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Everything posted by acsonline

  1. Hey, I'm trying to add an class so I can have different background colors on my tabs. This is the nav code for my site <?php function art_get_menu_auto($theme_location = 'primary-menu', $source='Pages', $Subitems = 'true', $menu = null) { $depth = (!$Subitems ? 1 : 0); if (($source != 'Custom Menu') && function_exists('wp_nav_menu')) { $locations = get_nav_menu_locations(); if ($locations && isset( $locations[ $theme_location ] ) ) { $nav = wp_get_nav_menu_object($locations[$theme_location]); if($nav){ $source = 'Custom Menu'; $menu = $nav; } } } return art_get_menu($source, $depth, $menu); } function art_get_menu($source='Pages', $depth = 0, $menu = null) { if ($source == 'Custom Menu' && function_exists('wp_nav_menu') && $menu) { return art_get_list_menu( array( 'menu' => $menu, 'depth' => $depth)); } if ($source == 'Pages') { return art_get_list_pages(array('depth' => $depth, 'sort_column' => 'menu_order, post_title')); } if ($source == 'Categories') { return art_get_list_categories(array('title_li'=> false, 'depth' => $depth)); } return "Error in menu source ".$source. "."; } /* menus */ function art_get_list_menu($args = array()) { $menu = $args['menu']; $menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items($menu->term_id); if(empty($menu_items)) { return sprintf( '<li><a>' .art_option('menu.topItemBegin') .__("Empty menu (%s)", THEME_NS) .art_option('menu.topItemEnd') .'</a></li>', $menu->slug); } $nav_menu = ''; $items = ''; _art_menu_item_classes_by_context($menu_items); $sorted_menu_items = array(); foreach ((array) $menu_items as $key => $menu_item) $sorted_menu_items[$menu_item->menu_order] = wp_setup_nav_menu_item($menu_item); $walker = new art_MenuWalker(); $items .= $walker->walk($sorted_menu_items, 0, array()); $items = apply_filters('wp_nav_menu_items', $items, $args); $items = apply_filters("wp_nav_menu_{$menu->slug}_items", $items, $args); $nav_menu .= $items; $nav_menu = apply_filters('wp_nav_menu', $nav_menu, $args); return $nav_menu; } function _art_menu_item_classes_by_context( &$menu_items ) { global $wp_query; $home_page_id = (int) get_option( 'page_for_posts' ); $queried_object = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $queried_object_id = (int) $wp_query->queried_object_id; $active_ID = null; $IdToKey = array(); foreach ( (array) $menu_items as $key => $menu_item ) { $IdToKey[$menu_item->ID] = $key; if ( $menu_item->object_id == $queried_object_id && ( ( ! empty( $home_page_id ) && 'post_type' == $menu_item->type && $wp_query->is_home && $home_page_id == $menu_item->object_id ) || ( 'post_type' == $menu_item->type && $wp_query->is_singular ) || ( 'taxonomy' == $menu_item->type && ( $wp_query->is_category || $wp_query->is_tag || $wp_query->is_tax ) ) ) ) { $active_ID = $menu_item->ID; } elseif ( 'custom' == $menu_item->object ) { $current_url = ( is_ssl() ? 'https://' : 'http://' ) . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $item_url = strpos( $menu_item->url, '#' ) ? substr( $menu_item->url, 0, strpos( $menu_item->url, '#' ) ) : $menu_item->url; if ( $item_url == $current_url ) { $active_ID = $menu_item->ID; } } } $currentID = $active_ID; while ($currentID !== null && isset($IdToKey[$currentID])) { $current_item = $menu_items[$IdToKey[$currentID]]; $current_item->classes[] = 'active'; $currentID = $current_item->menu_item_parent; if ($currentID === '0') break; } } class art_MenuWalker extends Walker { var $tree_type = array('post_type', 'taxonomy', 'custom'); var $db_fields = array('parent' => 'menu_item_parent', 'id' => 'db_id'); var $is_active = false; function start_lvl(&$output, $depth) { $indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth); $output .= "\n$indent<ul"; if ($this->is_active){ $output .= ' class="active" '; } $output .= ">\n"; $this->is_active = false; } function end_lvl(&$output, $depth) { $indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth); $output .= "$indent</ul>\n"; } function start_el(&$output, $item, $depth, $args) { global $wp_query; $indent = ($depth) ? str_repeat("\t", $depth) : ''; $classes = empty( $item->classes ) ? array() : (array) $item->classes; $class_names = join( ' ', apply_filters( 'nav_menu_css_class', array_filter( $classes ), $item ) ); $active = in_array('active', $classes); $output .= $indent . '<li'; if ($active) { $this->is_active = true; $output .= ' class="active" '; } else { $output .= ' class="1" '; // This line..... } $output .= '>'; $attributes = ! empty($item->attr_title) ? ' title="' . attribute_escape($item->attr_title) .'"' : ''; $attributes .= ! empty($item->target) ? ' target="' . attribute_escape($item->target) .'"' : ''; $attributes .= ! empty($item->xfn) ? ' rel="' . attribute_escape($item->xfn) .'"' : ''; $attributes .= ! empty($item->url) ? ' href="' . attribute_escape($item->url) .'"' : ''; $attributes .= ! empty($class_names) ? ' class="' . attribute_escape($class_names) .'"' : ''; $item_output .= '<a'. $attributes .'>'; if ($depth == 0) $item_output .= art_option('menu.topItemBegin'); $item_output .= apply_filters('the_title', $item->title, $item->ID); if ($depth == 0) $item_output .= art_option('menu.topItemEnd'); $item_output .= '</a>'; $output .= apply_filters( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el', $item_output, $item, $depth, $args ); } function end_el(&$output, $item, $depth) { $output .