > <h2><a href="#" ><?php echo html_entity_decode($row['Title']);?></a></h2> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tincidunt condimentum lacus. Pellentesque ut diam....<a href="#" >read more</a></p> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> [code] Thank you
  7. Hello, What im trying to do is show under each category some pictures... I found this code and change it a little bit, but its still shows only one category and the images... Any suggestions how im gonna change it to show all my category's? <div id="PastProjects">Past Projects</div> <?php $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_pastprojects"); $counter = 0;//Use this as a way to ID data as it comes in. while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { $catid[$counter] = $row['IssueId']; $catname[$counter] = $row['Title']; $Counter++; } $NumTimes = count($catid); //Establishing a number of times to run the second loop for($i=0; $i<=$NumTimes; $i++) { $query1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_pastprojects_entries WHERE IssueId = ".$catid[$i].""); $c=0;//Another Counter for SubID's while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query1)) { $subid[$i][$c] = $row['Id']; $sname[$i][$c] = $row['Thumb']; $c++; } } //Now all of the Cats are stored in 2 Arrays(1 For name and 1 for ID) and SubCats are in 2 Multi Arrays(1 For name and 1 for ID) ///Generate Display for($j=0; $j<$NumTimes; $j++) { echo("<div id='PastProjectstitle'>"); echo($catname[$j]); echo("</div>"); //Establish Count for sub cats $NumCats = count($subid[$j]);//This counts the second dimension of the array (which is the num of sub categorys for that particular category) echo("<div id='PastProjectsImages'>"); //Loop through each SubCat for($k=0; $k<$NumCats; $k++) { echo("<img src='".$sname[$j][$k]."' />"); } echo("</div>"); } ?>
  8. what do i have to change to do this? ive try everything and when im moving my mouse its disappear.
  9. Hello, im using ihwy - jQuery ListMenu Plugin http://www.ihwy.com/Labs/jquery-listmenu-plugin.aspx This code when you mouseover a letter (a,b,c...) its shows data... What i want is to stay always open dont hide every time im removing my mouse /* * * jQuery listmenu plugin * Copyright (c) 2009 iHwy, Inc. * Author: Jack Killpatrick * * Version 1.1 (08/09/2009) * Requires jQuery 1.3.2 or jquery 1.2.6 * * Visit http://www.ihwy.com/labs/jquery-listmenu-plugin.aspx for more information. * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * */ (function($) { $.fn.listmenu = function(options) { var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.listmenu.defaults, options); var alph = ['_', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '-']; return this.each(function() { var $wrapper, list, $list, $letters, letters = {}, $letterCount, id, $menu, colOpts = $.extend({}, $.fn.listmenu.defaults.cols, opts.cols), onNav = false, onMenu = false, currentLetter = ''; id = this.id; $list = $(this); function init() { $list.css('visibility', 'hidden'); // hiding to prevent pre-load flicker. Using visibility:hidden so that list item dimensions remain available setTimeout(function() { $list.before(createWrapperHtml()); $wrapper = $('#' + id + '-menu'); $wrapper.append(createLettersHtml()); $letters = $('.lm-letters', $wrapper).slice(0, 1); // will always be a single item if (opts.showCounts) $letterCount = $('.lm-letter-count', $wrapper).slice(0, 1); // will always be a single item $wrapper.append(createMenuHtml()); $menu = $('.lm-menu', $wrapper); populateMenu(); if (opts.flagDisabled) addDisabledClass(); // run after populateMenu(): needs some data from there bindHandlers(); // decide whether to include num and/or other links // if (!opts.includeNums) $('._', $letters).remove(); if (!opts.includeOther) $('.