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Everything posted by mrooks1984

  1. yea realised now, tried adding this to the code now all fine, thanks so much for your help $price = $_POST['price'][$key]; $id = $_POST['option_value_id'][$key]; // execute your query $sql = "UPDATE store_option$variation_id SET title = '$title', price = '$price' WHERE id = '$id'"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
  2. thanks for your reply, i have tried this, but only the first field is changed in the database. function post_update_variation_value() { $option_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['option_id']); $variation_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['variation_id']); $product_name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['product_name']); foreach ($_POST['title'] as $key => $value) { $title = $value; $price = $_POST['price'][$key]; // execute your query $sql = "UPDATE store_option$variation_id SET title = '$title', price = '$price' WHERE id = '$key'"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); } echo '<script>window.location="dashboard.php?page=store_variation"</script>'; } }
  3. if i use this code, i get this message: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\jubileeleather\site\admin\_class\store.php on line 654 $option_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['option_id']); $variation_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['variation_id']); $product_name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['product_name']); foreach($_POST['title'] as $key1 => $value1){ foreach($_POST['price'] as $key2 => $value2){ foreach($_POST['option_value_id'] as $key3 => $value3){ $sql = "UPDATE store_option$variation_id SET title = '$value1', price = '$value2' WHERE id = '$value3'"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); } } } echo '<script>window.location="dashboard.php?page=store_variation"</script>'; }
  4. thanks for your replies, is it does update fine, but each field has the last result
  5. hello, i am hoping someone can help, i have multiple post results that need to go one by one into a table heres the form i have: echo '<h2>Update Variation Values</h2>'; echo '<div id ="content_form">'; echo '<form method="post" action="">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="option_id" value="' . $option_id . '">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="variation_id" value="' . $variation_id . '">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="product_name" value="' . $product_name . '">'; $sql = "SELECT * FROM store_option$variation_id WHERE product = '$product_name'"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { echo '<div id="content_title"><label for="title[]">Title:</label></div>'; echo '<div id="content_box"><input name="title[]" type="text" id="title" value="' . $row['title'] . '" /></div>'; echo '<div id="content_title"><label for="price[]">Price:</label></div>'; echo '<div id="content_box"><input name="price[]" type="text" id="price[]" value="' . $row['price'] . '" /></div>'; } echo '<div id="content_body"><input type="submit" name="post_update_variation_value" value="Save Values"></div></form>'; echo '</div>'; } heres my current code echo '<pre>',print_r($_POST,true); foreach($_POST['title'] as $key => $value){ if($value !=''){ $sql = "UPDATE store_option$variation_id SET title = '$value', price = '$price' WHERE product = '$product_name'"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); } else { echo "Option $key is empty<br />"; } } its currently just doing the last result and filling up the database with that result, many thanks all.
  6. thanks for your responces, looks like it not possible the way i wanted too, i go away and have a rethink. thanks again all.
  7. thanks for your responce, the issue is with this code it sometimes only has one value in the post see the code below. //Get option values foreach($_POST['option_value'] as $key => $value){ if($value !=''){ $product_option_values[] = array("option_value" => $value); } } so if i replicate this from your code: $arr_title = array("Colours","Values","Test","Something else"); $arr_opt = array("Black","76"); $arr_res = array_combine($arr_title, $arr_opt); foreach ($arr_res as $key => $value) { if($value == ''){ // skip empty values continue; } echo "Title: ".$key."\n"."Value: ".$value.'<br />'; } i get this error: Warning: array_combine(): Both parameters should have an equal number of elements in C:\xampp\htdocs\jubileeleather\site\_class\store.php on line 237 this is the main issue, is sometimes the values has less results then the title, so needs to unstead of looping the one value around all the titles, is just to stop when there isnt any more values.
  8. thanks for the post, could you do a example so i can see what you mean please?