= "</li>\n"; $this->is_active = false; } } /* pages */ function art_get_list_pages($args = array()) { global $wp_query; $pages = &get_pages($args); $IdToKey = array(); $currentID = null; foreach ($pages as $key => $page) { $IdToKey[$page->ID] = $key; } if ($wp_query->is_page) { $currentID = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id(); } $frontID = null; $blogID = null; if ('page' == get_option('show_on_front')) { $frontID = get_option('page_on_front'); if ($frontID && isset($IdToKey[$frontID])) { $frontKey = $IdToKey[$frontID]; $frontPage = $pages[$frontKey]; unset($pages[$frontKey]); $frontPage->post_parent = '0'; $frontPage->menu_order = '0'; array_unshift($pages, $frontPage); $IdToKey = array(); foreach ($pages as $key => $page) { $IdToKey[$page->ID] = $key; } } if (is_home()) { $blogID = get_option('page_for_posts'); if ($blogID && isset($IdToKey[$blogID])) { $currentID = $blogID; } } } $activeIDs = array(); $activeID = $currentID; while($activeID && isset($IdToKey[$activeID])) { $activeIDs[] = $activeID; $activePage = $pages[$IdToKey[$activeID]]; if ($activePage && $activePage->post_status == 'private') { break; } $activeID = $activePage->post_parent; } $result = ''; if (art_option('menu.showHome') && ('page' != get_option('show_on_front') || (!get_option('page_on_front') && !get_option('page_for_posts')))) { $result = '<li><a' . (is_home() ? ' class="active"' : '') . ' href="' . get_option('home') . '">' .art_option('menu.topItemBegin') . art_option('menu.homeCaption') .art_option('menu.topItemEnd') . '</a></li>'; } if (!empty($pages)) { $walker = new art_PageWalker('list', 'ul', $activeIDs, $frontID); $result .= $walker->walk($pages,$args['depth'], array(), $currentID); } return $result; } class art_PageWalker extends Walker { var $db_fields = array('parent' => 'post_parent', 'id' => 'ID'); var $activeIDs = array(); var $frontID = array(); var $is_active = false; function art_PageWalker($type='list', $tag='ul', $activeIDs=array(), $frontID=null){ $this->tag = $tag; $this->activeIDs = $activeIDs; $this->frontID = $frontID; $this->type = $type; } function start_lvl(&$output) { $output .= "\n<".$this->tag; if($this->is_active){ $output .= ' class="active" '; } $output .= ">\n"; $this->is_active = false; } function end_lvl(&$output) { $output .= "</".$this->tag.">\n"; } function start_el(&$output, $page, $depth, $args, $current_page) { $active = in_array($page->ID, $this->activeIDs); $output .= '<li'; if ($active) { $this->is_active = true; $output .= ' class="active" '; } $output .= '><a'; if ($active) { $output .= ' class="active"'; } $href = get_page_link($page->ID); if ($this->frontID && $this->frontID == $page->ID) { $href = get_option('home'); } $title = apply_filters( 'the_title', $page->post_title, $page->ID ); $output .= ' href="'.$href.'" title="'.attribute_escape($title).'">'; if ($depth == 0) $output .= art_option('menu.topItemBegin'); $output .= $title; if ($depth == 0) $output .= art_option('menu.topItemEnd'); $output .= '</a>'; } function end_el(&$output, $page) { $output .= "</li>\n"; $this->is_active = false; } } /* categories */ function art_get_list_categories($args = array()) { global $wp_query; $categories = &get_categories($args); $IdToKey = array(); foreach ($categories as $key => $category){ $IdToKey[$category->term_id] = $key; } $currentID = null; if ($wp_query->is_category) { $currentID = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id(); } $activeID = $currentID; $activeIDs = array(); while ($activeID && isset($IdToKey[$activeID])) { $activeIDs[] = $activeID; $activeCategory = $categories[$IdToKey[$activeID]]; $activeID = $activeCategory->parent; } $result = ''; if (!empty($categories)) { $walker = new art_CategoryWalker('list','ul', $activeIDs); $result .= $walker->walk($categories, $args['depth'], array('count' => false, 'current_category' =>$currentID)); } return $result; } class art_CategoryWalker extends Walker { var $db_fields = array ('parent' => 'parent', 'id' => 'term_id'); var $activeIDs = array(); var $is_active = false; function art_CategoryWalker($type='list', $tag='ul', $activeIDs=array()){ $this->tag = $tag; $this->activeIDs = $activeIDs; $this->type = $type; } function start_lvl(&$output){ $output .= "\n<".$this->tag; if ($this->is_active) { $output .= ' class="active" '; } $output .= ">\n"; $this->is_active = false; } function end_lvl(&$output) { $output .= "</".$this->tag.">\n"; } function start_el(&$output, $category, $depth, $args) { $count = intval($category->count); $count_text = sprintf(__('%s posts', THEME_NS), $count); $active = in_array($category->term_id, $this->activeIDs); $output .= '<li'; if ($active) { $this->is_active = true; $output .= ' class="active" '; } $output .= '>'; if ($category->description) { $title = $category->description; } else { $title = $count_text; } $output .= '<a'; if ($active) { $output .= ' class="active"'; } $output .= ' href="'.get_category_link($category->term_id).'" title="'.$title.'">'; if ($depth == 0) $output .= art_option('menu.topItemBegin'); $output .= attribute_escape($category->name); if ($depth == 0) $output .= art_option('menu.topItemEnd'); $output .= '</a>'; } function end_el(&$output, $page) { $output .= "</li>\n"; $this->is_active = false; } } This the line... $output .= ' class="1" '; // This line..... How could I set the class to the page number - So for example if page 1 then background is blue, if its 5 then its green etc... I want to set up the css but I need to assign the class to the page number.... (Or parent page number if the page number is not top level..) Any ideas?
