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Posts posted by jayhawker

  1. I have a menu that is derived with CSS and an unorganized list as such:



          <li id="li1"><a href="#" id="mainMenu1" accesskey="1" title="" class="menuItem1">1</a></li>

          <li id="li2"><a href="#" id="mainMenu2" accesskey="2" title="" class="menuItem2">2</a>


                        <li id="li2a"><a href="#" id="mainMenu2" accesskey="2" title="" class="subMenuItem1">2a</a></li>



          <liid="li3"><a href="#" id="mainMenu1" accesskey="3" title="" class="menuItem3">3</a></li>



    When a user hovers over li2 , I have hover css for both the list item (li2) and the a link (menuItem2) working fine.  For this particular purpose I want to have different CSS attributes for the li and a tags when hovered over.


    When I hover over menuItem2 down to the sub menu item (subMenuItem2), the css hover attributes applied to the higher level li (li2) stay, but the they disappear for the a link (subMenuItem1) defaulting back to the default a CSS attributes.


    What do I do in CSS to have the attributes stick for the a tag in this particular situation when hovering over a lower level list item?



  2. Thanks again for trying to help.  Unfortunately, I have issues that I haven't been able to resolve.  No errors, I just don't get any data. 


    Using the code above, the numbers represent an actual order number, there is data in the fields, but for some reason I don't get anything back when I trying to use it in a function on the page.  I have the exact same code in another part of part of the page tha tis not in a function and it works fine, pulling the data from the tables and displaying it in an echo. 


    The function that I am trying to accomplish the same thing in is to e-mail the same information that echoe's successfully.  I am about to pull my hair out trying to figure out why I can't get any data.


    Any ideas? 

  3. Thanks!  That was very hefpful.  Yes, I am using DreamWeaver but only because this particular web app was created 5 years ago in it and has several add-ins.


    What editor do you recommend.  I am usually developing with .net using Visual Studio. 


    Also, if I were to write the following code:


    $orderID = '45495562754892521062894091';

    mysql_select_db($database_mx_shop, $t_shop);

    $query_rsOrderDetails = sprintf("SELECT * FROM orderdetail_ode WHERE idord_ode = $orderID");

    $rsOrderDetails = mysql_query($query_rsOrderDetails, $t_shop);

    $row_rsOrderDetails = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsOrderDetails);


    If I have a field named "firstname" in the database "orderdetail" , would I not use the following code to get the value that is in "firstname" for the record with the the primarkey 45495562754892521062894091 ?

    $firstname = $row_rsOrderDetails['firstname'];


    Thanks again for the assistance.


    In the following code: what do the following basicall do?

    1.) $colname_rsOrderDetails = "-1";

    2.) $colname_rsOrderDetails = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_SESSION['id_ord'] : addslashes($_SESSION['id_ord']);

    3.) $query_rsOrderDetails = sprintf("SELECT * FROM orderdetail_ode WHERE idord_ode = %s", GetSQLValueString($colname_rsOrderDetails, "text"));


    And also what does the %s stand for

    4.) %s


    $colname_rsOrderDetails = "-1";

      $_SESSION['id_ord'] = "{id_ord}";

    if (isset($_SESSION['id_ord'])) {

      $colname_rsOrderDetails = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_SESSION['id_ord'] : addslashes($_SESSION['id_ord']);


    mysql_select_db($database_t_shop, $t_shop);

    $query_rsOrderDetails = sprintf("SELECT * FROM orderdetail_ode WHERE idord_ode = %s", GetSQLValueString($colname_rsOrderDetails, "text"));

    $rsOrderDetails = mysql_query($query_rsOrderDetails, $mx_shop); or die(mysql_error());

    $row_rsOrderDetails = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsOrderDetails);




  5. Thanks for the replies.  That cleared up some confusion for me.


    I still have a problem though.