  9. hello jesirose this was my code before, all i want it to do is stop looping when there are no values left, it currently get values from a form and puts the results into 2 arrays one is a list of all the titles ($product_option_title) and one is all the values ($product_option_value), the values are selected from a drop down menu, so sometimes there is less values then titles, but sometimes the values and the titles are the same. so again if say the values is black, the titles are color and size, if only color is selected in the drop down menu the value would only have the value black. So what it needs to do is go right there is only black in the value, get the title then stop the loop, instead of going color black, size black. hope i have explained it clear enough. as i said before in a post i don't think it needs merging into another array(might be wrong). //Create cart option $cart_option = ''; if (isset($product_option_values)) { foreach ($product_option_titles as $product_option_title) { foreach ($product_option_values as $product_option_value) { $cart_option .= $product_option_title['option_title']." : ".$product_option_value['option_value']." "; } } } print_r($product_option_titles); print_r($product_option_values); echo $cart_option;
  10. this is the full code //merge together both arrays $new_cart_options =array_merge($product_option_titles,$product_option_values); //merged arrays //loop combined arrays foreach($new_cart_options as $options) //setting output inside variable $output= $options['option_title']." : ".$options['option_value']." "; //output option title and value. //making sure array is set and is not empty if(isset($output) && !empty($output)){ print_r($output); echo $output; }else{ print "Array is not set or is empty"; } i am getting this still: Notice: Undefined index: option_value in C:\xampp\htdocs\jubileeleather\site\_class\store.php on line 239 Notice: Undefined index: option_value in C:\xampp\htdocs\jubileeleather\site\_class\store.php on line 239 Notice: Undefined index: option_title in C:\xampp\htdocs\jubileeleather\site\_class\store.php on line 239 : Black : Black this is 239: $output= $options['option_title']." : ".$options['option_value']." "; doesent seem to like this: $options['option_title'] or $options['option_value'] array print out is same as other post. thanks for your help so far
  11. i am getting this: Notice: Undefined index: option_value in C:\xampp\htdocs\jubileeleather\site\_class\store.php on line 240 Colours : Colours : Notice: Undefined index: option_value in C:\xampp\htdocs\jubileeleather\site\_class\store.php on line 240 Test : Test : Notice: Undefined index: option_title in C:\xampp\htdocs\jubileeleather\site\_class\store.php on line 240 : Black : Black this is 240: $output= $options['option_title']." : ".$options['option_value']." ";
  12. thanks for that, dident notice that, until you pointed it out, displaying fine now. i need to have a think how to get it displayed like i need it now title - value then if no value dont display the title this is the print array Array ( [option_title] => Colours ) Array ( [option_title] => Test ) Array ( [option_value] => Black ) Array ( [option_value] => Bacon ) for the other arrays i did in the script i just do this to show certain results echo $options['option_title']; when i do this i get this: Notice: Undefined index: option_title in C:\xampp\htdocs\jubileeleather\site\_class\store.php on line 239 so how do i do this please?