  2. Hey, I have a query running inner joins... which currently works, but I need some more information pulled from other tables... define('WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST', "{$wp_table_prefix}wpsc_product_list"); define('WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCTMETA', "{$wp_table_prefix}wpsc_productmeta"); define('WPSC_TABLE_CATREF', "{$wp_table_prefix}wpsc_item_category_assoc"); define('WPSC_TABLE_CATNAME', "{$wp_table_prefix}wpsc_product_categories"); $cf="Linked Products"; $sku = get_post_meta($post->ID, $cf, true); $array = explode(",",$sku); $products = array_count_values($array); foreach($products as $key => $value) { $product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT meta.product_id AS pid, list.name AS name, list.price AS price, retailer.category_id AS catid FROM ".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCTMETA." AS meta INNER JOIN ".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST." AS list ON ( list.id = meta.product_id ) INNER JOIN ".WPSC_TABLE_SHOPNAME." AS retailer ON ( retailer.product_id = meta.product_id ) WHERE `meta_key` IN ( 'sku' ) AND `meta_value` IN ( '{$key}' ) ORDER BY list.id DESC"); ?> But I also need the category name - So I have to cross reference the following... wordpdem_wpsc_product_list id name 433 itemone 432 itemtwo 431 itemthree wordpdem_wpsc_item_category_assoc id product_id category_id 1 433 1 2 432 2 3 410 3 wordpdem_wpsc_product_categories id name 1 Bread 2 Fish 3 Snacks I've now written: SELECT meta.product_id AS pid, list.name AS name, list.price AS price, retailer.category_id AS catid, category.name AS catname FROM wordpdem_wpsc_productmeta AS meta INNER JOIN wordpdem_wpsc_product_list AS list ON ( list.id = meta.product_id ) INNER JOIN wordpdem_wpsc_item_category_assoc AS retailer ON ( retailer.product_id = meta.product_id ) INNER JOIN `wordpdem_wpsc_product_categories``wordpdem_wpsc_product_list` AS category ON ( retailer.category_id = category.id ) WHERE `meta_key` IN ( 'sku' ) AND `meta_value` IN ( '{$key}' ) ORDER BY list.id DESC However it fails on line 12 (the Where statement...) Any ideas what I've done wrong?
  3. Hey, The code as it is runs fine at the moment, however I just need a way to pass the date and time of the booking through to the payment form.