-', $letters).remove(); $(':last', $letters).addClass('lm-last'); $wrapper.show(); }, 50); } // positions the letter count div above the letter links (so we only have to do it once: after this we just change it's left position via mouseover) // function setLetterCountTop() { $letterCount.css({ top: $('.a', $letters).slice(0, 1).offset({ margin: false, border: true }).top - $letterCount.outerHeight({ margin: true }) }); } function addDisabledClass() { for (var i = 0; i < alph.length; i++) { if (letters[alph[i]] == undefined) $('.' + alph[i], $letters).addClass('lm-disabled'); } } function populateMenu() { var gutter = colOpts.gutter, cols = colOpts.count, menuWidth, colWidth; if (opts.menuWidth) menuWidth = opts.menuWidth; // use user defined menu width if one provided, else calculate one else menuWidth = $('.lm-letters', $wrapper).width() - ($menu.outerWidth() - $menu.width()); colWidth = (cols == 1) ? menuWidth : Math.floor((menuWidth - (gutter * (cols - 1))) / cols); $menu.width(menuWidth); // prevents it from resizing based on content $list.width(colWidth); var letter, outerHeight; $list.children().each(function() { str = $(this).text().replace(/\s+/g, ''); // strip all white space from text (including tabs and linebreaks that might have been in the HTML) // thanks to Liam Byrne, liam@onsight.ie if (str != '') { firstChar = str.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase(); if (/\W/.test(firstChar)) firstChar = '-'; // not A-Z, a-z or 0-9, so considered "other" if (!isNaN(firstChar)) firstChar = '_'; // use '_' if the first char is a number } outerHeight = $(this).outerHeight(); if (letters[firstChar] == undefined) letters[firstChar] = { totHeight: 0, count: 0, colHeight: 0, hasMenu: false }; letter = letters[firstChar]; letter.totHeight += outerHeight; letter.count++; $.data($(this)[0], id, { firstChar: firstChar, height: outerHeight }); }); $.each(letters, function() { this.colHeight = (this.count > 1) ? Math.ceil(this.totHeight / cols) : this.totHeight; }); var $this, data, iHeight, iLetter, cols = {}, c; var tagName = $list[0].tagName.toLowerCase(); $list.children().each(function() { $this = $(this); data = $.data($this.get(0), id); iLetter = data.firstChar; iHeight = data.height; if (!letters[l = iLetter].hasMenu) { $menu.append('<div class="lm-submenu ' + iLetter + '" style="display:none;"></div>'); letters[iLetter].hasMenu = true; } if (cols[iLetter] == undefined) cols[iLetter] = { height: 0, colNum: 0, itemCount: 0, $colRoot: null }; c = cols[iLetter]; c.itemCount++; if (c.height == 0) { c.colNum++; $('.lm-submenu.' + iLetter, $menu).append('<div class="lm-col c' + c.colNum + '"><' + tagName + ((tagName == 'ol') ? ' start="' + c.itemCount + '"' : '') + ' id="lm-' + id + '-' + iLetter + '-' + c.colNum + '" class="lm-col-root"></' + tagName + '></div>'); // reset start number for OL lists (deprecacted, but no reliable css solution). Creating an id to make lookups for appending list items faster } $('#lm-' + id + '-' + iLetter + '-' + c.colNum).append($(this)); c.height += iHeight; if (c.height >= letters[iLetter].colHeight) c.height = 0; // forces another column to get started if this letter comes up again }); $.each(letters, function(idx) { if (this.hasMenu) { $('.lm-submenu.' + idx + ' .lm-col', $menu).css({ 'width': colWidth, 'float': 'left' }); $('.lm-submenu.' + idx + ' .lm-col:not(:last)', $menu).css({ 'marginRight': gutter }); } }); $menu.append('<div class="lm-no-match" style="display:none">' + opts.noMatchText + '</div>'); $list.remove(); } function getLetterCount(el) { var letter = letters[$(el).attr('class').split(' ')[0]]; return (letter != undefined) ? letter.count : 0; // some letters may not be in the hash } function hideCurrentSubmenu() { if (currentLetter != '') $('.lm-submenu.' + currentLetter, $menu).hide(); $('.lm-no-match', $menu).hide(); // hiding each time, rather than checking to see if we need to hide it } function bindHandlers() { // sets the top position of the count div in case something above it on the page has resized // if (opts.showCounts) { $wrapper.mouseover(function() { setLetterCountTop(); }); } // kill letter