    Trying to set a variable = to a value in following way, I can't get access to it in a function for some reason.  But I konw the variable has a value because If I echo it outside the function I am trying to call it from I get the correct results on the screen.


    $colname_rsOrderInformation = "-1";

    if (isset($_SESSION['KT_kartOrderId'])) {

      $colname_rsOrderInformation = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_SESSION['KT_kartOrderId'] : addslashes($_SESSION['KT_kartOrderId']);


    mysql_select_db($database_t_shop, $t_shop);

    $query_rsOrderInformation = sprintf("SELECT * FROM order_ord WHERE id_ord = %s", GetSQLValueString($colname_rsOrderInformation, "text"));

    $rsOrderInformation = mysql_query($query_rsOrderInformation, $mx_shop) or die(mysql_error());

    $row_rsOrderInformation = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsOrderInformation);

    $totalRows_rsOrderInformation = mysql_num_rows($rsOrderInformation);


    $test = $row_rsOrderInformation['email_ord'];  //email_ord exists in the table and a value will show up if echoed outside of the function but it won't show up with-in the function.

    //$test = 'test1';  // If is use this value for the variable, it will show up in the function.

    function Trigger_SendEmail(&$tNG) {

      $emailObj = new tNG_Email($tNG);






      $emailObj->setContent($GLOBALS['test']);  //Note: I will get a correct value here if $test is set to anything other then the value of a field from the table





      return $emailObj->Execute();


    //end Trigger_SendEmail trigger



    What am I doing wrong?

  6. If I hard code the To address such as a@acme.com  into my email function, no problems.  But if I try using a variable I get an error.  The error doesn't give me any valuable information and is generated from some old code that I never wrote.


    If I place the same variable such as "a@acme.com" into any other field such as content, subject I get the value for the variable so I know that it isn't null.


    I have tried all the methods of converting to a string and nothing changes.


    Any ideas?

  7. Thanks for the replies.  I am not normally using PHP (.net instead) and so I may be making some wrong assumptions here.  This is some rather old code that I didn't write, and I am trying to fix some things that never worked.


    The existing code updates a record like this:

    $updRecord_ord->addColumn("firstname_ord", "STRING_TYPE", "POST", "firstname_ord");


    I can put any single form variable (i.e. lastname_ord, address_ord) in where the second "firstname_ord" is, and I do not have a problem. But if I try to place a variable that has been concenated instad, I get nothing as a result.  No error, just nothing.  If I have a name in the firstname field of the textbox, the record gets updated with the first name.


    Here is a sample of the code:

    $firstname = "firstname_ord". " " . "lastname_ord";

    $updRecord_ord->addColumn("firstname_ord", "STRING_TYPE", "POST", $firstname);


    firstname_ord and lastname_ord are names of textboxes as well as to have matcing names for columns in a MySQL Table.


    They are in a table as such:




          input type="text" name="firstname_ord" id="firstname_ord" value="<?php echo ASescapeAttribute($row_rs_ord['firstname_ord']); ?>" />




          <td><input type="text" name="lastname_ord" id="lastname_ord" value="<?php echo ASescapeAttribute($row_rs_ord['lastname_ord']); ?>" />



  8. I normally don't have a problem with concenation, but for some reason I can't get it work in this case.


    I have two form variables: firstname_ord and lastname_ord.

    I have tried concenating them several ways, and get nothing afterwards.


    attempt 1:

    $lastname = "firstname_ord" . " " . "lastname_ord";


    attempt 2:

    $firstname = "firstname_ord";

    $lastname = "lastname_ord";

    $fullname = $firstname . " " . $lastname;


    attempt 3:

    $fullname = "firstname_ord";

    $fullname = $fullname. " " . "lastname_ord";


    attempt 4:

    $fullname = "firstname_ord";

    $fullname .="lastname_ord";


    attempt 5:


    $fullname = (string)"firstname_ord";

    $fullname .= " ";

    $fullname .=(string)"lastname_ord";

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