  4. Hey Guys, I have a JS script for booking time slots for a delivery. On the same page I have the payment system etc, so I'm just wondering how would i read the selected options from the JS and input it into the order details on in the PHP system. The booking system is loaded by calling <script language="javascript" src="/booking/load.php?view=2&cid=1"></script> Contents of Load.php <?php error_reporting(0); include("options.php"); if (!isset($_REQUEST["cid"])) { $calendarId = '1'; } else { $calendarId = $_REQUEST["cid"]; }; if (!isset($_REQUEST["view"])) { $view = '1'; } else { $view = $_REQUEST["view"]; }; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$TABLES["Calendars"]." WHERE id='".$_REQUEST["cid"]."'"; $sql_result = mysql_query ($sql, $connection ) or die ('request "Could not execute SQL query" '.$sql); $Calendar = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_result); $CalendarOptions = unserialize($Calendar["options"]); $loadCalendar = ' <div id="AvailabilityCalendar'.$_REQUEST["cid"].'"></div> <div id="DateBookings'.$_REQUEST["cid"].'" style="margin:0px; padding:0px"></div> <script language="javascript"> ajaxpage("'.$SETTINGS["installFolder"].'load-calendar.php?view='.$view.'&cid='.$calendarId.'","AvailabilityCalendar'.$_REQUEST["cid"].'","get"); </script> '; $loadCalendar = preg_replace("/\n/","",$loadCalendar); $loadCalendar = preg_replace("/\r/","",$loadCalendar); ?> var flagCaptcha = false; var flagFields = true; var maxSlots=<?php echo $CalendarOptions["bookingLenght"]; ?>; var message = 'Please fill in all mandatory fields ! \n'; var bustcachevar=1; //bust potential caching of external pages after initial request? (1=yes, 0=no) var bustcacheparameter=""; function checkForm() { all_inputs=document.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (i=0;i<all_inputs.length;i++) { if (all_inputs[i].type=="checkbox") { if ((all_inputs[i].checked)&&(! all_inputs[i].disabled)) { return true; } } } alert("Select at least 1 time slot"); return false; } function selectTimeSlot() { disableElements(); singlePrice=document.getElementById("singlePrice").value; price=0; all_inputs=document.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (i=0;i<all_inputs.length;i++) { if (all_inputs[i].type=="checkbox") { if ((all_inputs[i].checked)&&(! all_inputs[i].disabled)) { price=parseFloat(price)+parseFloat(singlePrice); } } } document.getElementById("price").value=price; document.getElementById("priceDiv").innerHTML=price; } function disableElements() { first=-1; last=-1; emptySpot=false; all_inputs=document.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (i=0;i<all_inputs.length;i++) { if (all_inputs[i].type=="checkbox") { if ((all_inputs[i].checked)&&(! all_inputs[i].disabled)) { if (emptySpot) { all_inputs[i].checked=false; } else { if (first<0) { first=i; last=i; } if ((i-last)>1) { all_inputs[i].checked=false; emptySpot=true; } else { last=i; } } } } } if ((last-first+1)==maxSlots) { reachedMax=1; } else { reachedMax=0; } if (first>=0 && last>=0) { for (i=0;i<all_inputs.length;i++) { if (all_inputs[i].type=="checkbox") { if ((i<(first-(1-reachedMax))) || (i>(last+(1-reachedMax)))) { if ((! all_inputs[i].checked) && (! all_inputs[i].disabled)) { all_inputs[i].disabled=true; } } else { if ((! all_inputs[i].checked)) { all_inputs[i].disabled=false; } } } } } else { for (i=0;i<all_inputs.length;i++) { if (all_inputs[i].type=="checkbox") { if ((! all_inputs[i].checked)) { all_inputs[i].disabled=false; } } } } } function createRequestObject(){ try { xmlhttp = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) { alert('Sorry, but your browser doesn\'t support XMLHttpRequest.'); }; return xmlhttp; }; function ajaxpage(url, containerid, requesttype){ var page_request = createRequestObject(); if (requesttype=='get'){ if (bustcachevar) bustcacheparameter=(url.indexOf("?")!=-1)? "&"+new Date().getTime() : "?"+new Date().getTime() page_request.open('GET', url+bustcacheparameter, true) page_request.send(null) } else if (requesttype=='post') { page_request.open('POST', url, true); page_request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); page_request.setRequestHeader("Content-length", poststr.length); page_request.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); page_request.send(poststr); }; page_request.onreadystatechange=function(){ loadpage(page_request, containerid) } } function ShowToolTip(object) { document.getElementById(object).style.visibility = 'visible'; } function HideToolTip(object) { document.getElementById(object).style.visibility = 'hidden'; } function loadpage(page_request, containerid){ if (page_request.readyState == 4 && (page_request.status==200 || window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1)) { document.getElementById(containerid).innerHTML=page_request.responseText; }; } function submitDate(date) { ajaxpage("<?php echo $SETTINGS["installFolder"];?>load-calendar.php?perDay="+date+"&view=<?php echo $view; ?>&cid=<?php echo $calendarId; ?>","AvailabilityCalendar<?php echo $_REQUEST["cid"]; ?>","get"); } function submitBooking(startdate,sMonth,sYear) { var poststr = "ac=book&startDate="+startdate+"&customerName=" + encodeURIComponent( document.frm.customerName.value ) + "&email=" + encodeURIComponent( document.frm.email.value ) + "&phone=" + encodeURIComponent( document.frm.phone.value ) + "&notes=" + encodeURIComponent( document.frm.notes.value ) + "&price=" + encodeURIComponent( document.frm.price.value ); alert(poststr); all_inputs=document.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (i=0;i<all_inputs.length;i++) { if (all_inputs[i].type=="checkbox") { if ((all_inputs[i].checked)&&(! all_inputs[i].disabled)) { poststr=poststr+"&"+parseInt(all_inputs[i].id)+"=on"; } } } ajaxpage('<?php echo $SETTINGS["installFolder"]; ?>load-bookingform.php?ac=book&cid=<?php echo $_REQUEST["cid"]; ?>&'+poststr,'DateBookings<?php echo $_REQUEST["cid"]; ?>','get'); var start = new Date().getTime(); while (new Date().getTime() < start + 500); ajaxpage('<?php echo $SETTINGS["installFolder"].'load-calendar.php?view='.$view; ?>&cid=<?php echo $_REQUEST["cid"]; ?>&month='+sMonth+'&year='+sYear,'AvailabilityCalendar<?php echo $_REQUEST["cid"]; ?>','get'); }; loadCalendar = '<?php echo $loadCalendar; ?>'; document.writeln(loadCalendar); Any ideas?