clicks // $('a', $letters).click(function() { $(this).blur(); return false; }); $letters.hover( function() { onNav = true; }, function() { onNav = false; setTimeout(function() { if (!onMenu) { $('a.lm-selected', $letters).removeClass('lm-selected'); $('.lm-menu', $wrapper).hide(); hideCurrentSubmenu(); currentLetter = ''; } }, 10); } ); $('a', $letters).mouseover(function() { var count = getLetterCount(this); var $this = $(this); if (opts.showCounts) { var left = $this.position().left; var width = $this.outerWidth({ margin: true }); if (opts.showCounts) $letterCount.css({ left: left, width: width + 'px' }).text(count).show(); // set left position and width of letter count, set count text and show it } var newLetter = $this.attr('class').split(' ')[0]; if (newLetter != currentLetter) { if (currentLetter != '') { hideCurrentSubmenu(); $('a.lm-selected', $letters).removeClass('lm-selected'); } $this.addClass('lm-selected'); if (count > 0) $('.lm-submenu.' + newLetter, $wrapper).show(); else $('.lm-no-match', $wrapper).show(); if (currentLetter == '') $('.lm-menu', $wrapper).show(); currentLetter = newLetter; } }); $('a', $letters).mouseout(function() { if (opts.showCounts) $letterCount.hide(); }); $menu.hover( function() { onMenu = true; }, function() { onMenu = false; setTimeout(function() { if (!onNav) { $('a.lm-selected', $letters).removeClass('lm-selected'); $('.lm-menu', $wrapper).hide(); hideCurrentSubmenu(); currentLetter = ''; } }, 10); } ); if (opts.onClick != null) { $menu.click(function(e) { var $target = $(e.target); opts.onClick($target); return false; }); } } // creates the HTML for the letter links // function createLettersHtml() { var html = []; for (var i = 1; i < alph.length; i++) { if (html.length == 0) html.push('<a class="_" href="#">0-9</a>'); html.push('<a class="' + alph[i] + '" href="#">' + ((alph[i] == '-') ? '...' : alph[i].toUpperCase()) + '</a>'); } return '<div class="lm-letters">' + html.join('') + '</div>' + ((opts.showCounts) ? '<div class="lm-letter-count" style="display:none; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:20px;">0</div>' : ''); // the styling for letterCount is to give us a starting point for the element, which will be repositioned when made visible (ie, should not need to be styled by the user) } function createMenuHtml() { return '<div class="lm-menu"></div>'; } function createWrapperHtml() { return '<div id="' + id + '-menu" class="lm-wrapper"></div>'; } init(); }); }; $.fn.listmenu.defaults = { includeNums: true, includeOther: false, flagDisabled: true, noMatchText: 'No matching entries', showCounts: true, menuWidth: null, cols: { count: 4, gutter: 40 }, onClick: null }; })(jQuery); Thank you
  10. Hello, im having a table 'requirements' with rows - Age (17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25+) - Keeper (Number 1 - 20) - Playmaker (Number 1 - 20) - Scorer (Number 1 - 20) - Winger (Number 1 - 20) - Defender (Number 1 - 20) - id (1 for one country 2 for other country) I want to check when a player is in the age {Age row} and {id row} is the same and then check the rest of the fields if its the same or better than the number i have on mysql do something Thank you
  11. Hi, im using Datepicker and what i want to do is when selecting a date echo from mysql database the content matching the date (year-month-date) i could find any script or easy tutorial any help please? thank you
  12. @thorpe Let me explain.. Im running the same script on 2 differents hosting servers, on my new server for some reasons im using imap.domain.com on my old just the domain.com for incoming and outgoing.. The same script is running live on both servers (old/new) ... my old server is working perfect on the new one is not sending the email like its supposed to be. Thats why im looking if there is any differences using pop3/imap and mail() function @MrXHellboy Thanks ill try that Thank you guys
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