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Everything posted by Mahngiel

  1. Take this fiddle and run with it. http://jsfiddle.net/Mahngiel/xuTXX/1/
  2. Could you give us some sample data that might come from one of these textareas and highlight what you're wanting to extract from it.
  3. Is why i avoid this board like the plague
  4. why would you need to explode? i'm quite certain that regular expressions would be much faster than iterating through an exploded array of words.
  5. This should just be "Class itself and its children." http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.visibility.php
  6. I don't see where you've declared $AllWine
  7. she's telling you that your hashing your rules so they cannot even be read lol. You need to learn how to use callback functions. You're not validating the names nor email is unique.
  8. Q: What is the visibility of this class function: function set_name(){} * public Q: Who / What can access private properties or methods? * only the class itself Q: Who / What can access protected properties or methods? * Class itself, parents, children Q: Who / What can access public properties or methods? * Everybody :yay:
  9. Keep on waiting, nobody will give you some "real php code". You must find it yourself. I fear even linking to lmgtfy would be obtuse for this search...
  10. like i've told you before, if you've set it manually, it'll be visible through something like firebug. However, displaying something over a modal defeats the purpose of the modal. Also, if you set the modal parent's z-index, every one of it's children becomes +1 to the value you've set. But if for some reason you'd like a toolbar (or other random element) to be over the modal, then be sure to set it's value higher than the modal. You're writing the CSS, so you should know it's value anyway. And if you get lost, just give it a look up.
  11. once it's been retrieved and you intend to process it further.
  12. Browser engines do this. Are you trying to do something in particular or just gathering intel?
  13. I just got that while replying to a post. I didn't get logged out, and i was able to re-submit my reply, but it's the first time i've seen it and it reminded me of this thread.
  14. where would you expect to find it if it is not defined? you'll need to just test it out... again, look at firebug
  15. z-indexes are defined by the flow of the document. z-indexes are only set when this natural setting needs to be over-ridden. Such cases are fancy navigation menus. Firebug will display this if it is set.
  16. permissions determine who has access to read, write, and execute the file or in the directory. This has three sections: Owner, Group, Others and illustrated by a 10 'digit' association. drwxrwxrwx. Where the green d only applies if the item is a... directory. The absence of a character in the chain denotes removed permissions. ownership is determined by the creator of the file group permissions is determined by the groups associated with the creator of the file users A user's id / group determines if they have access to a file as determined by the permissions illustrated above. Your problem is that your web server (typically group www or www-data) does not have the proper permissions to write the image you are requesting. There are two scenarios as to why: [*]The folder is not writable by the user [*]The file is not writable by the user There are a slue of ways to fix this. Changing permissions of the folder, the file, changing groups, changing ownership.
  17. what are the permissions, who is the owner, and what id does the web server run with?
  18. CodeIgniter's set_value() is for validation repopulation, and belongs in the input function. form_input('field_name', set_value('field_name')). You should read CI's manual, it's quite comprehensive. Like @ChristianF said, just set the value with the variable.
  19. Cheers, Barand. You are the maestro of mysql
  20. Ok, thanks for that, Barand. Using cases and unions were something I have never needed to use before, and wasn't sure which would be the best way to go. How many case columns would you figure to be ridiculous before deciding to go the union route? (I will have 4 api resources to join)
  21. Heh, it's not the vets who have the problems. It's people who are unfamiliar with the boards. Sensitive they be... Just a suggestion for something i noticed
  22. So hey... on the new board, can signatures be prominently distinguished from post bodies? Myself and countless others have to constantly defend our signature contents from unsuspecting forum users who cannot tell the difference.
  23. Where? I dunno what you're referencing lol
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