  5. Hey, Have you got any ideas how to run this? Thanks
  6. Hey Guys, I've got a section of code that generates a date and time. This is currently standalone however I'm looking to integrate it with a standard page. This is the code page: <?php error_reporting(0); include("options.php"); include("include/functions.php"); include("include/class.php"); list($year,$month,$day) = explode("-",date("Y-n-j",strtotime($_REQUEST["date"]))); $bookFrom = formatDateByCalendarId($day,$month,$year,$_REQUEST["cid"]); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$TABLES["Calendars"]." WHERE id=".$_REQUEST["cid"]; $sql_result = mysql_query ($sql, $connection ) or die ('request "Could not execute SQL query" '.$sql); $Calendar = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_result); $CalendarOptions = unserialize($Calendar["options"]); $fontFamily = $Fonts[$CalendarOptions["fonts"]]; $daysFontSize = $FontSize[$CalendarOptions["daysFontSize"]]; $daysFontStyle = $Styles[$CalendarOptions["daysFontStyle"]]; $availableDaysFontSize = $FontSize[$CalendarOptions["availableDaysFontSize"]]; $availableDaysFontStyle = $Styles[$CalendarOptions["availableDaysFontStyle"]]; $timeSlot=new Timeslot($_REQUEST["cid"]); $reservations=$timeSlot->getFreeFilter($CalendarOptions["startTime"],$CalendarOptions["endTime"],$year,$month,$day,$CalendarOptions["timeSlot"]); if (!isset($_REQUEST["view"])) { $view = '1'; } else { $view = $_REQUEST["view"]; }; if ($_REQUEST["ac"]=='book') { $message =''; $format = GetCalendarDateFormat($_REQUEST["cid"]); $sYear = GetYear($format,$_REQUEST["startDate"]); $sMonth = GetMonth($format,$_REQUEST["startDate"]); $sDay = GetDay($format,$_REQUEST["startDate"]); $reservations=$timeSlot->getFreeFilter($CalendarOptions["startTime"],$CalendarOptions["endTime"],$sYear,$sMonth,$sDay,$CalendarOptions["timeSlot"]); $sDateLong = strtotime($CalendarOptions["startTime"],mktime(0,0,0,$sMonth,$sDay,$sYear)); $first=-1; $last=-1; for ($i=0;$i<count($reservations);$i++) { if (($_REQUEST[$i]=="on")&&((($reservations[$i]>0)&&($reservations[$i]==$_REQUEST["rid"]))||(!$reservations[$i]))) { if ($first<0) $first=$i; $last=$i; } } $eDateLong = strtotime("+".($CalendarOptions["timeSlot"]*($last+1))." minutes",$sDateLong); $sDateLong= strtotime("+".($CalendarOptions["timeSlot"]*$first)." minutes",$sDateLong); if($_REQUEST["rid"]>0) { $updateRange = $_REQUEST["rid"]; } else $updateRange = NULL; if(! $timeSlot->checkInterval($sDateLong,$eDateLong,$updateRange)){ $message = "Some of the timeslots on the selected date are already booked."; } else { $settings["status"]=$CalendarOptions["reservationStatus"]; $settings["notes"]=mysql_escape_string(utf8_encode($_REQUEST["notes"])); $settings["customerName"]=mysql_escape_string(utf8_encode($_REQUEST["customerName"])); $settings["phone"]=mysql_escape_string(utf8_encode($_REQUEST["phone"])); $settings["email"]=mysql_escape_string(utf8_encode($_REQUEST["email"])); $settings["price"]=$_REQUEST["price"]; if (! isset($updateRange)) $settings["dt"]=date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if (! $timeSlot->addReservation($sDateLong,$eDateLong,$settings,$updateRange)) $message = 'Failed saving'; else { if($_REQUEST["findReservation"]=="1") $_REQUEST["ac"]='findReservation'; else $_REQUEST["ac"]='view'; $_REQUEST["month"] = $sMonth*1; $_REQUEST["year"] = $sYear; $search_tokens=array("<Name>","<Email>","<Phone>","<Notes>","<Date>","<StartTime>","<EndTime>","<Price>"); $replace_tokens=array($_REQUEST["customerName"],$_REQUEST["email"],$_REQUEST["phone"],stripslashes($_REQUEST["notes"]),$_REQUEST["startDate"],formatTime($sDateLong,$_REQUEST["cid"]),formatTime($eDateLong,$_REQUEST["cid"]),$_REQUEST["price"]); $MESSAGE_BODY=$CalendarOptions["emailMessage"]; $MESSAGE_BODY=nl2br(str_replace($search_tokens,$replace_tokens,$MESSAGE_BODY)); $mailheader = "From: ".