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Posts posted by php_begins

  1. I tried the above and also few other formats, but didnt get any result..

    one of the methods i tried was :

     $arrErrors['test'] = "Please Enter Client's name";


    Zend doc didnt provide any help on this one..

  2.     I have the following code in zend:


         if (!empty($this->post['submit']))
        // Each time theres an error, add an error message to the error array
               // using the field name as the key.
              if (empty($this->post['client_name']))
          $arrErrors['client_name'] = "Please Enter Client's name as it appears in the carrier software";

    if i set $this->view->arrErrors=$arrErrors in the controller,

    Can I access it as $this->arrErrors['client_name'] in the view?

  3. I have the following mysql query:

    	   SELECT `first_name`, `last_name` , `state` FROM leads WHERE `lead_id`='$lead_id'


    Now when I retrieve the above details  I need to return the first_name last_name together(separated as space) and the name of the key as client_name in the array.


    I need it that way because when i return a json_encode($lead_query), I want to return the first_name.last_name as client_name.

  4. I have this jquery.ajax form which populates data from the database and auto fills the form fields upon button click.

    It works great when the form is of type <input type="text">

    But it does not auto fill when the form field is a select box.

    here is my code so far!


    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        function myrequest(e) {
            var lead_id = $('#lead_id').val();
                 method: "GET",
                url: "/pdp/fetch-client-data/",
    		dataType: 'json',
    		cache: false,
                data: {
                    lead_id: lead_id
                success: function( responseObject ) {
                    $('#client_name').val( responseObject.client_name );
    		failure: function() 
        $('#fetchFields').click(function(e) {
    $("#lead_id").bind("change", function(e)
    <table width="600" align ='center'>
    <form action ='<?php echo $SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>' method='post'>
    		<label for="lead_id">Lead id: </label>
    		<input type="text" name="lead_id" id="lead_id">
    		<button id="fetchFields">Fetch</button>
    		Agent: <select name="agent">
    			<option value="">[select]</option>
    			<?php foreach($this->agent_query as $agent){ ?>
    		    <option value="<?php echo $agent['id']; ?>"><?php echo $agent['name'];?></option>
    		    <?php } ?>
    		<label for="client_name">Client Name:  </label>
    		<input type="text" name="client_name" id="client_name">
    		<label for="state">State: </label>
    		<select name="state" id='state'>
    		<option id='state' value='1'></option>
    		# of Policies: 
    		<select name="policies">
    			<option value="1">1</option>
    			<option value="2">2</option>
    			<option value="3">3</option>
    			<option value="4">4</option>
    		<input type="submit" value="NEXT" name="submit">

  5. I am returning the following through JSON:


    header('OK', true, 200);
    header('Content-type: application/json');
    echo json_encode($this->view->lead_query);


    I am getting the results in this format:

    [{"client_name":"Steve Harris","state":"TX"}]


    Now if the above output was displayed without the square brackets [] I can populate the values in my form correctly.

    Is there a way i can return the output without the square brackets?

  6. Thanks a lot. That solved one part of the problem. When I click fetch, the page doesnt refresh and i get a success alert.

    However it does not fill the remaining form fields. So i am not sure if the php code is getting the correct results and returning it back in proper json format.

  7. This is my php code:

    	public function fetchClientDataAction()
    	SELECT client_name,state FROM `pdp_client_info` WHERE lead_id='$leadid'
    	if(count($lead_query) > 0)
    	   echo json_encode($lead_query);

  8. I am using jquery.ajax to fetch remianing form elements when i click the fetch button.

    so i need to use something like $leadid=$_GET['leadid'] in the controller. I shall try the method above you suggested.


    This is how my view function looks like now:


    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        function myrequest(e) {
            var leadid = $('#leadid').val();
                 method: "GET",
                url: "/pdp/fetch-client-data.php",
    		dataType: 'json',
    		cache: false,
                data: {
                    leadid: leadid
                success: function( responseObject ) {
                    $('#clientname').val( responseObject.clientname );
                    once you've gotten your ajax to work, then go through and replace these dummy vals with responseObject.whatever
    		failure: function() 
        $('#fetchFields').click(function(e) {
    [code]<form action ='<?php echo $SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>' method='post'>
    		<label for="leadid">Lead id: </label>
    		<input type="text" name="leadid" id="leadid">
    		<button id="fetchFields">Fetch</button>
    		<label for="clientname">Client Name:  </label>
    		<input type="text" name="clientname" id="clientname">
    		<label for="state">State: </label>
    		<input type="text" name="state" id="state">

  9. I am a beginner in the ZEND framework.  I am passing a variable through ajax query like this

                 method: "GET",
                url: "/filename/fetch-client-data.php",
    		dataType: 'json',
          // and so on

    I need to get the variable passed by the form. I dont know how to use the $_GET['varaible name'] from the form.


    Here is what I am trying  in the controller function

    public function fetchClientDataAction()

    Can someone point me in the correct direction

  10. Here's what I got back. Can u please tell me what it means:


    id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra

    1 SIMPLE u ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 49 100.00 Using where; Using filesort

    1 SIMPLE l ref agent_id agent_id 5 consumer_united.u.id 3412 100.00 Using index

  11. Thanks guys..both the queries is literally stopping down the server.


    This is the result of explain statement for left join(phpmyadmin):

    I dont know what it means.


    id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra

    1 SIMPLE u ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 49 Using where; Using filesort

    1 SIMPLE l ref agent_id agent_id 5 u.id 1754 Using index


    I could not run an explain in my simple join query as i am waiting for someone to kill the query. The server is not responding.



  12. I was running this query and feel this is slowing down the server:


                           SELECT u.id,u.name,u.team_id,l.agent_id from users AS u,leads AS l WHERE u.id=l.agent_id AND u.team_id 
                            IS NOT   NULL AND u.is_active='1'
    		ORDER BY u.name ASC


    Is there a better way to write the above code.

  13.       Is there another way to count no of rows returned by a query.The following code returns 1 even though there is no result returned.(i am working on ZEND).


     $this->view->overdue_query = $overdue_query->fetchAll();
    	/*Get overdue count */
    	 $this->view->overdue_count = count($overdue_query);

  14. I am writing code in the ZEND framework and i need to get the current day in like 2012-02-03:

    In the controller:


    In view:


    <?php echo $this->time; ?>





    I dont know why it is displaying like that instead of once...there is no loop anywhere.



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