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Everything posted by Mahngiel

  1. No... Take a look at the bottom of the Freak board, there are usually 12-20 queries each load. How would that be possible? If you have a specific question, show the goods.
  2. http://www.last.fm/user/mahngiel Yea, most def. Though, I like Banshee (gnome linux) and does a great job of scrobbling to last.fm for me.
  3. Punctuation, please use it. I have no patience to try to read this six times just to get the idea of what you want to do. Please separate important pieces of info onto new lines, nobody will get mad. In your roster controller, why are you incrementing $x ?? Your error, however, is that you're destroying the session for no reason. This means you've lost track of the current user, which means CI will generate a new one, with a new ID. Guess what's in that? Plus, guests get sessions, too, ya know?! Instead of killing the session (with your all-so-important message in it), just blank the details that keep your user logged in and kill the cookie. Tips: [*] User a master model to manipulate and validate the session [*] Don't use arrays to set_userdata, it's already an array that accepts $key, $value pairs: $this->session->set_userdata('name', 'Mahngiel'); echo $this->session->userdata('name');
  4. Heh. if you're interested, the comments are in the fiddle. http://jsfiddle.net/Mahngiel/6PakQ/1/
  5. JSFiddle >> http://jsfiddle.net/Mahngiel/gfjfv/ I'm writing a plugin for a multi-lang app, where certain list elements are translated. Accordingly these elements are written into the element with document.write(Var). Now, in the same list element, there is a number pertaining to said var wrapped in parenthesis that i'm trying to remove. Examples: All: (10) White: (3) et al My hack regex-fu works for elements that are not language-driven, but when it comes to the ones with embedded script tags, the entire page is being replaced. I understand why this is happening, but I need a viable solution. Any help appreciated!
  6. You should hide! The internet hates you, and is evidenced by bing refusing you let you participate in it's "market" research.
  7. 4:1 google. it gave much more relevant links. On a side note, i searched my name for the first time (abiding by Maq's tip) and the first result... astounding! No wonder i haven't gotten all those jobs...
  8. if you lack the capability to look up CSS and its use, then you will need to post in the freelance section to hire somebody. PHP (and all languages for that matter) require an investment of time and energy reading manuals.
  9. and i can tell you now that the issue lies here: if (swidth>=1024){ document.write("<img src=$mod_logo width=965 border=0>"); } } That says the maximum the image will be is 965px. You can use the css property background-size: cover, which will work on most modern browsers (IE >= 9)
  10. I quite think you're onto something, @CF. I ran a dumped a test.php file and there's zero mention of ctype being in there. Now, as seeing as the browser version told me it was enabled, I'm not sure if it was disabled would there be an entry stating thusly or not. Here's a bit of cli mahngiel@studio46 ~ $ php test.php > output.txt mahngiel@studio46 ~ $ cat output.txt | grep 'ctype' mahngiel@studio46 ~ $ cat output.txt phpinfo() PHP Version => 5.4.6 System => Linux studio46 3.2.0-29-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 27 17:03:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 Build Date => Aug 29 2012 15:37:55 Configure Command => './configure' '--disable-debug' '--enable-inline-optimization' '--disable-all' '--enable-hash' '--with-pear' '--with-apxs2=/home/apache2.4/bin/apxs' '--with-layout=GNU' '--enable-filter' '--with-pcre-regex' '--with-zlib' '--enable-xmlwriter' '--with-openssl' '--enable-pdo' '--with-pdo-sqlite' '--with-readline' '--with-sqlite3' '--with-iconv' '--disable-phar' '--with-libedit' '--enable-exif' '--with-bz2' '--with-gettext' '--with-mcrypt' '--with-mhash' '--with-gd' '--with-jpeg-dir' '--with-png-dir' '--with-zlib-dir' '--with-xsl' '--with-tidy' '--with-freetype-dir' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--enable-mbstring' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-dom' '--enable-xml' '--enable-soap' '--enable-libxml' '--enable-session' '--enable-simplexml' '--with-kerberos' '--with-curl' '--with-mysql-sock' '--with-mysql=mysqlnd' '--with-mysqli=mysqlnd' '--with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd' '--with-config-file-path=/home/php5.4' Now, at this point I'm not sure if I need to recompile or what. That function is pretty important to my cron jobs, so I've temporarily replaced ctype_digit() with is_numeric(). What should I do at this point?
  11. Unlikely, seeing's that the thread is 2 years old and the OP hasn't been here in 18 months. You DID see the necro warning, didn't you?
  12. QI and Butterflies were awesome for this non-brit!
  13. Ok, this is awkward. I compiled my version of 5.4.6 on this test partition, and hadn't had any errors until a few minutes ago when I came across this error. Now, according to the manual, you've had to explicitly --disable-ctype since like... 4.3. Also, according to the docs, there is no runtime config setting for this. So... dufuq? and how do i fix it?
  14. This makes me sad :'( :'(
  15. globals! hide yo kids! I tried to visit the site you posted in the OP, but it failed. So i cannot determine myself what "it doesn't work" means.
  16. Somewhere in your views directory. I pretty much copy/paste this into my MY_model class. //special routes define('ADMINCP', 'admincp/'); define('WIDGETS', 'application/widgets/'); // theme url defined define('THEME_URL', base_url() . 'application/views/' ); // places to find assets define('CSS', THEME_URL . 'assets/css/'); define('LESS', THEME_URL . 'assets/less/'); define('FONTS', THEME_URL . 'assets/fonts/'); define('JS', THEME_URL . 'assets/js/'); define('IMAGE', THEME_URL . 'assets/images/'); // reference to views from controllers define('SITE', 'templates/public/'); define('ADMIN', 'templates/admincp/'); define('WIDGET', 'templates/widgets/'); // full http link for images define('IMAGES', base_url() . 'application/views/images/'); Then you can use them in your header template like thusly: <link rel="stylesheet/css" type="text/css" href="<?php echo JS; ?>jquery-ui-1.8.21.custom.css"> <?php echo link_tag(CSS . 'style.css'); ?> In case that doesn't give you enough clues about directory structure:
  17. Garbage In, Garbage Out? Is correct. It's a VBScript concept. At least, that's when i learned it. Maybe Perl vs PHP - which is fancier?
  18. Don't Repeat Yourself. Leave the success page to do it's own work.
  19. Me: both are ancient by today's standards Jesi: what do you consider current "current" was contextually defined as abiding to specification, not "available as a download" @OP. Digging the project. Fuck IE8
  20. You (fairly) brought up IE8 to which i commended OP's disregard for it. Jesi stated nobody uses the more "current" IE9, and out of fairness for the OP, I rebutted. Share != compliance, your comparison was moot. Bottom of the page: IE9 lacks major parts of html5 and css. IE10 has been in beta for how long now? Over a year? I think chrome and FF been through at least 10 versions since then.
  21. how are you deciding usage equates to current spec standardization? And yes, according to html5test safari 5 is less html compliant than IE8, but that is not so for safari6 and ie9. When they roll out IE10 with silent updates, i'll consider it current.
  22. why not just present them with a page showing their account validation and a link to login?
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