$CalendarOptions["NotificationEmail"]."\r\n"; $mailheader .= "Reply-To: ".$CalendarOptions["NotificationEmail"]."\r\n"; $mailheader .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; if ($CalendarOptions["NotificationEmail"]<>'') { if(!mail($CalendarOptions["NotificationEmail"], 'Reservation Confirmation', $MESSAGE_BODY, $mailheader)) $message="Failure sending e-mails.<br />"; }; if ($_REQUEST["email"]<>'') { if (!mail($_REQUEST["email"], 'Reservation Confirmation', $MESSAGE_BODY, $mailheader)) $message="Failure sending e-mails.<br />"; }; if($CalendarOptions["allowPaypal"]=="true" and $CalendarOptions["paypalAddress"]<>"" and $CalendarOptions["depositPayment"]>0 and isset($_REQUEST["price"]) and $_REQUEST["price"]>0){ $price = $_REQUEST["price"]; $deposit = $price * ($CalendarOptions["depositPayment"] / 100); $_REQUEST["ac"] = "redirectToPaypal"; } else { unset($_REQUEST["ac"]); } $message.='Reservation saved.'; } } } echo '<div style="font-family:'.$fontFamily.'; color:#'.$CalendarOptions["availableDaysFontColor"].'; font-size:'.$availableDaysFontSize.'px; font-weight:bold">'.$message.'</div>'; if($_REQUEST["ac"]=="redirectToPaypal"){ } else { ?> <?php if(isset($_REQUEST["date"])){ ?> <form action="load-bookingform.php" method="post" name="frm" style="margin:0px; padding:0px" onsubmit="return false"> <table width="<?php echo $CalendarOptions["width"]; ?>" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" style='font-family:"<?php echo $fontFamily; ?>"; color:#<?php echo $CalendarOptions["availableDaysFontColor"]; ?>; font-size:<?php echo $availableDaysFontSize; ?>px; <?php echo $availableDaysFontStyle; ?>'> <tr> <td width="16%" align="left">Date:</td> <td width="85%" align="left" name="startDate" id="startDate"><strong><?php echo $bookFrom; ?></strong></td> </tr> <?php $price = 0; ?> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="33%" valign="top" bgcolor="#DDDDDD">Start time</td> <td width="33%" valign="top" bgcolor="#DDDDDD">End time</td> <td colspan="2" valign="top" bgcolor="#DDDDDD">Book </td> </tr> <?php for ($i=0;$i<count($reservations);$i++) { ?> <tr> <td align="left" style="border-bottom:1px solid #DFE4E8"><?php if ($CalendarOptions["timeFormat"]=='12') echo date("h:i A",strtotime("+".($CalendarOptions["timeSlot"]*$i)." minutes",strtotime($CalendarOptions["startTime"]))); else echo date("H:i",strtotime("+".($CalendarOptions["timeSlot"]*$i)." minutes",strtotime($CalendarOptions["startTime"]))); ?></td> <td align="left" style="border-bottom:1px solid #DFE4E8"><?php if ($CalendarOptions["timeFormat"]=='12') echo date("h:i A",strtotime("+".($CalendarOptions["timeSlot"]*($i+1))." minutes",strtotime($CalendarOptions["startTime"]))); else echo date("H:i",strtotime("+".($CalendarOptions["timeSlot"]*($i+1))." minutes",strtotime($CalendarOptions["startTime"]))); ?></td> <td width="34%" align="left" valign="top" style="border-bottom:1px solid #DFE4E8"><input type="checkbox" id="<?php echo $i; ?>" name="<?php echo $i; ?>" <?php if ($reservations[$i]) { echo "checked"; echo ' disabled="disabled"'; } ?> onclick="selectTimeSlot()" /></td> </tr> <?php }; ?> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left"> </td> <td align="left"> <input type="button" name="Button" value="Book" onclick="pass=checkForm(); if (pass) submitBooking('<?php echo $bookFrom; ?>','<?php echo date("n",strtotime($_REQUEST["date"])); ?>','<?php echo date("Y",strtotime($_REQUEST["date"])); ?>')" /> <input type="button" name="Button" value="Cancel" onclick="javascript: ajaxpage('<?php echo $SETTINGS["installFolder"]; ?>load-bookingform.php?cid=<?php echo $_REQUEST["cid"]; ?>','DateBookings<?php echo $_REQUEST["cid"]; ?>','get'); " /> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </form> <?php }; ?> I already have a checkout page, that this info needs to be parsed to. Any ideas how I can integrate it?