  13. strange i changed to to the $key = and i get: Notice: Array to string conversion in C:\xampp\htdocs\jubileeleather\site\_class\store.php on line 239 0 = Array/n Notice: Array to string conversion in C:\xampp\htdocs\jubileeleather\site\_class\store.php on line 239 1 = Array/n Notice: Array to string conversion in C:\xampp\htdocs\jubileeleather\site\_class\store.php on line 239 2 = Array/n Notice: Array to string conversion in C:\xampp\htdocs\jubileeleather\site\_class\store.php on line 239 3 = Array/n
  14. //merge together both arrays $new_cart_options =array_merge ($product_option_titles,$product_option_values); //merged arrays //loop combined arrays foreach($new_cart_options as $key => $value) { //print key value print $key.$value; } 239 is print $key.$value;
  15. i am now getting this: Notice: Array to string conversion on line 239 0Array Notice: Array to string conversion on line 239 1Array Notice: Array to string conversion on line 239 2Array
  16. with your last post i get this: Notice: Array to string conversion on line 239 0Array Notice: Array to string conversion on line 239 1Array
  17. i get this now: Notice: Undefined variable: cart_options on line 241 Notice: Array to string conversion on line 241 Array heres the code //Create cart option $cart_option = ''; //checks if value is set and not empty no zero no float value 0.0 no NULL no FALSE if (isset($product_option_values) && !empty($product_option_values)) { //merge together both arrays $cart_options .= $product_option_titles+$product_option_values; //for testing purposes print_r($cart_options); } echo $cart_option;
  18. i also tried that but i couldn't get it to add the spacing and : between the title and the value and get it to call the results. there must be a way to tell it to stop looping the option title when there are no values, just cant figure out how
  19. thanks for getting back to me i did have a look at count but couldent figure out how to do it, so how do i add the stuff to get each loop to add them togeather like this: $cart_option .= $product_option_title['option_title']." : ".$product_option_value['option_value']." ";
  20. hi thanks again this is the print_r : Array ( [0] => Array ( [option_title] => Colours ) [1] => Array ( [option_title] => Test ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [option_value] => Black ) ) and the echo: Colours : Black Test : Black heres the code now: if (isset($product_option_values) && !empty($product_option_values)) { //checks if value is set and not empty no zero no float value 0.0 no NULL no FALSE foreach ($product_option_titles as $product_option_title) { foreach ($product_option_values as $product_option_value) { $cart_option .= $product_option_title['option_title']." : ".$product_option_value['option_value']." "; } } } print_r($product_option_titles); print_r($product_option_values); echo $cart_option; thanks again
  21. thanks for your re ponce, i had tried them earlier today but it dident make a difference.
  22. hello all i am hoping someone can help me, i have to arrays some times the product_option_values has less or the same values as the product_option_titles when its less i want it to stop when its run out of values instead of continuing and duplicating the product_option_values until product_option_values has run out of values: see the $cart_option here, Test : Black heres the code, really hope someone can help me i have been trying to figure it out all day. //Create cart option $cart_option = ''; if (isset($product_option_values)) { foreach ($product_option_titles as $product_option_title) { foreach ($product_option_values as $product_option_value) { $cart_option .= $product_option_title['option_title']." : ".$product_option_value['option_value']." "; } } } print_r($product_option_titles); print_r($product_option_values); echo $cart_option; heres the print_r's and the echo product_option_titles = Array ( [0] => Array ( [option_title] => Colours ) [1] => Array ( [option_title] => Test ) ) product_option_values = Array ( [0] => Array ( [option_value] => Black ) ) $cart_option = Colours : Black Test : Black thanks all.
  23. hello, hoping someone can help i am stuck on the last bit. if (isset($product_option_values)) { foreach ($store_variations_values as $store_variation_values) { foreach ($product_option_values as $product_option_value) { if($product_option_value == $store_variation_values['title']) { $option_value_price += $store_variation_values['price']; } } } the code above doesent seem to be working i am getting no errors but its not adding it up the if($product_option_value == $store_variation_values['title']) is supposed to compare the option value and get the price for that item from the array, its working it out as 0 and should be 23 including the second value of the loop (1 is 22 and the other is 1) hoping someone could point out were i have gone wrong.
  24. hi, i this is how i am getting the information into the array //get option prices foreach($_POST['option_price'] as $key => $value){ if($value !=''){ $product_option_prices[] = array("option_price" => $_POST['option_price']); } } and this is the price bit again this is the full print out: Array ( [option_value] => Array ( [1] => Black [2] => Bacon ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [option_price] => Array ( [1] => 5.00 [2] => 0.00 ) ) [1] => Array ( [option_price] => Array ( [1] => 5.00 [2] => 0.00 ) ) ) 0 $option_price = 0; if (isset($product_option_values)) { foreach ($product_option_values as $product_option_value); foreach ($product_option_prices as $product_option_price) { //$option_price += $product_option_price['option_price']; } print_r($product_option_value); print_r($product_option_prices); } i thought this is how i call that array $product_option_price['option_price'];?
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