  7. Hi, Does anybody have any ideas how to get this to generate? I just need to click on one button and add all the products to the shopping cart. This is the function to run add to cart: function wpsc_add_to_cart_button($product_id, $replaced_shortcode = false) { global $wpdb; if ($product_id > 0){ if(function_exists('wpsc_theme_html')) { $product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM ".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST." WHERE id = ".$product_id." LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); //this needs the results from the product_list table passed to it, does not take just an ID $wpsc_theme = wpsc_theme_html($product); } // grab the variation form fields here $variations_processor = new nzshpcrt_variations; $variations_output = $variations_processor->display_product_variations($product_id,false, false, false); $output .= "<form onsubmit='submitform(this);return false;' action='' method='post'>"; if($variations_output != '') { //will always be set, may sometimes be an empty string $output .= " <p>".$variations_output."</p>"; } $output .= "<input type='hidden' name='wpsc_ajax_action' value='add_to_cart' />"; $output .= "<input type='hidden' name='product_id' value='".$product_id."' />"; $output .= "<input type='hidden' name='item' value='".$product_id."' />"; if(isset($wpsc_theme) && is_array($wpsc_theme) && ($wpsc_theme['html'] !='')) { $output .= $wpsc_theme['html']; } else { $output .= "<input type='submit' id='product_".$product['id']."_submit_button' class='art-button' name='Buy' value='".__('Add To Basket', 'wpsc')."' />"; } $output .= '</form>'; if($replaced_shortcode == true) { return $output; } else { echo $output; } } }
  8. Can anyone point me in the right direction? My JOIN doesnt appear to be working....
  9. Hey Guys, I've got a small script that displays latest news. It is supposed to show just the title of the news item in a list, however it shows the content at the bottom of the code... This is my page <ul> <?php $args= array( 'news_items' => 500, 'title' => TRUE, 'content' => FALSE, 'before_title' => '<li>', 'after_title' => '</li>' ); jep_latest_news_loop($args); echo '</ul>'; ?> <br>TEST<br> But this is the output This is the code generator page <?php add_action('init', 'jep_latest_news_init'); function jep_latest_news_init() { // Create new Latest-News custom post type $labels = array( 'name' => _x('Latest News', 'post type general name'), 'singular_name' => _x('Latest News', 'post type singular name'), 'add_new' => _x('Add New', 'Latest News'), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New Latest News'), 'edit_item' => __('Edit Latest News'), 'new_item' => __('New Latest News'), 'view_item' => __('View Latest News'), 'search_items' => __('Search Latest News'), 'not_found' => __('No Latest News found'), 'not_found_in_trash' => __('No Latest News found in Trash'), '_builtin' => false, 'parent_item_colon' => '' ); $args = array( 'labels' => $labels, 'public' => true, 'publicly_queryable' => true, 'exclude_from_search' => false, 'show_ui' => true, 'query_var' => true, 'rewrite' => true, 'capability_type' => 'post', 'hierarchical' => false, 'menu_position' => 20, 'supports' => array('title','editor','author','thumbnail','excerpt','comments'), 'taxonomies' => array('category', 'post_tag') ); register_post_type('latest-news',$args); } /* Template function to output the latest news stories */ function jep_latest_news_loop($args = null) { $defaults = array( 'news_items' => 500, 'title' => TRUE, 'content' => FALSE, 'before_title' => '<li class="h3">', 'after_title' => '</li>', ); global $paged; $r = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $qargs=array( 'post_type'=>'latest-news', //'posts_per_page' => $r[news_items], //'paged' => $paged ); query_posts($qargs); while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <?php echo($r[before_title]);?> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a> <?php echo($r[after_title]);?> <?php endwhile; } ?> Any ideas what is dumping the extra code?
  10. My tables are: (FIELDS TABLE) ID NAME LABEL 1 ADDRESS add 2 ADDRESS2 add2 3 TOWN town (DATA TABLE) ID USER_ID FIELD_ID VALUE 1 4 1 Test home address 2 4 3 York 3 1 2 Second Home Address 4 1 3 Fife 5 2 3 Yarmouth So if I search for User ID 1 then I should get 2 results....
  11. Ah yes it is a wordpress plugin, but as its a php prob I thought I would ask here Its the table name: // Define the database table names define('WPSC_TABLE_DATA', "{$wp_table_prefix}cimy_uef_data"); define('WPSC_TABLE_FIELDS', "{$wp_table_prefix}cimy_uef_fields"); If I run it with the user ID of 4 then it works, however 1 and 5 dont (I only have the 3 users registered... How come I only get the 4th user?
  12. I've been playing and have written this: $sql = "SELECT data.USER_ID, data.VALUE AS value, fields.NAME AS name FROM wordpdem_cimy_uef_data AS data INNER JOIN wordpdem_cimy_uef_fields AS fields ON ( fields.ID = data.ID ) WHERE data.USER_ID = '1' ORDER BY data.ID DESC I echo it and it shows, and then I ran a test on it directly in SQL, which shows no rows found, however there are 5 rows with user_id of 1.... Any clues?
  13. Hey Guys, I have a DB with two tables, one is field names, the other is the data. So for example, I log in and I am user ID 1..... I need to query the DB to show all fields where user_id = 1 Field1 - Data1 Field2 - Data2 etc etc... This is what I have so far, but I dont get any output... $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".WPSC_TABLE_DATA." WHERE `user_id` == .$cu. ORDER BY id DESC"; $user= $wpdb->get_row($sql); while($user) { echo $user->name .' : '. $user->value .'<br />'; } Can you help please?
  14. ah this is generated from a wordpress site, so taken from the DB... I do, but for some reason I just feel safer adding it lol This is the code I've now edited, but the trouble I am having is generating the drop downs for the sub categories <div class="art-nav"> <div class="l"></div> <div class="r"></div> <ul class="art-menu"> <?php wpsc_start_category_query(array('category_group'=> get_option('wpsc_default_category'), 'show_thumbnails'=> get_option('show_category_thumbnails'))); ?> <?php //wpsc_print_subcategory(); ?> <li><a href="<?php wpsc_print_category_url();?>"><span class="l"></span><span class="r"></span><span class="t"><?php wpsc_print_category_name();?></a></span></a></li> <li class="art-menu-li-separator"><span class="art-menu-separator"></span></li> <?php wpsc_end_category_query(); ?> </ul> </div> This code: < ?php wpsc_print_subcategory(); ?> can have html attributes added to it, ie. < ?php wpsc_print_subcategory("<ul>", ""); ?> however I'm not 100% sure how to code the attributes..
  15. oh, urm, I meant to ask, how can I do this?
  16. Hey Guys, I'm building a site and I need a drop down menu created dynamicly.... This is the flat html code <div class="art-nav"> <div class="l"></div> <div class="r"></div> <ul class="art-menu"> <li><a href="URL 1"><span class="l"></span><span class="r"></span><span class="t">TOP LEVEL</span></a> <ul> <li><a href="URL 1">SUB CAT 1</a></li> <li><a href="URL 2">SUB CAT 2</a></li> <li><a href="URL 3">SUB CAT 3</a></li> </ul> </li> <li class="art-menu-li-separator"><span class="art-menu-separator"></span></li> <li><a href="URL 5"><span class="l"></span><span class="r"></span><span class="t">Contact Us</span></a></li> </ul> </div> This is the code that shows a dyamic code, but not in the menu... <?php wpsc_start_category_query(array('category_group'=> get_option('wpsc_default_category'), 'show_thumbnails'=> get_option('show_category_thumbnails'))); ?> <a href="<?php wpsc_print_category_url();?>" class="wpsc_category_link"><?php wpsc_print_category_name();?></a> | <?php wpsc_print_subcategory(); ?> <?php wpsc_end_category_query(); ?>
  17. Hi, Thanks for your help, I know what you are saying but I really think I want it to add all the ingredients, so I just need to work out how to display one button to add all products
  18. Hi, I'm just no further forward on this... any ideas?
  19. Well there is 18 on one of the recipes, but I not all the ingredients are in at the moment, however one of the ones has 3 on and that looks terrible
  20. very true, but it looks really messy - which is why I was hoping for one button
  21. hmmm, I like the idea, but the plan is to sell ingredients - so they can do the shoping but if the recipe takes theire fancy, they clcik buy on the single button, but then they can remove individual items from the basket if they already have them in the cupboard etc...
  22. yeah thats what I'd like.... maybe we can create an array of the item number and loop?
  23. I found this in display items functions.... <dt><?php echo __('Add to Cart Shortcode', 'wpsc'); ?>: </dt><dd>[add_to_cart=<?php echo $product_data['id'];?>]</dd> But thats the shortcode generation Is this it? ajax.functions.php function wpsc_add_to_cart() { global $wpdb, $wpsc_cart, $wpsc_theme_path; /// default values $default_parameters['variation_values'] = null; $default_parameters['quantity'] = 1; $default_parameters['provided_price'] = null; $default_parameters['comment'] =null; $default_parameters['time_requested']= null; $default_parameters['custom_message'] = null; $default_parameters['file_data'] = null; $default_parameters['is_customisable'] = false; $default_parameters['meta'] = null; Or function wpsc_add_to_cart_button($product_id, $replaced_shortcode = false) { global $wpdb; if ($product_id > 0){ if(function_exists('wpsc_theme_html')) { $product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM ".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST." WHERE id = ".$product_id." LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); //this needs the results from the product_list table passed to it, does not take just an ID $wpsc_theme = wpsc_theme_html($product); } // grab the variation form fields here $variations_processor = new nzshpcrt_variations; $variations_output = $variations_processor->display_product_variations($product_id,false, false, false); $output .= "<form onsubmit='submitform(this);return false;' action='' method='post'>"; if($variations_output != '') { //will always be set, may sometimes be an empty string $output .= " <p>".$variations_output."</p>"; } $output .= "<input type='hidden' name='wpsc_ajax_action' value='add_to_cart' />"; $output .= "<input type='hidden' name='product_id' value='".$product_id."' />"; $output .= "<input type='hidden' name='item' value='".$product_id."' />"; if(isset($wpsc_theme) && is_array($wpsc_theme) && ($wpsc_theme['html'] !='')) { $output .= $wpsc_theme['html']; } else { $output .= "<input type='submit' id='product_".$product['id']."_submit_button' class='art-button' name='Buy' value='".__('Add To Basket', 'wpsc')."' />"; } $output .= '</form>'; if($replaced_shortcode == true) { return $output; } else { echo $output; } } }
  24. Ok, I'm looking in to the code to look for the actual function Thanks for your help on this, !!!!
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